Treadmill and lower back pain

Hello everyone,

I have lower back pain and can not walk very far without my lower back throbbing I know it is due to my current weight of 371. I got on the treadmill tonight and lasted for 5 mins because my back pain really kicked in badly.

Has anyone every had backpain and worked out on the treadmill successfully? I think once I lose the weight my pain would go away but it is hard to get started whern you have back pain and don't want to move.

Any suggestions?


  • docktorfokse
    docktorfokse Posts: 473 Member
    try landing on the pads of your feet when you run, rather than your heel. heel striking directs the impact to your joints, while pad striking directs the impact to your calf, which is there to absorb the impact of running.
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    If it hurts, don't do it. How much do you weigh?
  • mikewpg1ca
    mikewpg1ca Posts: 86 Member
    I had a similar problem when I started out. I hopped on the TM and all I could walk for was 5 Minutes and the pain in my lower back was too much to continue. I can say now with certainty my back pain was caused by the extra weight I was carrying and my spine and supporting muscles crying out in pain!

    5 min is fine to start, just slowly keep at it and try and build on the time, 5 min, 5, min, if that's a little better, build to 7 min, 10 min, and go from there. What I found really helped and sped up reliving my pain was when I was at the gym I worked on my core muscle strength (abs, lower back, etc)) to help strengthen the muscles that help support my spine/gut. Happily, now I can do walk-jog intervals up to 40 minutes with no back pain. It didn't happen over night but it got better and better until the pain was gone..

    If you start out and keep at it and it doesn't feel as though it's getting a little better after a week or two I'd talk to a doctor just to be safe. Oh and until the pain is gone don't walk at an incline, that'll just stress things further I found at least.
  • frmeital
    frmeital Posts: 36
    I suggest that the minute the lower back pain begins, get off the treadmill and do this excellent stretch for lower back pain, for me it helped immediately. When the pain stops you may try to go back on the treadmill. Hope this helps:
  • mccarol1956
    mccarol1956 Posts: 422 Member
    I have problems with severe back pain, I have had 2 back surgeries. I suggest start small like you did. Try walking 3 or 4 times a day at the 5 minutes and increase by one minute every other day. It is easier on your body to spread time out. Another suggestion would be to walk in the pool until you are stronger you will be able to walk far further and longer in the pool as it is gentle on your body!

    Do not give up! You can do this!
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    I always found the thread mill to be quite punishing at aggregating joints and injuries.

    Having had back problems I would say, stop, and get it checked out. Maybe try the Bike, or cross trainer, or stairs, something with less impact
  • cuteblkgirl
    First of all, Thanks for responding back to my post. I will NOT give up this struggle. I will google or you tube to see what type of core exercise would help ease my lower back pain.
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    The back pain is not because you have core problems. It's because you are 370 pounds. You don't need to be on the treadmill, you can just as easily lose weight without it.
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    Are your shoes of good quality?

    I ask because I had a pair of shoes that started out okay but began to give me back pain when I'd wear them and jog. Took me a while to realize I was due for a new pair.
  • cuteblkgirl
    I totally agree it is due to weight but I am trying to find a happy medium to start the process of losing the weight.
  • petitchef
    i have lost over 80lbs (currently in the 250s) and i am still finding my lower back in pain after i walk on the treadmill. During the walking i am not sure how to express the feeling but it is like a mild discomfort. few hours after i am done at times it is sooo escruciating even ibuprofen 600 and ointment dont do much :-x I have been diagnosed with disc degenerative disease and arthritis and scoliosis. any other suggestions or best PT moves? thanks