Am I A Gym Snob?

nikii14 Posts: 403 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
Is there such a thing?? :wink:

I go to the gym to workout ....not walk around and talk to people, hold conversations, try and look pretty.
Some people kill me at the gym. Between the people who try to 'hook up", to the ones who think its a social hour. You gotta laugh!! I love the ones that come in all "pretty" with a ton of makeup on...and the perfume.....OHH...THE PERFUME!! (or cologne)

And how can anyone talk while exercising?? I mean...literally hold a full conversation and REALLY be working out??? Its like being at a hair salon:laugh:

Am I the only one who goes to actually workout??:tongue:

(Im really not a BIT**...I swear..LOL)


  • Zee75
    Zee75 Posts: 6
    I feel the exact same way!!! I am amazed at how some of the women come into the gym... hair and make up DONE! They ride the bikes for about 10 minutes, never breakin' a sweat, then walk around the rest of the time hoping to find a man im sure!! LOL

    Stay focused and leave that other crap to the 'Gym gerbils'...
  • So long as they don't sit on the machines talking on their cell phones (which does happen sometimes), I figure they are just one of the many amusements to occupy my mind when I get tired of the music on my ipod. People go to the gym for all sorts of reasons, it seems. It's a good cross-section of humanity.
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    The perfume is what bothers me (and people covered in cat hair) - it's all a health issue - our gym is great, and have professionally printed signs that say "no perfume or cologne".

    I get a kick out of the people who are fully dressed and painted - I mean good for them if they like it - yet at the same time I do clean myself up - no one wants to run on the treadmill next to a beast!!!

    ...but I seriously love love love the grannies that come all dolled up - they are my heros, and I do stop to tell them that when I see them in action! I want to be 80 and working out ina fully co-ordinated little outift - they rock!
  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771
    I dont think that socializing at the gym is weird, but theres a time and a place for it. As for dolling up before going, yeah that's just retarted... those people are what I call "cookie-cutters" they are there for the image and because it's cool to go to the gym. I agree though, the gym is a place to sweat and grunt as far as Im concerned. You are not a gym snob, you just take going to the gym more seriously than these people we speak of.
  • Alafia22
    Alafia22 Posts: 112
    It gets worst the more well known the gym is (ie, Bally's, Gold's Gym, LA Fitness). It's like a meat fest in there. Everyone walks around to strut. sooo annoying...
  • That's the reason I don't use my school gym. UCF has a great huge gym that's free for all students... and that's the problem. Half the students are there to watch the guys flex their muscles and the other half are the ones on the machines 24/7.

    I had to find another gym near my house that wasn't quite like that. Even when I go to the gym -with- someone, the only thing we really talk about is which machine does what, how many reps we should do, etc.

    And I go in ratty sweat pants and a t-shirt because I haven't reached my second mini goal yet! :happy:
  • nelletali
    nelletali Posts: 15 Member
    It's fine to socialize a little at the gym. I have a few people I have gotten friendly with because we took classes together and such. What I don't like is the people who sit on a machine while another person stands there and chats with them for 10, 15, even 20 minute while people are waiting to get on the machine. That is just rude and ignorant. As far as the ones who get dolled up? I don't even know what to say about that. I see them spending most of thier time staring at themselves in the wall of mirrors. Someday they will be looking in that mirror and realize that thier butt is two times larger than when they started at the gym because they spent all of thier time checking themselves out in the mirror instead of actually working out. lol!!!
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    I figure as long as they pay their dues, the gym stays open! To each his own thing, isn't this a great country! And the more they lurk instead of work, the more machines are free for my use!

    Mike, you rock, this site is a god sent!
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    If I ever go to the gym to do no-sweat light strength training, I would totally wear something cute - except for make up (unless it's lip gloss :laugh: ). It's an ego boost if I make it that far tone-wise that I would have the balls - or the thighs - to wear short shorts.

    But I promise to not get in anyone's way :wink:

    But - one thing I CANNOT stand - super loud yelling or grunting.
    I know I squeak or whimper in an undignified way during the more hardcore classes - sometimes a loud one might slip out after push-up 72. But the ones who BELLOW.... grrr.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    So long as they don't sit on the machines talking on their cell phones (which does happen sometimes), I figure they are just one of the many amusements to occupy my mind when I get tired of the music on my ipod. People go to the gym for all sorts of reasons, it seems. It's a good cross-section of humanity.

