everybody is looking at you because you are not the norm

Have you been into places where you feel like everybody is looking at you ? Well this is the reason why I am not going back home since the past 4 years. Well I am originally from France the land of the skinny people and where everybody is so perfect that when you walk around with your excess weight everybody is staring at you and they start talking behind your back.
I will remember one particular incident where I was on a line to cash out with my brother at a supermarket and the girls behind us started talking stating how it was possible that an handsome guy would be with such cow. My brother heard them and start fighting them with mean words. It was so embarrassing I did not know what to do. Now that I am back in the USA I am isolating myself but I really want to go back and to do that I really need to loose weight. Also it is very embarrassing asking for a belt extension in a plane you always get a mean look.

What was the situation that made you uncomfortable and made you realize that it was enough and that you had to make a change ?

I am new to myfitnesspal and I do not have a lot of friends so if you want to add me as a friend go ahead we will make sure we will make heads turn around of admiration :-)


  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    You're not alone, I totally understand your situation. I'm of mixed race & I got most of my characteristics including my body frame from my European side but I live in Asia where the people are very petite & weight obssessed & in fact I know many who look thin who only weigh about 50 kilos or less but still want to "lose weight" because their mothers say they're too fat 0.o... Can you imagine the fate of the real overweight people here. And so I was used with all the hurtful comments here especially when I was still at my highest weight & some of my Asian ex-bfs used to tell me that "I would look good if only I were thin" or "It would be better if you weigh 40kgs".

    Right now my goal is to lower more my body fat percentage, currently I have between 19-21% & I like to get it down to 16-17%. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like :flowerforyou:
  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    I feel ya. Heck, I didn't fly for years because I was scared the pointless belt wouldn't "click."

    Got to realize that some people look at others just because they aren't "right" in their eyes. Doesn't have to be fat. Could be someone's hair, mannerisms, current activity, etc.

    Recently, my ex-wife's current BF was commenting about me being fat (he's not even skinny either).

    I said, yes, I'm a big guy----a big Sicilian man. Might want to remember that. :)

    But whatever. Dumb people inhabit this world of ours. Rather than blaming someone or getting too upset, I'm rocking my workouts and the day will come when I'll be in much better shape.

    Not sure if it's good news, but in the USA, the majority of people are overweight. So . . .
  • KrystalCoralea83
    KrystalCoralea83 Posts: 19 Member
    i get where your coming from. one of the things i hate more than anything about being heavy is the comments. the most annoying of all "youve got a really pretty face" lol what is that supposed to mean, that the rest of me isnt or "youd be hot if you lost weight" im just glad i already found my guy so i dont have to worry about those shallow ones out there! my husband loves me thick or thin =)
  • Teapotdomescam
    I TOTALLY know how you feel. I look super white and had to live in mexico for like, 3 years! You can imagine all the stares I used to get! Luckily I understand spanish and never heard anyone say anything bad about me, they were more like looks out of curiosity. I did feel like such a minority over there though hahah.
  • pikselinka
    pikselinka Posts: 154 Member
    I used to get these "You're so fat I can't stand to look at you" stares a lot. But I ignored them. Only thing to remember is you're beautiful the way you are, only change for yourself - and never for other people! You can be and look however you want and there is nothing wrong with you. Losing weight made me realize that you have to love yourself and I have gained some confidence, I am very happy with each gram lost, you should be too :)