Running/jogging with a dog!



  • katejenkins1
    katejenkins1 Posts: 210 Member
    My old girl can't do a lot of running, nasty arthritis in her hind legs. But we walk together at least 3 nights a week for about 3-4 miles.
    She's a cairn terrier/cocker spaniel mix, medium size
  • PeachyPlum
    PeachyPlum Posts: 1,243 Member
  • I saw a few great training tips!

    The important thing is to know your dog's limits. My pitbull loves a good sprint but would rather backpack and hike long distances. My husky can run FOREVER.

    If I am going for a long run, I take my husky. If I am going short, sweet and fast I take the pitbull. If we are doing endurance hiking I take them both.
  • Jo_permiegirl
    Jo_permiegirl Posts: 38 Member
    I adore my dog, but she thinks the word 'heel' means 'mush' and she takes off, dragging me behind her all the while. I use a regular collar, and she makes hacking sounds the whole time, so it is NOT fun. My friend ended up poking a hole in her dog's throat by using a pinch collar, so that's out. I've seen ads for shock collars, but that seems cruel. The thought of taking her with me on a walk brings dread, but not walking brings guilt, so I'm stuck. She never seems to tire while on a walk. Because of a former back fracture, my doctor doesn't want me running. If I can't speed up, and she can't slow down, then we're in a pickle! :tongue:

    i had problems with my guys pulling and coughing too. I now use the head halti's and its now great!! I can walk all 4 of them together. (don't know about jogging, I think they would trip me and kill me!!) but I can't recommed this style of dog restraint highly enough!!