whats wrong with me???



  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    I get the same way when stressed out. Try to make some protein shakes so your getting the right nutrients.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    I have been very good at eating exactly what I should. I plan it and just eat what I have planned and I always stay within my calorie goal. Well, not anymore.

    This week has been so stressful. My husband has some health problems that got worse this week. Its very scary to see the person you love going through stuff that just isn't fair!

    Now, everything that I used to eat has been making me sick. I will choke down half of a cheese stick, gaging the whole time. I used to love them. I cant even bring myself to eat any chicken, turkey or basically any of my normal protein sources. I forced myself to eat eggs this morning but it was torture.

    But.... I can eat a whole bag of M&Ms with no problem. :(

    I just dont know what to do. I know what I SHOULD be eating but it is making me physically sick! Its crazy. I just dont know what to do. I havent even been logging my food lately because it will just look like this - chocolate, cinnabuns, m&ms, coffee & ginger chews(for nausea). I am not even kidding.

    How do I get this to go away? I just want to get back on track, I am almost at my goal, I need to get back to normal!! Has anyone else ever felt this way? How do I stop feeling disgusted by my normal healthy food?

    Oh and just wanted to add that I am definitely NOT pregnant. lol

    Sounds like stress and depression. Talk to your doctor. I get like that too.
  • onyx1972
    onyx1972 Posts: 133 Member
    Nothing... you are stress eating.. it may not be a "normal" response but we all do it... Comfort in Food is common and very dangerous... You will be ok, you just have to step back, stop beating yourself up and just keep trying... you will get there... and a side note,,, I hope your hubby feels better soon :)
  • Meg177
    Meg177 Posts: 215 Member
    The usual stuff. 6 small healthy meals per day. Eat every few hours hungry or not. Ditch the coffee – it won’t help. Lots and lots of water. Sleep hygiene. Bed and up at the same time everyday. I’d do a monistat cycle just to help with the yeast overgrowth from all the sugar (stress aggravates it too) which makes the sugar/yeast cravings way worse.

    Easy to tell somebody else, hard to do:wink: I hope things ease up for you soon.