5'2-ish Women That Have Been Successful

Tell me about a typical day - cals netted, exercise, etc!

I'm 5'2.5" and have about 45lbs to lose...looking to meet women who have done it!


  • cmccorma
    cmccorma Posts: 203 Member
    bump! I would like to see responses too! I am 5'2" and have been at this for about two months and have lost 11 and a half pounds. So I am successful so far, but I need to lose 30 more. I net 1,200 calories a day. I work out for an hour on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and try to do 20 minutes during the weekdays (I work four ten hour days). Plus I have a 5 month old at home. So weekdays it's hard to get exercise in. I have a treadmill at home so I don't leave my baby again to go to the gym. My hubby watches her while I hop on the treadmill. I don't eat exercise calories back except on weekends (as I don't think 20 minutes of treadmill burns that much). Even then I will only eat half of them back as I think MFP overestimates calories burnt. I will occasionally use them for a glass or two of wine or a couple drinks with friends.
  • CrazyMidget611
    CrazyMidget611 Posts: 102 Member
    I am a SAHM to my soon-to-be 6 month old, so I hear you on getting the exercise in. I manage to get on my treadmill, but she get's bored quick!
  • cmccorma
    cmccorma Posts: 203 Member
    Well we are pretty close then in overall weight loss goals and with our new little babies :) My husband's work hours change and this month he is on 10-7 pm. I go in to work at 6:30am. So by the time he gets home and we make dinner and eat it, it's almost too late to work out. The day care Lily goes to is down the street so today I will walk to pick her up. When I am home with her tomorrow I will take her for an hour walk. Then on the weekends, my husband has to watch her so I can do an hour on treadmill. I will be honest though that I hate exercising. I am currently right in the middle of my time of the month, but I suspect after I am done I will be down a pound making it 12 pounds in two months. I have been logging everyday for 50 days though, so I am thinking that is when I got serious about this. So about 1-1.5 lb loss a week. Although I stall out here and there. For two weeks in March I lost .2, that's it. Then the next week I lost 3 lbs. So don't get discouraged!!! The first 8 lbs came of so quickly. After that it has gone slowly, but steady. There are two trains of thought on this website, those that will say 1,200 calories is fine and those that will say it's not enough and eat your BMR etc. For me, I do 1,200. It works for me!
  • cgray
    cgray Posts: 132 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'2 and have maintained my goal weight of 95 pounds for 15 years. I'm a recovered anorexic. My typical day includes 1350-1400 calories and I do 5-7 hours of weight training/ cardio a week. My diary is open if you want to add me.
  • kiku76
    kiku76 Posts: 352 Member
    great thread! I'm 5'2" as well. I work from home and I have a 4-y-o and a 14-month-old.
    I'm still working on the mommy tummy, that's my biggest problem area.
    I plan to start couch 25k on monday and I just started adding in strength using resistance bands.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am 5'2, reached my goal weight of 108 in 2010 and have maintained 106-109 since. I only check in every once in a while but my diary is open. I try to eat clean and be active daily, simplicity is key.
  • CrazyMidget611
    CrazyMidget611 Posts: 102 Member
    Edit: I'm 5'1.5", not 5'2.5"
  • Panda_Path
    Panda_Path Posts: 86 Member
    I am 5'2"!

    This is the plan I am following...this time around I have only started a little over a week ago, but I did this before and it worked out really well.

    The "diet" is to have a balanced diet. This is based off of Medical Weight Loss Clinic's plan, which is a place here in Michigan. It's about portion sizes and control:

    2 portion proteins
    3 portion starch/carb
    3 vegetable
    3 fruits

    (when I was on the plan, they also had 3 "nutrients" you had to eat a day, which were just food products fortified with protein. Overall the plan was low carb-high protein.)

    I've lost a few pounds this first week already. Before I was eating fast food/restaurant food almost every day, caffeine and soda every day, high sugar/salt/fat foods.... My goal is to just become overall healthy, and the weight will come off through that (and if it doesn't, then I guess that is just where my body is). I find that eating all these portions throughout the day keeps metabolism up and cravings down.

    Good luck!