Why are kids obese??



  • Rach_Gem_n_Disguise
    Rach_Gem_n_Disguise Posts: 140 Member
    My youngest just turned 5 and is so picky. He takes after me I guess. I can barely get the child to eat anything other than nuggets, fries, ramen noodles, or garlic bread. He loves carrots and celery...grapes, apples....so that's good. I just wish he'd try regular food without such a struggle. I've heard many people say their children went through the nuggets/fries stage. He starts school this fall. Afraid his packed lunch will consist of a fruit snack, carrots, celery, and grapes. He won't eat regular bread, so sandwiches are out of the picture. Anyone with picky little ones?

    I myself was a really picky eater. I still am. I didn't really open up to more foods until the past few years... so most of my life so far I've been uber picky. My favorite food of choice was also chicken fingers and fries. I still love it. :laugh: I know sometimes for me I didn't like foods because of certain textures/the way it looked or smelled. For example pork. My parents always used to use shake and bake breading mix and I just do not like eating it. I thought I hated pork for the longest time until we tried something new, a marinade- not breading-and I love eating it. Whats regular bread? You could try different kinds? I grew up on wheat/whole grain bread only to realize all my friends had white. I refuse to eat anything on white bread, I can't stand it. I think it again goes back to texture, everything is just so soggy on white bread among other things. Doubt this helped, but I thought I'd give my own two cents.

    Yeah I have tried different types. That's why he loves garlic bread. He'll tear that stuff up. However, I've never really heard anyone making sandwiches out of garlic bread?? Maybe I guess. I finally got him to try ham during Thanksgiving and he will finally eat that but once again not on bread. I guess that's not a bad thing since bread really isn't the healthiest thing for you. Also, we've tricked him with turkey saying it's "chicken" lol ...that's worked so far. I know it'll take time....it's just being patient that is hard sometimes.
  • MaritaD
    MaritaD Posts: 178 Member
    My kids eat the same things and my 11 year old is 71lbs and my 9 year old is 92lbs. My son has a very high metabolism and can eat whatever he wants (if I let him) and barely gains an ouch. My daughter eats more healthy foods than any of us and is overweight. My kids have a nice balance of outside/inside play and watching TV or playing the wii. I have taken my daughter to the doctor and a nutritionist. They say she has a slow metabolism and she needs to avoid foods with sugars and high in fat (duh). I don't understand how each of my kids can be SO different! I am working with my daughter to watch her food intake and to be more active but it's frustrating as a parent to see your two children and one is so thin and the other is not and yet they do the same things.

    I understand the frustration you are talking about, I have friends with 3 kids, all eat the same, activities very similar and one is a little overweight, slow metoblism too. I do think there is a difference though in your child being a little chubby but still healthy and active and eats good and exercises or your child being obese and can barely climb a flight of stairs because of their sedentary lifestyle and eating junk all the time.
  • anakinlover
    anakinlover Posts: 109
    My kids eat the same things and my 11 year old is 71lbs and my 9 year old is 92lbs. My son has a very high metabolism and can eat whatever he wants (if I let him) and barely gains an ouch. My daughter eats more healthy foods than any of us and is overweight. My kids have a nice balance of outside/inside play and watching TV or playing the wii. I have taken my daughter to the doctor and a nutritionist. They say she has a slow metabolism and she needs to avoid foods with sugars and high in fat (duh). I don't understand how each of my kids can be SO different! I am working with my daughter to watch her food intake and to be more active but it's frustrating as a parent to see your two children and one is so thin and the other is not and yet they do the same things.

    I understand the frustration you are talking about, I have friends with 3 kids, all eat the same, activities very similar and one is a little overweight, slow metoblism too. I do think there is a difference though in your child being a little chubby but still healthy and active and eats good and exercises or your child being obese and can barely climb a flight of stairs because of their sedentary lifestyle and eating junk all the time.

    I am going through the same thing. My son is 12 and my daughter is 8. Both weigh 100lbs. My son has the metabolism of my husband....eat all damned day and nothing! My daughter is not so lucky. Same diet, same activity. Just overweight. Her doctors have not worried about it since she is very tall for her age. Still, I persisited to ask if there was something I could be doing for her. No suggestions! We have started going to a nutritionist together. I want her to be healthy, but feel beautiful, too! I won't have some smart a**ed kid define beauty for her. I
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    I think the real question is "Why aren't kids obese?".. Considering there are more obese children than there are healthy, right???

    Just kidding.... My mom was single parent, worked full time, had three kids.
    We were all VERY healthy children.

    Cook meals, quit ordering out.
    If they don't like what you put in from of them, don't give them ****ing option instead... Put it on the counter and if they're hungry enough, they'll eat it.

    How about no more ****ing electronics either!
    Get your *kitten* outside and playing some sports with your children.
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    Kids eat what their parents feed them. I guarantee that 90% of the time, the obese child has obese parents.
