Women - Menstrual Cycle and Weight Gain



  • laynunugawa
    laynunugawa Posts: 108 Member
    I'm glad you asked about this because I was wondering about it as well. However mine tends to be the week before my TOM and goes thru during. Does anyone else have this problem of it being more than a few days but a week before?
  • thekarens
    thekarens Posts: 254 Member
    A woman should only weigh in about once a month. Before her cycle water weight starts to creep up 5-7 days before, during her cycle which last another 5 days, then after her cycle 5-7 days the water starts to go away. That's a total of about 19 days of water weight.

    She can do everything right, be perfect on everything but the water weight will hide her results. If I was a girl, I'd weigh in About 10 days after my cycle when water weight is at it's lowest.

    That may be generally true, but isn't a fact for everyone. I haven't gained at all, even once since I started the second week of January. Now there has been a couple weeks where I didn't lose anything, but I've never gained. Those weeks when I didn't lose didn't happen to be during my cycle either.

    If I did gain during that time I sure wouldn't sweat it. I just wanted to clarify that it's not everyone that it happens to.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    I've made the mistake of stepping on the scales a couple of times. Even though I KNEW it was temporary, it still really upset me. So now I know enough to not get on the scale until 2 days after the end of my period. For me it's just not worth it.
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    I typically gain about 3-5 pounds right before I start my period. It sticks around till the fourth day or so, and then it is gone overnight. I also gain about 3 pounds during the time I ovulate, and it is normally gone within a few days, plus any weight I would have lost. I weigh everyday, so while it sucks to see it, I know it is normal and will go away soon!
  • coolclimates
    I just lost 2 pounds from yesterday! Yesterday I was 135, now I'm 133. All I can think of is that it was period weight. I've just about finished this month. I did notice I had to pee a lot in the last 24 hours. Could the bloating just be water and that's how it's flushed out at the end?
  • MrsChasteen
    MrsChasteen Posts: 48 Member
    Holy Crap this post is so reassuring!!!! I just starting back on MFP again two days ago and a few weeks ago I weighed 125, well when I weighed myself two days ago I had just started my cycle and I weighed 129....EXACTLY 4 POUNDS MORE!!! Just like you other guys! Wow and I just thought I was getting fat in the past few weeks! LOL this makes me feel so much better!
  • pundas
    pundas Posts: 167 Member
    Thank god for this post! I've been working out really hard and wondered why I haven't lost anything all week! When Im on my period....all I crave is french fries...especially sweet potato fries! I make my own healthy version that is really good. Cut up a sweet potato in 1 inch strips to look like fries. I sprinkle them with sea salt and cinnamon and put them on a baking sheet with tin foil. Put them in the oven for 15 minutes on 425, take them out and flip them and put them back in for another 15. I use 2 table spoons of all natural ketchup and omg perfect snack for under 200 calories! I like the sweet potato because its healthier than a regular potato!
  • squirrelygirl82
    All the women in my family are plagued with retaining water around that time of the month. To the point where we all have seen our doctors for it, and we all have a prescribed diuretic for when it gets bad. I have had as much as a 9# weight gain during my period. And yes, it does go away about 3-4 days into my period, but it is so incredibly uncomfortable. Some monthes are worse than others, and I have to resort to my prescribed diuretic about every 3-4 months. Being a woman can really suck. LOL.
  • danapenguin
    danapenguin Posts: 161
    when im on my awful week of crappiness, i feel like I can't do anything. I am so tired and bloated I dont want to do anything but lay on the couch and watch TV!!
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Okay, so does anyone have any advice for an MFP newbie? I'm want to be able to figure out if I am recording food and exercise correctly, but I don't want to wait half a year to be able to know with statistical rigor how my period will affect me. I'm on the pill, if that's relevant (huge menstrual issues otherwise).
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Thank god I found this thread... I am having my first period since starting the diet this week and now know not to freak out!
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I usually gain 4-6lbs which depends also on what I eat that week.. if I'm going to treat myself to pasta or pizza I do it that week too, usually after they end I lose the water that went on plus an extra 1-2lbs.. so I'm hoping to make it to 9st 5 when this water comes off (another day of TOTM left) then have 2lb left to go to goal!!.... YEAH!!!
  • mrscourter2010
    I typically gain between 3-7 pounds a few days before I begin my cycle due to water weight and bloating. I have read that charcoal capsules (from a drug store) can help reduce it, but they haven't for me. I lose the 3-7 plus a couple more if I maintain the diet and exercise after my period. Don't give up!
  • jinjin8
    jinjin8 Posts: 220 Member
    A woman should only weigh in about once a month. Before her cycle water weight starts to creep up 5-7 days before, during her cycle which last another 5 days, then after her cycle 5-7 days the water starts to go away. That's a total of about 19 days of water weight.

    She can do everything right, be perfect on everything but the water weight will hide her results. If I was a girl, I'd weigh in About 10 days after my cycle when water weight is at it's lowest.

    I find this type of pattern is true for me personally. I weigh myself weekly and will lose a quite inconsistent amount of weight every week except for the week of my cycle where I will be up at least 2 to 4 pounds (it always freaks me out but I still do it). I will then usually drop alot weight in the second week after my cycle.
  • katejenkins1
    katejenkins1 Posts: 210 Member
    I don't weigh in during that time, because I've weighed in 8 pounds heavier before. It disappears immediate after, but it's not worth the frustration.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I gain weight during my cycle but as soon as it's over it drops back down... by a lot.

    Also, I have noticed since I started eating better, nixing meat/chicken/fish/eggs, and working out that my periods are very light, shorter and less painful. I have had problems for years with my cycle. I would get so ungodly sick that I could not get out of bed. I would vomit from the morning I got up until it was time for bed. I would spike a high fever. The pain was excruciating. I would put a tampon in and within minutes, it would be full. I would use pads, usually have to use 2 at a time... and well, just talk about a sheer utter mess.

    I have used birth control. The pill helped me a little bit. The shot made me bleed for a year. I even had to resort to getting a D&C done which did help a little bit. The only thing that has helped a lot is eating better and working out. Now if I could just not gain 5-10 pounds during it!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    A woman should only weigh in about once a month.

    "Should"? A matter of personal preference, surely! I weigh every day, and it works fine for me. I'm well used to the daily fluctuations on the scale and much more relaxed about it going up and down than I would have been previously. Once you know what it is and why it happens, why worry about it? :smile:
  • LFiestan
    LFiestan Posts: 176 Member
    water weight is the cause of the extra weight. Also PMS causes us to eat alot and never feel full and easily get tired or lazy a day or two before my period starts
  • KilikiMom
    KilikiMom Posts: 237 Member
    i think it depends on the person some people do not get affected at all...me on the other hand i gain anywhere from 3-5lbs during mine...

    and i too weigh myself every day but i only count it once a week...i know that my weight fluctuates on a daily basis but i still step on the scale
  • Naybelline
    Naybelline Posts: 407 Member
    I gain anywhere from 4-6 pounds...usually a week after I have a loss again

    Same here!! 6lbs was my highest!