Fat 2 Fit CONFUSED (long)

ok so I just recently joined and am trying to figure out how many calories I should be eating. I just had a 3 year on/off with a couple of VLC diets with shakes and proteins and very little food. this caused me to start/ lose some/ stop binge one last time so I could start again. I had went from 206 down to 171 then did one last stop/eat whatever cause i am going on a diet plus it is vacation.. before coming here recently.

I am very happy to have found hope that I can make this a lifestyle change where I can actually EAT! on a VLC diet there is many negative emotions attached to anything with carbs and over 1000 calories.....definatly can not live like that so I gave that up a and by actually EATING for a week(and still not squeaky clean or as well as I could have) I have now lost 4 lbs :)

I have been reading up on people's diary's and posts trying to gain any nuggets and have come across things like tdee and fat 2 fit...I went to the site and did my calculations and come up with

Harris Benedict BMR 1585
BF% 32.98
Lean mass 119
sed cal 1709
light active cal 1958
mod active cal 2207

Now what do I do with these calculations? Eat 1585 plus any cals burned? eat 1709 plus cals burned? or just workout 1-3 times a week and eat 1958?
I am so confused as I try to re-wire my brain... right now I am not working out but I plan to start soon (tonight with a walk and soon regular visits to the gym) I want my heart and lungs to be as healthy as this behind is gonna look in jeans ;)


  • grimm1974
    grimm1974 Posts: 337 Member
    I'm kinda in the same boat as you, so I may be just as confused. I'm really just learning the BMR versus TDEE stuff. But here is what I kinda of figured.

    Okay, so you take your TDEE number. I took the TDEE for sed. Then you take your BMR number for sed. You basically set up a range. For me, my TDEE is like 2892. My BMR is like 2108. So, my goal should fall between them. I chose a goal of 2300, which should set me up to lose between 1-2 lbs a week. If you exercise and you use the sed numbers, you probably want to eat your exercise numbers up to the point where your net is over your BMR. If you choose an active TDEE and BMR, then that exercise is kinda calculated into the equation already. Once you start hitting plateaus or the weight loss slows, you want to redo your calculations.

    That is my basic understanding. I guess I'll know if it is accurate in a few weeks.
  • jfaure23
    jfaure23 Posts: 114 Member
    You guys are on the right track.

    To eat correctly under the Fat2Fit plan, you need to first of all choose an activity level. If you choose an activity level greater than sedentary, then it is assumed that you do not enter or eat back your exercise calories. This is likely the best option if you do not have a heart rate monitor. You will eat the same number of cals each day. The number of cals you eat will be the same number of cals you eat when your goal weight is reached.

    JML, I would say you are lightly active. This means that you should be consuming about 1958 cals per day. This is the amount of cals you eat, regardless of whether or not you exercise, as it is assumed you will be lightly exercising 1 - 3 days per week. You should not eat any less than your BMR, but if you far from your goal weight (ie. 20+ lbs) you can eat between your BMR and TDEE to accelerate your weight loss at this point. In your case, 1700 or 1750 cals per day would be a fair number.

    Remember too to recalculate whenever you lose 5 pounds to ensure you are still on track.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    You guys are on the right track.

    To eat correctly under the Fat2Fit plan, you need to first of all choose an activity level. If you choose an activity level greater than sedentary, then it is assumed that you do not enter or eat back your exercise calories. This is likely the best option if you do not have a heart rate monitor. You will eat the same number of cals each day. The number of cals you eat will be the same number of cals you eat when your goal weight is reached.

    JML, I would say you are lightly active. This means that you should be consuming about 1958 cals per day. This is the amount of cals you eat, regardless of whether or not you exercise, as it is assumed you will be lightly exercising 1 - 3 days per week. You should not eat any less than your BMR, but if you far from your goal weight (ie. 20+ lbs) you can eat between your BMR and TDEE to accelerate your weight loss at this point. In your case, 1700 or 1750 cals per day would be a fair number.

    Remember too to recalculate whenever you lose 5 pounds to ensure you are still on track.
    Finally, someone explains it! Thank you so much.