chicken wings



  • bighouse51
    bighouse51 Posts: 30 Member
    It'll take your body about 2 or 3 days to "get back to normal" after the elevated intake of fats and sodium. And, I don't know of any "Wing Nights" that do not include a few cold ones, that too may add to the weight retention.

    Try this, If Wing night is Thursday, change your weigh in day to Wednesday, that will give you as many days as you can to work them off... also, up your exercise on Friday knowing that those 45 minutes are only trying to erase the damage meaning, that exercise isn't going to tap in to what you are trying to lose, only acting as damage control.

    I know, it's a rough life.
    PHLLLY Posts: 160 Member
    I don't think that should ruin your diet as long as you eat pretty well the rest of the week. The lack of weight loss could easily be caused by the restaurant using a significant amount of salt. Drink lots of water over the weekend and try weighing yourself on Sunday or Monday. If you still haven't lost weight, there is probably some other problem.

    He's right. The amount that you aren't losing is water weight caused by sodium in the diet. Water tends to go where sodium leads it. Ie through your blood stream. Remove the skins if there is any! Can you go for Chicken tenderloins instead? Grilled or baked and not deep fried. The amount of fat in chicken wings can affect your daily intake and the tenders have less fat and in my opinion are more satisfying. You also don't have to get your fingers dirty if that's not your thing. White meat has slightly less calories and fat than dark meat. Not much, but if that's what you're worried about I would go with the breast.
  • redlion45
    redlion45 Posts: 155 Member
    anglemd80.. thats the best part, the sauce! ;) lol

    umm i wouldn't say they are LOADED with sauce, at least 3/4 of the wing has some on it... at the very most 10 wings? and no not drinking :)

    Check around on this site and others, but in talking with a nutrutionist (I love wings and asked pretty much the same question) she told me there are about 100 calories a pop with any kind of sauce (more with breading). 100 x 10 = 1000 cal. Kind of a bummer!:sad: Would that bust your week? Only you can say, but it will probably bust your day.
  • mystiedragonfly
    mystiedragonfly Posts: 189 Member
    I think i would rather die than give up my hot wings lol

    I am with this guy :)

    I have found ways to make them healthier at home, but you are eating out, so that doesn't help.

    If you are busting your butt in the gym and eating right, the wings won't bust your hard work all up. If you feel guilty, get a salad with them. Eat the salad first, then the wings. You'll be too full to finish the wings and can take the left overs home for naughty Saturday night snack too.
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    i guess i haven't ever up'd my cal intake since I have started mfp either.. mfp put me at 1200 cals. When I first started I was losing weight really easy..this was at 167lbs. I easily lost 12lbs and then hit a plateau. I got off track for awhile and gained back about 5lbs so now I am sitting at 162 and haven't been able to lose anything since.

    i am currently doing insanity, on day 12. and I am 90% of the time under my calorie goal, trying to eat healthy (although, yes, i could be doing better at this!)

    I am kinda wondering about the "calorie shock" thing, where I up my calories for a week or so and then drop back down to 1200? have any of you tried this? does it even work? is it a crock?

    or should I be uping my cals in general? hmm

    I have a co-worker who subscribes to the belief that you have to "fake" your body out. He's lost over 80 lbs, so he must be doing something right.
  • angie_sample
    theres probably a lot of sodium in the wing sauce so your weight will be up a day or two after u eat them but thats just bc u ate more salt. I would suggest weighing in the day before once a week and seeing what happens.
  • ashisashortone
    ashisashortone Posts: 14 Member
    I go to buffalo wild wings and they have "naked" tenders under their appetizer menu. They're just pieces of grilled chicken with your choice of sauce served on the side. I find that what I missed most about chicken wings was not the fried goodness, but the flavor of the sauce. With that option, you still get flavor, but not as many calories. I just give half the fries it comes with to my bf and it's all good!
  • Soultwist
    Soultwist Posts: 19 Member
    I would think that changing weigh in day to Wednesday will give you a better idea of where you are with actual weight. However, if your weighing in consistently after wing night you should still go down week over week.

    How much over are the wings putting you? Where are you compared to your calorie goal over the entire week?
  • Chood5
    Chood5 Posts: 259 Member
    Are the battered then fried? Try getting them naked and dip em in the sauce. Saves a lot of calories and carbs....
  • flong1975
    flong1975 Posts: 56
    My Friday cheat meal is this: 1 Bacardi and diet, 5 hot and honey wings with blue cheese, a bbq pulled pork sandwich with slaw and a handful of fries. I ususally blow my calories by 400 or so but I do not kick myself for it because I am so careful the other 6 days. I drink a ton of water and make sure I do not even touch a scale until Wednesday or Thursday morning! The wings are what puts me over the numbers but I do not care! I think if you deprive yourself, you will only end up binging.
  • emilynicole02
    emilynicole02 Posts: 355 Member
    I would think that changing weigh in day to Wednesday will give you a better idea of where you are with actual weight. However, if your weighing in consistently after wing night you should still go down week over week.

    How much over are the wings putting you? Where are you compared to your calorie goal over the entire week?

    The wings aren't putting me over my calories at all. I am still under.
  • emilynicole02
    emilynicole02 Posts: 355 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    I have changed my settings to 1420 cal intake. I think this should help, right? I'm going to try this for a week or two and see what happens...I also am going to change my weigh in day to Wednesday's. I think that will help out a lot so I don't feel so sluggish and un-motivated come Friday to try and stay positive for the weekend!
  • katyconser
    katyconser Posts: 92 Member
    they may be really high in sodium, so you might be retaining a lot of water weight for your weigh-in day. i sometimes slip on friday/sat, so my weigh-in days are tues and fri mornings... at least for now!
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    I think i would rather die than give up my hot wings lol

    I am with this guy :)

    I have found ways to make them healthier at home, but you are eating out, so that doesn't help.

    If you are busting your butt in the gym and eating right, the wings won't bust your hard work all up. If you feel guilty, get a salad with them. Eat the salad first, then the wings. You'll be too full to finish the wings and can take the left overs home for naughty Saturday night snack too.

    pass on the tips!