Runners do you ever get tummy troubles after a run?



  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    i always go to the bathroom before going for a run... otherwise im in big trouble..

    Exercise gets your insides moving..
  • AJLovinLife
    AJLovinLife Posts: 125 Member
    She didn't have anything specific because she said it was a lot of trial and error to find out what works for each individual. She said to start with a breakfast that is higher in protein. After my run she suggested low fat chocolate milk and then no food for about 2 hours. She did say that the reason I am struggling is that the digestion is way slowed during the run and then when we stop running it kicks into overdrive.

    I have started to add protein powder to my oats in the morning. On the low fat chocolate milk after, I have seen that posted quite a bit do you think chocolate hazelnut milk will have the same effect? I avoid cows milk as my boys are allergic and I don't want to tempt them. A friend gave me a little gel pouch (I have no idea what it was) before our last run, I am not sure if it helped or not I was a hot mess for other reasons, as I forgot my inhaler. I do know that it was strawberry and banana flavoring and I will now be avoiding that taste for a while...
  • jessihoover
    jessihoover Posts: 63
    You could be dehydrated! I get bad stomach problems when I dont drink enough water.
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
    I think it only makes sense.... just like we take our dogs for walks for them to go potty - exercise helps 'get things moving' if you will.... :)

  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    After some runs, I have tummy troubles indeed. Actually, there have been many runs, usually in the summer (I think the heat just messes with my Norwegian genes), where I start out just fine, and then about 3 miles into it, I have to literally sprint back home, because my stomach decided that it didn't appreciate what I gave to it and went into emergency evacuation mode.

    Most of the time, I don't have huge stomach issues, though I have noticed that if I eat certain things within about four hours before a run, it never sits well. Dairy, when I used to have it, NEVER sat well, sometimes even over four hours before running, so I finally just gave that up entirely. Also things like fruits or veggies with higher fiber do not sit well at all before exercise, because it's like my stomach panics and ejects all things fibrous. Bad new bears..

    A lot of it, like people have said, is trial and error, and you'll have to play with things like diet and timing a bit before you figure out an optimal running mode.
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    I was dealing with this about a week ago and looked it up online:

    I have since made sure I tried to go to the bathroom, as well as made sure I hadn't had any juice or caffeine for a few hours before I run. I also now make sure to drink some water first. I find that there is less urge to pee than to poop (sorry,) and I am pretty sure that drinking water has helped. Just finished 6.7 mi with no intestinal distress and no need to cut the run short!

    Best of luck to you!
  • lilmissmanx
    lilmissmanx Posts: 81 Member
    I generally get this before exercise - running, long walks and rugby games. I think its a nerves thing. I usually take an Immodium about 30 mins before, which does the trick. However may not be the best approach if you're popping a stomach blocking pill every day!
  • lawmama_
    lawmama_ Posts: 103 Member
    It happens to everyone, even experienced athletes. When I used to run Cross Country and Track, my coach used to tell us, the night before meets, to "move our bowels." Try going to the bathroom before you run. Try even if you "don't feel like going."