Lower Carbs/Calories - still no progress? Help!

Hi Folks,

I've been cutting carbs down to 60-75g Carbs per day, and keeping calories around 1,200 daily, but I'm seeing no progress over 2 weeks. What am I doing wrong! I've cut calories with exercise in the past, and seen results pretty rapidly, so it is difficult not to get frustrated.

Before you get into the to Carb or Not to Carb - I have a family history of diabetes/high blood sugar, and was deemed pre-pre-diabetic - hence the cutting of carbs. But am I not cutting them drastically enough? Or have I cut them too far? Or too suddenly? I'm eating my exercise calories (only around 200 calories), but I didn't think that would cause me to stay stuck at my SW.

I've considered adding in extra exercise at the end of the day, but I am usually so wiped... not sure if that is from reduced carbs? I've supplemented with a Multivitamin, and have been drinking plenty of water.

I'm 25, and stuck around 184. I bike to work daily, but only 25 min round trip. I've been eating mostly veggies, and trying to eat any carbs earlier in the day. I've also cut out drinking.

What am i missing?!?! Any tips or guidance you could offer would be great! :ohwell: