How do you handle comments about losing weight?



  • daniflems
    daniflems Posts: 69 Member
    I just recently had that reaction from my Mother who I only see about 2 times a year at most. She said "wow you look great....but you aren't trying to lose more are you?" I am 5' 7 and a half inches and when I started MFP weighed 178 pounds. I distribute my weight quite evenly and have always been pretty muscular so never "looked" as heavy as I actually was. I am now down to about 155-158 lbs and feel great....but would absolutely love to lose about 10-15 more pounds. When I tell people this they look at me like I have 2 heads. The thing is it's still distributed fairly evenly.... as in a little from my thighs and butt, some from my hips and belly, and some from my back where my bra sits. It's that last 10-15 that is the hardest to lose and I will have to work hardest to lose and will come off the most slowly. I think people who are not conciously trying to lose weight or have never had to try just don't understand.
    J3SSP3NNY Posts: 235
    It's kinda funny how "fat" is becoming socially acceptable. Not saying you are fat! Just like....all the excuses people make for people to stay looking like an average American who could care less about their diet. It's silly.

    You're losing weight to be healthy! Just because you look good to them doesn't mean you're 100% healthy.
  • corderdeb
    corderdeb Posts: 57 Member
    I tell people it's about getting healthy. That I'm not on a diet, I'm changing my diet.

    Me too! I don't really have a weight loss goal. I just wanted to get off the blood pressure medicine (AND I HAVE)!!!!
    J3SSP3NNY Posts: 235
    It's like my dog. She is a lab-a-doodle with this elegant little poodle body. PERFECT figure. And people accused me of not feeding my dog because she didn't look like the average american dog-fat. I reply with, "She feeds herself thank you very much and she is not starved she just is healthy unlike the average american dog. Haven't you ever looked at the back of a dog food package where it tells you what your dog should look like at a healthy weight?" lol. That usually shuts them up.

    Just do you and don't let the negative weightloss comments get you down. You know what you're doing is right for you. :)
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member

    Close friends: You haven't seen me naked... I know how to dress to hide the worst parts of me. Just wait until I reach my goal and you see me in a bikini!! :laugh:

    All positive comments are met with "Thank you"

    This. I hide from the knees up because I"m not pleased with what's under my jeans. Even bathing suit season will be met with a skirt at least this year again....
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    I get occasional comments from people who have noticed my weight loss.
    If they ask how I've done it, I tell them that I'm eating better, and moving more.
    If they ask if I am still dieting, I smile and say, "I'm eating better and I'm moving more."
  • inotnew
    inotnew Posts: 218 Member
    I get a little crabby. Some people never say one word to me but then demand to know how much weight I have lost. I'm not hiding it, but why should I tell them?
  • MeliciousGibson
    Since I'm not actually losing much weight AT ALL, I tell them that! "Thanks, but I'm actually not losing much weight, I'm just becoming more tone/fit/healthy". And I want to steal your man....JUST KIDDING!

    OK, so I don't actually say any of those things, nobody ever says that to me. :cry: :sad:
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I've been getting the "stop losing weight, you are making me look lazy" from a few of my friends who haven't gotten on the healthy lifestyle journey. I went from 190-160 (5'11) in about a year or so (so, very slowly). I still want to get off 5-10 more, but if I just firm up what's left I'll be good with that too.

    Supposively a lot of my friends didn't think I was "fat" before this so now I'm "super skinny". 1) No I'm not. & 2) "If you got off your butt once in a while you'd feel good about yourself too and quit blaming me for making you look bad".

    My biggest challenge is this summer when I go home to visit my family's camp. Last year @ 175lbs, everyone noticed the first 15 pounds. This year when they see the next 15-20 I'm going to get all kinds of interesting comments.
  • Bagman12002
    Bagman12002 Posts: 216 Member
    I say thank you, most friends have been good about it and some have even started to lose weight, others who are negative i just ignore. Loseing weight is hard enough and to put more stress on becuse what somebody may think or say I just have no time for. :smile:
  • spazofthedead
    spazofthedead Posts: 175 Member
    It's like my dog. She is a lab-a-doodle with this elegant little poodle body. PERFECT figure. And people accused me of not feeding my dog because she didn't look like the average american dog-fat. I reply with, "She feeds herself thank you very much and she is not starved she just is healthy unlike the average american dog. Haven't you ever looked at the back of a dog food package where it tells you what your dog should look like at a healthy weight?" lol. That usually shuts them up.

    I took over the responsibility of feeding the family dog a few months ago, and I'm very strict about feeding her *exactly* the amount the vet said. My dad used to feed her, and he'd give her 1.5-2x more food than she'd needed. My mom commented the other day that the dog was losing weight because I was starving her. -_- Sigh.

    I haven't had many comments about my weight loss yet. So when I do I mostly just thank people. The comments I've gotten have been more along the lines of "you need more cardio" or "put the weights down or you'll never lose those extra pounds and you'll look like a man."

    Face, meet desk.
  • Kbritske09
    Kbritske09 Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks all it has been a real pleasure reading how many different people handle this topic. Too many people at my job haven't noticed but that is okay as I am doing this for myself and not for them. It amazes me how rude some people can be and I sometimes feel like I am always a target for rudeness. I usually brush them off as I don't need negativity in my life. I am getting more fit and more healthy with every pound lost and couldn't be and feel happier!!

    Anyone feel free to friend me if you are in need of positive support :-)
  • sparkle126
    sparkle126 Posts: 132 Member
    I was 166 and now 146, 5.8, people always say this but i shrug it off, its about you feeling confident with your own body and if losing weight and toning up helps me feel confident then i am an happy girl :) x
  • MelMena
    MelMena Posts: 152 Member
    A few years ago I got comments about how "skinny" I was and how I looked sick and I need to gain weight.

    My automatic response was...Oh really? How much do you *think* I weigh?? Trust me, no one will answer and it is usually dropped like a hot potato. :tongue:
  • Gwoman2012
    Gwoman2012 Posts: 163 Member
    It's kinda funny how "fat" is becoming socially acceptable. Not saying you are fat! Just like....all the excuses people make for people to stay looking like an average American who could care less about their diet. It's silly.

    You're losing weight to be healthy! Just because you look good to them doesn't mean you're 100% healthy.

    I agree. I am 5'7 and 160 and people will tell me I don't need to lose weight...Um, yea I do! They might be saying it to be nice though lol.
  • Kbritske09
    Kbritske09 Posts: 31 Member
    I agree. I am 5'7 and 160 and people will tell me I don't need to lose weight...Um, yea I do! They might be saying it to be nice though lol.

    For the last two years I was 160lbs and am 5'7 and everyone always said how good I looked. Inside I hated the way I looked. I wore clothes that were flattering to my body. I would say the same thing YES I do need to lose weight! And to top it off I got blood work done when i was at 160lbs and all my levels were elevated and my blood pressure was high. So I am extremely excited to hit my goal weight and get my blood work done again. My blood pressure already dropped dramatically and I don't get stomach spasms anymore. 5'7 and 160lbs is the high end of normal, I would like to be on the low end of normal. But it's amazing how being in the "normal" category made all of my levels go completely out of whack.