Lost my mojo...big time.

I'm not new here, I'm under a fake name, which I agree is shady and secretive and likely stupid, but as my name indicates, I'm embarassed that I've fallen off track so far...:cry:

Roughly 6 weeks ago, I was doing AWESOME...not losing a thing, but consistenly working out hard, eating well and determined. I got hurt ( tore a muscle in my leg) during a workout and completely lost my mojo. Stopped eating right, taking vitamins, drinking water, working out, EVERYTHING i had worked so hard for I lost with my injury. I'm at the point of depression now becuase I've been so badly off track. Eating crap is my new sport. Seriously. I binge like every day.
I am about 99% healed now ( been off the crutches for 3.5 weeks and pretty much no more pain) and am going to start it up again...slowly of course. Starting off by walking to get some strength back in my leg muscle and build it up from there.

I'm almost scared to get back into the gym because I seem SO injury prone. This last injury was a torn muscle. The one before that was my knee, then before that was my foot.
WHY do I keep getting injured? HOW can I prevent them from happening again? I feel like obviously I'm doing something wrong, but I dont know what.
I worked with a trainer for a short time, but he did nothing for me and gave me NO additional information that I already didnt know.

Before my injury, I was planning on doing the couch to 5K program. Its a 2 month programfor running a 5K. I'd like to start it again, but I dont know if I'm able to do much yet. There is a 5K charity run in 90 days that I'd like to do, but I dont know if I'll be able to, but I'm going to try.
Any suggestions? I plan on starting to walk (and only walk) when I can, and build it up from there. I know the CT5K is for 2 months, but I figure with 3 months I'll be okay so I'm not pushing it and I can build myself back to where I was.
I dont know why I'm so 'out of it' this time. Normally I can jump right back in, but becuase this was a fairly big injury for me, it really rattled me to the core that it happened so easily and suddenly.

So any words of wisdom for me? How to avoid injury? Any additional tips for getting back into the game? Runners tips? How to stop feeling depressed on what I've done to myself?

Thanks in advance- anythink will help!


  • anthrochix
    anthrochix Posts: 264
    what's done is done. what you do have is TODAY. Keep looking forward and take it 1 step at a time. Coming back here shows that you are on the right track :flowerforyou: . Good luck with the running - I just walk a lot and do Curves (running for me is boooooring! :tongue: ). Would love to even have the DESIRE to run like you do. Keep it up, kiddo! You'll get there eventually.
  • tayner
    tayner Posts: 372
    stretching, warm ups, and cool downs are all VERY important as well as making sure you are using correct form for any activity you are doing.. dont sacrifice form to add more weight, or go a little faster, or go a little longer... when your form suffers, so does your body.

    Take it easy, but get back at it. If you body is healed, then alot of the stress is in your mind. Focus on form and work your way back. You will be glad you did.

    good luck to you.
  • csingleton24
    csingleton24 Posts: 235 Member
    Sorry to hear about your injury. You seem to have a plan and know what to do to get back on track (walking when you can).

    To avoid injuries: Take it slow and LOTS of stretching. Do a light warmup and stretch before you workout and then a good stretch session after. Sometimes I stretch throughout the day at such random times. Like when I brush my teeth, I place one leg on the counter and flex my toes! It seems funny brushing my teeth on one leg, but sometimes it's the only way I can make sure I stretch. You seem to have the right idea on taking it slow too. Remember you didn't gain weight over night and it won't melt away over night.

    Walking is the most natural workout the human body can do. It's what it was made to do! All you need is a pair of sneakers. Keep up the walking and then start speeding it up over time, then add short jogging intervals, then running. You can do it! Don't let the injury slow you down anymore than it already has, kick it in the butt and prove your stronger than it and nothing will stop you from reaching your goal! Good luck!
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    I'm not sure how much you're stretching, but do runners stretches for at least 20 mins before hand, after a 10 min warmup of walking, then 20-30 after.

    Also, if you are pushing yourself too hard, you're more injury prone. It's like your body is trying to tell you to slow down.

    This (injury stuff) happened to me too. So I started doing different things to keep my interest, right now it's a step class, been taking 2 days off per week, making sure I am eating healthy and enough to let my body recover... and no injuries for over a month.