Small weight exercises.

What types of weight exercises can I do to tone my upper/lower arms; shoulders & back?

I've got 2.2kg weights.


  • Limajuliet
    Limajuliet Posts: 54 Member
    I'm not sure 2.2kg would do much, but chest presses from a gym ball and should presses would be good. I find that 2.2kg isn't heavy enough to give me a proper workout though..
  • maxdwolf
    maxdwolf Posts: 18
    Hello Alliegorge, I agree with Limajuliet that 2.2 kg isn't much. But it can add a little. Just for giggles I followed D. Richards on Body Electric for a show, thinking it would be a breeze. But evidently holding up ones arms for 3 whole minutes even with light weight can be a bit challenging for someone not really in great shape like me. Still, some bigger weights might be advisable. If you can't afford more weights, you can use empty soda or Gatorade bottles and fill them with water/sand (sand is heavier, wet sand is heaviest).

    As far as exercises with weights it's fairly simple and direct. One can do shoulder presses and tricep extensions. With such light weights one lift ones arms to the side (do not lock elbows). There's also one exercise that involves leaning over and pulling back to get the same muscles you use in rowing. That never did much for my, but ymmv. Note that this is misses your core and lats. Either pull-ups (assisted or otherwise) or lat pull downs would be a good idea, as well as some core exercises.

    There are also good body weight exercises for the upper body. Pull-ups I already mentioned. Push ups are also good. and there are dozens of variations. There are also pike presses (like push ups, but from the downward dog position).

    Hope this helps.
  • kalynn06
    kalynn06 Posts: 368 Member
    For toning upper body, I have to say that I find Planks, Push ups and Tricep dips to be great exercises, no equipment required.

    As for the weights, haven't been lifting weights, 5lb weights can actually provide a challenge. They are certainly sufficient, for example, for doing Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred or No More Trouble Zones.