Loosing Inches a lot faster than weight???



  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    The point with the muscle weighs more than fat thing is that a pound of fat takes up way more space than a pound of muscle. So, in turn, if you lose an inch of fat from your waste, it may not be a pound, where if you gain an inch due to muscle, it can weight more than a pound.

    Usually the fat/muscle argument creates superficial plateaus or "slower" losses. This is why measuring inches/centimeters is super important, because since the muscle takes up less space, you can lose a lot of inches without losing many pounds.

    The reality of it is, what determines how you look? Your inches/proportions, or your scale?
  • Nimbkar
    Nimbkar Posts: 67 Member
    Hang in there! I think most people are in your (our) boat but the ones with fabulous results are the one posting frequently :-), making everyone think that that’s the speed each of us are suppose to be losing weight.
    Yes, I am jealous of those who are losing at the maddening speed but most of us are not.

    I read those posts for inspiration and keep going.
    I sincerely believe though that If you don't eat your exercise calories and stay at 1200 cals ( my BMR) the results would be faster. But I am not there yet. I end up eating some sesame sticks or an LARA bar or something and that takes away my exercise calories.
    I have seen that the week I create that deficit the results are way better.

    Like the other posters have said, look at how you feel and look in the mirror. Also try on some smaller sizes in the dept store. That cheers me up:-)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat. I know it can be frustrating, but try to focus more on how your clothes are fitting than what the number on the scale says. It sounds like you are doing great so far!
    Sorry but muscle doesn't weigh more that fat just like a pound of feathers doesn't weigh less than a pound of bricks. I think the point is muscle is leaner and doesn't take up as much room. I'd be thrilled with losing inches and not focus on the scale!

    They didn't claim that 1 lb of muscle weight more then 1 lb of fat. when someone says muscle weighs more than fat they are implying by volume. since by volume is implied, there is no reason to state it.
  • Tink_889
    Tink_889 Posts: 244 Member
    I would rather loose inches than pounds! People can see the inches you've lost, not the number on the scale :)

    This is certainly true.

    I am a sucker for the scales but I think measurements are really important because ultimately that is where you will see the differences.

  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat. I know it can be frustrating, but try to focus more on how your clothes are fitting than what the number on the scale says. It sounds like you are doing great so far!
    Sorry but muscle doesn't weigh more that fat just like a pound of feathers doesn't weigh less than a pound of bricks. I think the point is muscle is leaner and doesn't take up as much room. I'd be thrilled with losing inches and not focus on the scale!

    Muscle does weigh more then fat. How about a cup of feathers vs a cup of bricks? Which is gonna weigh more? No one doubts that 1lb is equal to 1lb. No one argues that. What is always meant is that if you put the same amount of both next to each other muscle will weigh more.

    You are now talking density, not weight.

    it is weight, weight of equal volumes, not matter the size of fat vs. muscle, muscle will always be more dense, and because it is more dense, by volume the earth's gravitational force causes it to weigh more.
  • sabriel
    sabriel Posts: 46
    Muscle weighs more than fat. I know it can be frustrating, but try to focus more on how your clothes are fitting than what the number on the scale says. It sounds like you are doing great so far!
    Sorry but muscle doesn't weigh more that fat just like a pound of feathers doesn't weigh less than a pound of bricks. I think the point is muscle is leaner and doesn't take up as much room. I'd be thrilled with losing inches and not focus on the scale!

    Muscle does weigh more then fat. How about a cup of feathers vs a cup of bricks? Which is gonna weigh more? No one doubts that 1lb is equal to 1lb. No one argues that. What is always meant is that if you put the same amount of both next to each other muscle will weigh more.

    You are now talking density, not weight.

    They are still talking about weight, density is just the reason it weighs more.

