need exercise ideas!!

Hey everyone! I am a 23 year old female - 6 months ago I got married. I lost about 20 pounds (from 163-143) before my wedding and was super pumped! I even got down to around 137 as well (maybe nerves from all the shenanigans!) but have recently gained weight and went back to 146-150. I do cardio (around 45-50 minutes 4-5x a week) but need some new ideas and inspiration. Please friend me and let me know if you have any other kinds of tricks for losing that stubborn belly fat and upper arm fat. Seems to be a problem for lots of women!!


  • goodnewsdoc
    goodnewsdoc Posts: 5 Member
    It may sound like I'm oversimplifying this process, but I walk everywhere I can in our small town - nothing is over a 30 minute walk away. It's an easy way to burn a couple of hundred extra calories and get my metabolism up. When I do have to drive into a bigger town for Lowes or Walmart, I park as far from the entrance as possible. Plus, I focus on walking with good posture using crisp steps. All physical activity helps. I may be in my mid-50s, but I don't want to appear as if I'm in my mid-70s! :bigsmile: