

  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    I had a buddy in college that I got to come running with me at the track. After a while I noticed he was always way behind me, much more than just because of going a little slower. Eventually I caught him at the vending machines that were along side the track. This was his motivation -every mile or so he's just stop & get something. :laugh:

    I guess it was better than not going at all??? maybe...
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    GROSS!! Take nasty McDonald's burger into a hot steamy room so it turns into a soggy mess. How is that appealing? Even at my worst I would have been apalled. The sauna at my gym says no food or drinks other than water. You may want to mention it to the manager. You are paying for a membership. You should not have to deal with that.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    This reminds me of something funny/nasty/gross/hilarious...

    I was working a construction job, putting up a plant that would make computer chips. There was a strict no-smoking/no eating/drink bottlewater only policy inside the building to preserve the sterile environment.

    It was early in the build and the plumbing wasn't in yet - we had porta-jons all in a row. There was also some canopy-tents up to sit under for breaks & lunch. It was a nasty rainy November and we were just cold & miserable. Lots of people would smoke inside the porta-jons, just to get out of the wind & rain.

    Strangely it was a fun job, lots of camaraderie among the suffering.

    So one day I stepped into a portajon and saw something written on the wall that makes me laugh to this day...

    "I don't know how you guys can sit in these nasty smelly portajons and smoke - - - Hell,,, I can barely finish my sandwich!!!".

    Eeewww,,, that's just nasty. A dog has sense enough not to s&%t where he eats.

    A bowl of cereal. On the crapper... Really? :huh: