Hi I am Jeannie

:happy: I am located in Alabama. I am trying to do Atkins diet. I started yesterday. Nice to meet ya'll.


  • onegroovylady
    :happy: I am located in Alabama. I am trying to do Atkins diet. I started yesterday. Nice to meet ya'll.
  • dogwdots
    dogwdots Posts: 146
    Welcome! Good luck with your diet. My husband tried it but couldn't stay on Atkins. he found it too restrictive.
  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    Welcome aboard. I did the Scarsdale diet a long time ago and then did Atkins both with success the problem is that I didn't really change my lifestyle eating habits once I transitioned from these programs. With this site I'm paying more attention to portion control through calorie management. You probably need to have an exit strategy after you achieve your goals on Atkins.

    Good luck and welcome aboard.