Running, Is a Pain!

DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,468 Member
edited December 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
Runners! Tell me about your aches and pains. I am trying to figure out what is normal, how long things last, and what others are going through.

My story goes a little like this… I never thought I would be able to run ever! Just not a runner, can’t do it, not made for running! Not me. But I always wanted to be a runner, so I started running 2 min intervals on the treadmill over a year ago. Got to the point where I could run my intervals for 30 mins straight. This is when I started to try to run for longer than my 2 min intervals. I got up to running 50 mins straight on the treadmill.

This brings us to today. I am now running outside for up to 4 miles. Although, I usually run 3 miles most days when outside but only like 2 times a week. I do run on the treadmill almost every day as a warm up before my fitness classes (I dont consider this really running its just my warmup, but am starting to think maybe I need to not do this everyday anymore)

Aches and Pains - Knees started bothering me on the treadmill when I was running for longer periods of time, and outside. Got fitted for new shoes. Proud new owner of Saucony Cortana’s. No more knee problems. But when I try to go farther or faster than I am used too, usually on my 4 mile runs, My left hip starts to ache. That will last through the night and the next day. Okay to run the day after that. Is my hip just still getting used to my running? How long does this take? I don’t want to be stuck at only running 3 miles. I loved running for 4 miles the other day other then my hip ache. I would love to be able to run 6-10 miles by the end of the summer. Does this seem possible?

So tell me fellow runners about your aches and pains. What you run through and what you wait for to heal. How did you feel when you first started your road running? I want to hear about all of you and what you have overcome and what you still endure for the love of running! Thanks!


  • RickyRaj
    RickyRaj Posts: 25
    I'm a late bloomer to running and don't really enjoy it. I mainly jog in the evening but occasionally go in the morning. I run regularly but try to do it every other day. I also do lots of walking and swimming to mix it up a bit - apparently if you keep your body guessing you get better results.

    I've notice my knees click if I do too much jogging every day hence mixing up the cardio.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    With the exception of an IT band issue which cost me 6 weeks of running last fall (searing pain below my right knee and up the outside of my quad) I've been lucky to have had several years of relatively pain free running.

    I'll get sore hamstrings from time to time, had horrible shin splints when I first started up. My hips make awful noises while I'm warming up, my knees sound like rice krispies (snap, crackle, pop) when I do squats.

    If your hip is sore check out - they have videos etc of stretches and exercises that really do help .
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    My knees and hips usually hurt, especially after a longer run. I've started using a foam roller to loosen my muscles afterwards, and that's helped the recovery time immensely! Rolling out those muscles responsible for moving the knees and hips relieves a lot of the pain within a few minutes. I'll occasionally have trouble into the next day, but I roll every morning and that usually wipes the remaining issues away. I'm the proud new owner of a pair of Brooks running sneakers, as of a week ago Saturday! They helped a lot too.

    Congrats on being able to run so much! I built up much the same way, using the couch to 5k program as guidance. Now I'm able to run a complete 5k, which makes me immensely happy!
  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    With the exception of an IT band issue which cost me 6 weeks of running last fall (searing pain below my right knee and up the outside of my quad) I've been lucky to have had several years of relatively pain free running.

    I'll get sore hamstrings from time to time, had horrible shin splints when I first started up. My hips make awful noises while I'm warming up, my knees sound like rice krispies (snap, crackle, pop) when I do squats.

    If your hip is sore check out - they have videos etc of stretches and exercises that really do help .
    Brian's right. I'm having the same issue with my hip, and I've been taking it easy on it and stretching it. I have a WD tomorrow so that'll be the test if I can get back to it or not.

    Just stretch after a run. Do some light stretching before if you feel like you must. On my run days, which I do it by time not mileage, set a time for you to do a warm up walk/light jog before you hit it at your pace and then factor in time at the end for the same.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I had a stress fracture in my fibula that put me on the bench about 6 weeks, but otherwise, nothing major. Some blisters, some minor muscle aches. I also have Rice Krispie knees, but always did. I'm a little beat today, but I ran 7.5 hilly miles yesterday.
  • laurasimmons
    laurasimmons Posts: 575 Member
    I was training for a 10k last year in jan and ended up with 2 stress fractures in my foot that I ran on for another couple weeks because I was hoping it wasn't serious. I ended up having to take a pretty long break from running. I started back up in the spring but nothing serious. I have just recently gotten serious again with running and I have the what I would consider normal aches and pains, sore feet, knees, and hips with long runs. I try to stretch really well afterwards and do a good warm-up beforehand and it helps a lot.
  • madmickie
    madmickie Posts: 221 Member
    Heed the signs.

    I got a sore hip a few weeks back and like you it was ok after a day or two. Then Easter Sun it came back, sharper pain this time and I had to stop. I thought that's it - I'm crocked for a 10k I have this Sunday. Come Easter Tuesday tho i went for a long walk (13 miles) and it was fine.Then last Saturday I went out for an easy run and because i felt good i kept going until i hit 13 miles again - furthest i have ever run - felt tired ok, bit of strain in the groin but hip not bad. Woke Sunday and could hardly walk with the pain in my hip, legs were heavy but no pain. I thought it would ease but it hasnt and this Sunday's 10k is all but scratched.

    My Mrs is a Physio and has me doing all sorts of stretches etc but not helping as yet. So be cautious about running through pain - we generally know whats ok and what isnt - like a bit of stiffness that wears off when we get going. Take time out and see a physio and get some advice.
  • gmpearson
    gmpearson Posts: 138 Member
    Remember, there is a difference between being sore and being in pain. What madmickie just described is pain - something has been re-irritated due to the activity, and he will have to let his body heal. Our bodies tell us through pain when we are approaching a point of injury or have reached that point. It is important to listen to the pain.

    Soreness is a different matter. I get creaks and pops too (chalk it up to being a 42 year old runner), and occasionally I will encounter some knee soreness or shin splints. Generally this indicates that I pushed myself too hard or changed running techniques or tired to do something different. After a good, long, or hard run, I will have some DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) or even cramps. These are normal, and are a result of me pushing myself. I usually take the next day down a notch (run a little slower, less distance) and eat plenty of protein and drink fluids.

    As others have mentioned, beware of running through pain. I had hip pain a few weeks ago, and had to scale way back. Since then, it has healed and things seem to be fine. The last thing you want to encounter is some sort of pain that turns in to a stress fracture or debilitating injury that sidelines you from your training.

  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I do the Brazilian Butt Lift Program almost every day to strengthen my hips - it was more fun than the PT exercises to strengthen my hips - which also solves most knee pains from what my PT has told me :)

    As a warm up - try treadmill 2x and biking 2x, it works different muscles and your hips better.

    I work with a massage therapist to keep my hips loose and flexible and I also spend at least 20 minute a day stretching. I'm a firm believer in increase distance first, then speed, so instead of bumping from 3 to 4, try going by time - 30 minutes, 40 minutes, 50 minutes, you will realize you are going further but not overdoing it either.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    From everything I've read, knee and hip pain is pretty common but even with that said, one person's soreness is another person's fracture or severe strain so you do want to be careful. Usually with knee or hip pain, I'll take a week or two off from running and mix it up with walks and the cardio machines at the gym - pretty much whatever doesn't make the pain come back.

    It's my understanding that the common source of hip pain is weakness in the lower back, glutes and thigh muscles which are all involved in the movement of that area. Definitely make sure you stretch really well after you run and try to do more strength training in this area to help. I've been including lower back exercises (supermans, deadlifts, hip extensions) in with my ab workouts 2-3 times per week and also do thigh exercises while I'm still warm after my run and both have helped a lot.
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