Getting over that hump

Hey guys, here's a question for you all.

Quick background: I got to 203 lbs a few weeks ago, which has made me really excited, because I haven't been under 200 lb since high school. I began running and doing pilates, and really sticking to a workout routine for the first time.

Unfortunately, instead of weight coming off faster, it's stalled. I even gained 2 lbs back that have taken over a week to start getting rid of. I know that the weight gain is primarily from muscle building (I can really feel the added strength in my legs and arms especially) and water retention (I was bloating something fierce last week), but I still have that silly low-grade fixation on the scale.

So here's my question: how do you get over those momentary gains, in either weight or inches? I try to remind myself that it's things like muscle and a little water weight that cause fluctuations, but there's still a subconscious depression there because of what seems like a lack of progress.

Any mental tricks you have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


  • rhichi
    rhichi Posts: 133
  • gacornell
    gacornell Posts: 42 Member
    I'm not much help, but just to let you know, I'm right there with you. I've been working out like crazy the last 3 weeks, I've cut out most of my breads and pasta's, I stay within my calories, but I just can't seem to get past that 200 mark. I've went up and down between 200.5 and 202.2 for the last week and a half and it's driving me crazy. I'm starting to get that why bother attitude. I keep looking at everyones before and after pictures and telling myself I can get there too, but it's getting really frustrating. Especially when I see people talking about losing 50 lbs in 4 1/2 months. UGH!!