ToM weight gain

Do any of you other ladies experience this? It frustrates the bejeezus out of me! Last month I "gained' 1lb right before my TOM and this month I'm up 2lbs on weigh in day. I know I'm not eating perfectly (work in progress) and I know in my head that next week I'll be down again. I've just got so far to go that these steps backwards really hurt. Any tips on keeping this from happening? I think I'm going to start watching my sodium and potassium a little better this coming month to see if that helps any.


  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Um you can't stop it from happen.. It's been happening every time since you started getting your period, your just noticing it now since you are weighing.

    Just drink extra water, watch the sodium and weigh a week later than normal.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    You're going to fluctuate when your TOM comes. No avoiding it. You can reduce how much you might gain by really watching your salt intake, drinking LOTS of water (sounds backwards right? It's not) and yes, even exercising during that time, even just some walking, light jogging, etc.

    Products like Diurex work wonders for me and I start taking them a couple days before my period and I take them during. Also green tea (hot or cold) is a natural diuretic. Same with foods like cucumbers, I believe I have also heard the same of pineapple.

    Lastly, don't weigh yourself during this time at all. You're just setting yourself up for frustration.
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    i'm due for it right now. i don't weigh myself, ever, and i know if i did weigh myself now i would be pulling my hair out. the water retention and bloat drives me UP THE WALL!!!!!! i figure if i feel this gross you know it's not gonna be pretty on the scale!

    the good thing, it goes away :-)
  • mrsdizzyd84
    mrsdizzyd84 Posts: 422 Member
    It's not a step backwards. You have to change your perspective. It is water weight you will gain it every month no matter what you do. It goes away quickly. If you are still in your calorie deficit you are still losing weight despite the scale showing a gain.

    In order to gain fat you have to eat 3500 calories above your maintenance calories. If you haven't done that, you haven't gained any fat. This also works in reverse. If you eat 3500 calories below your maintenance calories you lose a pound. This is true even if water retention is hiding the loss. Remember that.