Plateau busting help wanted...



  • rmac18
    rmac18 Posts: 185 Member
    OP, I'm sorry, but did I read your ticker right? Have you lost 90 pounds since January?

    ETA: I just went to your profile...does the ticker reflect weight you lost before MFP, or just since you joined? I'm confused! If it's since January, you need to bottle your weight loss regime and sell it! LOL!

    No sorry for the confusion, I've lost 90 lbs since last May, just short of a full year. I joined MFP on New Year's Day and have lost 40 lbs since. Certainly MFP helped me in losing weight faster and more consistently for the first 3 months and I've learned a lot here and it helps keep me more accountable to my diet and exercise than before. The first 50 pounds lost was on my own plan of no soft drinks, eating better and more exercise and it was working ok for the first 8 months but I didn't track calories or do anything specific other than just trying not to be bad.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Arrgh. Have been on a plateau for past few weeks...

    thats not a plateau
  • rmac18
    rmac18 Posts: 185 Member
    - you seem like you are overtraining if you are burning 1000 + calories a day exercising. Limit the amount of cardio you are doing and/or swap out with some low intensity.

    - take a 'diet break' - you seem like you have been restricting calories for quite a while (oh and congratulations on your success so far) - you probably could do with eating at maintenance for a few weeks.

    Thanks, you know you are probably right but when you are in the groove it's actually hard to slow down and eat more, even though it's likely what would help the most. I really want to just lose another 50 pounds or so and then take a break but just because I want it bad doesn't mean it will happen. I do appreciate your feedback.
  • rmac18
    rmac18 Posts: 185 Member
    Thanks to all who posted here. I really appreciate your feedback and am going to incorporate a lot of the suggestions here and work on getting back on track. Thanks again.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Arrgh. Have been on a plateau for past few weeks...

    thats not a plateau
  • janiedoe111
    janiedoe111 Posts: 161 Member
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member

    Just a few that I found helpful. There are tons more on the net. Just like this site be careful what you read because opinions are like... Well you know the rest.
  • rmac18
    rmac18 Posts: 185 Member

    Just a few that I found helpful. There are tons more on the net. Just like this site be careful what you read because opinions are like... Well you know the rest.

    Good stuff, thanks
  • blytheandbonnie
    blytheandbonnie Posts: 3,275 Member
    :bigsmile: Nevermind.
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    Try calorie cycling! It's a scary thought to up calories when trying to lose weight, but I've been upping for 2 weeks and have lost consistently since! Good luck!

    This is what im currently trying! I have been plateauing for 3 months
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    In addition to anything else you try, always make sure you are staying hydrated (plenty of water) and getting enough sleep.

    Sleep and hydration are essential for good health and weight loss.

    Hang in there!

  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Oh sleep. Good id. . . . . zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  • rmac18
    rmac18 Posts: 185 Member
    I am pleased to report that today I stepped on the scale for the first time in a week and had lost 3 lbs so no mo plateau. April was a rough month for me in that I stopped losing and even gained a few pounds inexplicably as I wasn't cheating and was working out a bunch. Thanks for all the great advice and support. I did up my calories a fair bit and tried to keep my net calories above 1200, which I wasn't doing before. I also increased protein in my diet and tried to balance it a bit more with carbs and fats as before I was 50-60% carbs. I kept working out but by eating more it seems to have helped me weigh less. In my case I was often below 1,000 net calories which was great for awhile but eventually the weight loss stopped. So now I feel great and think I'm back on track in losing weight. I don't track measurements (though I should) but I'm pretty sure I've lost a little around the waist as well. Thanks again.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I am pleased to report that today I stepped on the scale for the first time in a week and had lost 3 lbs so no mo plateau. April was a rough month for me in that I stopped losing and even gained a few pounds inexplicably as I wasn't cheating and was working out a bunch. Thanks for all the great advice and support. I did up my calories a fair bit and tried to keep my net calories above 1200, which I wasn't doing before. I also increased protein in my diet and tried to balance it a bit more with carbs and fats as before I was 50-60% carbs. I kept working out but by eating more it seems to have helped me weigh less. In my case I was often below 1,000 net calories which was great for awhile but eventually the weight loss stopped. So now I feel great and think I'm back on track in losing weight. I don't track measurements (though I should) but I'm pretty sure I've lost a little around the waist as well. Thanks again.

    and get this, since you proved what can happen, you could probably lose more faster by eating more. Yep.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    umm lets see.. understanding calories and macros is difficult because its THE ONLY reason that people are overweight.. which means its difficult to understand concepts. lean gains is not friendly to typical lifestyles.

    LOLgasm. The fact that most people are fat because they eat more calories than they burn does NOT mean the concept is difficult to understand. It means most people are LAZY.

    well u can keep starving urself wutever works for you... anytype of fasting is just wrong in my opinion

    /eating 1700-2300 calories a day at 180 lbs
    /gaining strength with every workout