Too Full!

I know people will be irritated at this topic, but for the past four months I was eating under my BMR. Upon realizing my mistake, I upped my calories by about 200. This is the first week I've been eating more food, and today my stomach seemed to hurt pretty much all day, like it was too full or something. It was actually really uncomfortable but I managed to eat all of the lunch food that I packed except for one thing, which was a granola bar. (The rest was fruit, vegetables, bread, deli meat, a small yogurt and some almonds.) I've also been noticing that I'm not hungry when I wake up in the morning, when usually I can't wait to start microwaving my oatmeal.

I'm just wondering, has anyone else increased their calories and had a similar experience? Will it go away once my digestive system adjusts? This is a new situation for me so I'd love to hear from other people.