Anyone have some grocery shopping advice?



  • TNTwedell
    TNTwedell Posts: 277 Member
    My advice is if it's questionable (as in you really shouldn't eat it or very well may get home and completely pig out on it), don't put it in the cart! This is the hardest step for me, walking by all the Ben & Jerry's, spicy Cheez-its, and all my other vices... but if I don't put it in the cart, I won't buy it, and if I don't buy it, I won't eat it. I know that once my trigger foods are in my house, portion control becomes a laughable concept.

    10000% - thats me too!
    i go with "if i saw this in someone else's cart, would i know they were trying to be healthy?".... judgement of others works really well for me in this instance -
    and yes - its easier for me to resist the temptation in the store vs in my cupboard!
  • Jezebel_Barbie
    Jezebel_Barbie Posts: 198 Member
    + Plan your meals
    + Stick to your list!
    + Eat something before you go so you're not shopping on an empty stomach

    That's about it really. If you know what you want, stick to it and aren't tempted to by hunger to buy random stuff you'll be ok.