    People on phones while working out drive me nuts! Last week, in the middle of yoga class, one woman dared to even answer her phone. Absolutely appalling.
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    So long as they don't sit on the machines talking on their cell phones (which does happen sometimes), I figure they are just one of the many amusements to occupy my mind when I get tired of the music on my ipod. People go to the gym for all sorts of reasons, it seems. It's a good cross-section of humanity.

    People on phones while working out drive me nuts! Last week, in the middle of yoga class, one woman dared to even answer her phone. Absolutely appalling.

    LOL etiquette don gym diva.htm
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    toots....:noway: GASP!!! I'm so glad that hasn't happened in any of my yoga classes (yet). I would've chucked a yoga block at her head. :laugh:
  • zoink66
    zoink66 Posts: 116 Member
    Ha! Maybe some of those people need a refresher in gym etiquette.
    Actually, the gym is one of my favourite places to people watch. And it also gives me motivation! First from people who are really fit, but also from the people who aren't but are trying hard to be.
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    I don't have a problem with the pretty people hanging out chatting it up....primarily as we don't really have any that go to my gym. What is aggrevating, though, is when someone is going back and forth between two machines, but just kind of hangs around and takes their sweet time in using them both. You know...walks around between sets, goes over and gets a drink...looks in the mirror, then "oh yeah....I have my towel hanging on that machine....guess I'll go over and use it de dah, la de dah...." another drink.....takes a mental trip to the Bahama's for 5 or 10 minutes, then "oh yeah....I have my gym bag on that OTHER machine...guess I'll go use it now....doopie doopie doo..." ARGH!!!:explode:
  • nikii14
    nikii14 Posts: 403 Member
    Ohhh......I must confess.....Sometimes I snap my gum while exercising. OOPS....I admit...that is annoying.

    Sorry everyone!!!:embarassed:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I don't have a problem with the pretty people hanging out chatting it up....primarily as we don't really have any that go to my gym. What is aggrevating, though, is when someone is going back and forth between two machines, but just kind of hangs around and takes their sweet time in using them both. You know...walks around between sets, goes over and gets a drink...looks in the mirror, then "oh yeah....I have my towel hanging on that machine....guess I'll go over and use it de dah, la de dah...." another drink.....takes a mental trip to the Bahama's for 5 or 10 minutes, then "oh yeah....I have my gym bag on that OTHER machine...guess I'll go use it now....doopie doopie doo..." ARGH!!!:explode:

    Oh hell no. I'd move their stuff off the machine if they were being that rude.
  • creativefrugalmom
    creativefrugalmom Posts: 267 Member
    I stay at home and am fortunate enough to be able to go to the gym in the mornings. The closest gym to us is the YMCA. I have to admit, it is a really nice facility and they have awesome classes, but it is full of little old ladies and men working out and drinking their coffee. I must admit, it is really cute to watch them and hear some of their converations. What I also see is some women my age in there who take their kids to the daycare and they do actually workout. They don't care what they look like and, let me tell you, these are the women with the bodies like I will have someday.

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    So long as they don't sit on the machines talking on their cell phones (which does happen sometimes), I figure they are just one of the many amusements to occupy my mind when I get tired of the music on my ipod. People go to the gym for all sorts of reasons, it seems. It's a good cross-section of humanity.

    People on phones while working out drive me nuts! Last week, in the middle of yoga class, one woman dared to even answer her phone. Absolutely appalling.

    I answered my phone once in yoga - ONLY ONCE - because my SIL went into labour! I had my phone on me 24/7, as my brother was away working, and I had to get to the hospital!

    For an "emergency" is the only time I would advocate cell phones in the gym period!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Oh - and I made a quiet little announcement to my group, and ran out, and everyone was very kind and supportive - but I had been with this group a while!
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    This is funny. their defense, I have to point out that not everyone sweats like me.
    I seem to start sweating the second I get started. My face turns reddish, BP fine, it just happens.
    My older sister NEVER sweats!:huh:
    It's quite annoying. Sometimes we walk together & I'll be dripping, my hair damp & frazzled. She looks like she just stepped out.
    She can dash into the gym during work hours on a long break - or on her way to work & still look fine. So she often shows up in full makeup, etc.
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