    @erickirb looks like you got there just before me :P
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    My weight doesn't seem to drop enough as it should be, and the inches are very slowly coming off, but my clothes fit so much better and when I look in the mirror, I am starting to see a nice shape...It's getting there, but soon enough the number of how much weight I lose and inches I lost will start to account for the way I am starting to see myself in the mirror. :happy:

    With time the numbers will catch up with the way your body is transforming! :flowerforyou: I'm finally started to realize that!
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Yup, I'm in the same boat.
  • em435
    em435 Posts: 210 Member
    I wish I had your problems...
  • sabriel
    sabriel Posts: 46
    Also I know exactly what you mean. I know going to the gym is the right thing to do but I always feel reluctant as the scales go up a bit the day after. :P
  • RikanSoulja
    RikanSoulja Posts: 463 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat. I know it can be frustrating, but try to focus more on how your clothes are fitting than what the number on the scale says. It sounds like you are doing great so far!
    Sorry but muscle doesn't weigh more that fat just like a pound of feathers doesn't weigh less than a pound of bricks. I think the point is muscle is leaner and doesn't take up as much room. I'd be thrilled with losing inches and not focus on the scale!

    Muscle does weigh more then fat. How about a cup of feathers vs a cup of bricks? Which is gonna weigh more? No one doubts that 1lb is equal to 1lb. No one argues that. What is always meant is that if you put the same amount of both next to each other muscle will weigh more.

    You are now talking density, not weight.

    Density is a part of weight and is always implied when people say this for example even the poster who originally said this posted
    Sorry, your right that's what I was trying to say, I just didn't say it right.
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat. I know it can be frustrating, but try to focus more on how your clothes are fitting than what the number on the scale says. It sounds like you are doing great so far!
    Sorry but muscle doesn't weigh more that fat just like a pound of feathers doesn't weigh less than a pound of bricks. I think the point is muscle is leaner and doesn't take up as much room. I'd be thrilled with losing inches and not focus on the scale!

    Muscle does weigh more then fat. How about a cup of feathers vs a cup of bricks? Which is gonna weigh more? No one doubts that 1lb is equal to 1lb. No one argues that. What is always meant is that if you put the same amount of both next to each other muscle will weigh more.

    You are now talking density, not weight.

    Density is a part of weight and is always implied when people say this for example even the poster who originally said this posted
    Sorry, your right that's what I was trying to say, I just didn't say it right.

    Actually weight is part of density if you look at the units. Mass/Volume. But im just nit picking.
  • jenn_may
    jenn_may Posts: 154 Member
    I have been hitting the gym avererage 5 days a week doing 5 miles each time and have noticed I am loosing weight but the inches, and in my clothing is where I can REALLY tell! I have lost a total of 16lbs since I began the whole process and 6 since I have been on MFP! I know what im doing is working, but its annoying the numbers arent moving near fast enough doesnt seem like! This the issue with anyone else?

    The numbers are moving fast. Your measurements should be what matter the most! If they are dropping you are doing what you need to be doing.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat. I know it can be frustrating, but try to focus more on how your clothes are fitting than what the number on the scale says. It sounds like you are doing great so far!
    Sorry but muscle doesn't weigh more that fat just like a pound of feathers doesn't weigh less than a pound of bricks. I think the point is muscle is leaner and doesn't take up as much room. I'd be thrilled with losing inches and not focus on the scale!

    Muscle does weigh more then fat. How about a cup of feathers vs a cup of bricks? Which is gonna weigh more? No one doubts that 1lb is equal to 1lb. No one argues that. What is always meant is that if you put the same amount of both next to each other muscle will weigh more.

    You are now talking density, not weight.

    Density is a part of weight and is always implied when people say this for example even the poster who originally said this posted
    Sorry, your right that's what I was trying to say, I just didn't say it right.

    Actually weight is part of density if you look at the units. Mass/Volume. But im just nit picking.

    but mass is not weight, mass is the amount of matter, weight is gravity applied to mass
  • mewaybright
    mewaybright Posts: 240 Member
    It is all about the fit and the look... the numbers on the scale may mean something to someone that is dieting without working out... but fit is way better... it is all about how you look, not what you weigh... the scale is just a number, but a smaller size or two gets you noticed...
  • saustin201
    saustin201 Posts: 270 Member
    I am also loosing inches much faster than weight. My pants are sagging on me, but my scale says I've only lost 5 pounds. That's okay with me though. I'll take the inches.

    Good luck.