Moments you said what you wanted to when you wanted to



  • DisneySkaGirl
    A couple weeks ago I went to see Th Hunger Games with my husband, and three 14ish year old were sitting behind us, talking full volume and NON STOP. Also saying inappropriate things about the actors body parts.They did this through about half the movie, even after various pointed glances back at them from my husband and I... finally, I turned completely around, knees on my seat and very loudly SHHHHHED them. They all shut up immediately and didn't talk again until the credits.

    Another time I was at a concert in an extremely small, packed venue with my younger brother (we were about 17 and 13 at the time), and people in the back were crowd surfing and jumping forward... we up front were watching the band, and couldn't defend ourselves or at least brace ourselves for them. Well, one guy jumped/landed right on my brothers head, and I swear I had one of those "lift a car off a baby" adrenaline rushes because I grabbed the dude and chucked him on the floor behind us. He stood up, turns out he was about 6'5 and started to scream at me. I'm 5'2, and only like 110 at the time, and I got up in his face (as best I could) and asked him what the eff his problem was, he was going to kill someone and to get the eff away from me and my brother... he went silent, and turned and walked to the back wall and stayed there. It was awesome.
  • DaniellePF
    DaniellePF Posts: 308 Member
    My mother in law visited this weekend, and kept bringing up things that she thought I needed to fix, with the house, my daughter, blah blah blah, you name it. She suggested one night that I don't change my daughter enough times, because I'm just too absent-minded to remember.

    I flat-out told her that if she wanted to give me parenting advice for my daughter, I would start giving her parenting advice for her children, because it would be just as inappropriate, and ignored just as easily.

    She hasn't given me advice since.

    And oh, it feels so good.

    APPLAUUUUUUSE! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Nothing like combatting ugliness with ugliness. :frown:

    Nothing against sticking up for yourself, but perhaps it would be better to cheer you up to tell happy stories of where people were compassionate rather than mean.

    If you don't like it then move on, We don't feel like learning a lesson today. But good luck being nice and compassionate to people that are ugly to you I am sure that will really teach them.

    I'm sorry guys I swear it never fails there is one self righteous person in every thread.
  • Ravenesque_
    Ravenesque_ Posts: 257 Member
    One school bully of mine used to try and push me out of my seat in class, saying OMG look it would take a dumper truck to move you!

    After several months of this, I must've been pissed off about something else, and I snapped. I swung him around, pushed him onto the floor, and sat on him. Then I turned to the class and asked lightly: Anyone have a dumper truck handy? :)

    The guy ran away everytime I looked at him for the rest of the year :P
  • ThePunkHippie
    Nothing like combatting ugliness with ugliness. :frown:

    Nothing against sticking up for yourself, but perhaps it would be better to cheer you up to tell happy stories of where people were compassionate rather than mean.

    Yes, because saying one thing to someone who has been making your life hell for the last few weeks/months/years is SOOOO HORRIBLE! HOW DARE WE?
    Better we just smile, take it, & get used to being a welcome mat for all sorts of harassment & abuse?

    Oh, & did you even READ any of the posts in this thread, or just see the title & decide to get all Holier-Than-Thou on our sinful *kitten*?
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    I'm not proud of this ( or maybe I am since I'm telling the story ), I had a bully in high school. He always throw food at me in lunch, verbally abuse me, or just try to pick a fight with me all the time, knowing that I would not do anything back. I just let it pass, and never really cried about it. I think it actually made me a mentally tough person. Anyway, flash forward to my 10 year class reunion.
    This *kitten* has apparently never grown up or matured, because he starts getting drunk and mouthing off to me again. In high school, I was kind of a nerd, not athletic, 5'-9", 225#, chubby. 10 years later, I'm a 10 year Army combat veteran, Airborne Infantry.
    After, I drug him out of the Elks lodge where the party was, I proceeded to to beat the **** out of him. Knock him down, let him get back up, ask him if he wants more. Anyway my old H.S. friends just stood and held his friends back. Amazing how some things change, and some people never do.
  • grumpy2day
    grumpy2day Posts: 212
    Growing up I was painfully thin, mostly due to a very low body fat percentage (I was a gymnast and avid volleyball player). People would ask me if I ever eat, was I bulimic etc. Then one day some one accused me of eating like a bird. I snapped and said yeah I do, they eat 4x their body weight and so do I because I can eat anything I want to and do! She walked off huffing about me being a conceited little so and so lol!
  • ThePunkHippie
    Nothing like combatting ugliness with ugliness. :frown:

    Nothing against sticking up for yourself, but perhaps it would be better to cheer you up to tell happy stories of where people were compassionate rather than mean.

    Yes, because saying one thing to someone who has been making your life hell for the last few weeks/months/years is SOOOO HORRIBLE! HOW DARE WE?
    Better we just smile, take it, & get used to being a welcome mat for all sorts of harassment & abuse?

    Oh, & did you even READ any of the posts in this thread, or just see the title & decide to get all Holier-Than-Thou on our sinful *kitten*?

    Ya know, since the development of the internet, I seem to say what I really want to multiple times a day! :D
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    @ThePunkHippie - Thanks for saying what I was thinking!

    I live with my in-laws and not out of choice. MIL talks constantly. I'm not sure if she talks when no one is around, but she can't shut up when someone is nearby. One night I was upstairs cooking supper and she'd been yakking for 15 minutes (she's been talking before I got upstairs, too). So she asked, "What did he say?", referring to the tv news anchor. I replied, "Well, if you'd shut up, you'd know."
  • Barbellsandthimbles
    Barbellsandthimbles Posts: 205 Member
    I had one instance in a store where a mother/daughter team was behind me in line talking (very loudly) about how they had a party that night and needed to color their hair and paint their toenails, blah blah blah. The woman checking everyone out was being trained so she was a little slow. I was second in line. The manager came up to make sure everything was ok with the new girl when the woman behind me says "Can we open another line? We've been standing in line forever and we have places we need to go." The manager said sure (looked a little uncomfortable) and opened the next register. The woman behind me mumbled something like "about time" and started to walk over there. So, I stepped in front of her and said "Excuse me, I was next in line." Now, this is not something I would normally do. I'd just let them go and get behind. The manager looked at me then at the other two to make sure there was going to be a scene. I looked back at them and the daughter was literally standing with her mouth hanging open and the mother was wide eyed. I paid for my purchase (took all of 2 minutes) and went to leave. As I got to the front door the daughter (about 16 or 17) says "You are SOOO rude!". I stopped, turned around (in for a penny, in for a pound right?!) and said "No, Sweetheart. It's your mother and you who are rude. However, I won't blame you because you obviously had a poor role model." Then turned around and left. As the door was starting to close I heard someone clapping...not sure who.
  • totallytasha
    totallytasha Posts: 134 Member
    Nothing like combatting ugliness with ugliness. :frown:

    Nothing against sticking up for yourself, but perhaps it would be better to cheer you up to tell happy stories of where people were compassionate rather than mean.

    Yes, because saying one thing to someone who has been making your life hell for the last few weeks/months/years is SOOOO HORRIBLE! HOW DARE WE?
    Better we just smile, take it, & get used to being a welcome mat for all sorts of harassment & abuse?

    Oh, & did you even READ any of the posts in this thread, or just see the title & decide to get all Holier-Than-Thou on our sinful *kitten*?

    "Nothing against sticking up for yourself" <--- Did you read that part? She didn't tell you what to do, that seemed like pretty mildly worded suggestion on a way to help cheer up the OP. Her opinion is as valid as yours, take a chill pill dude. It's Friday.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I had one instance in a store where a mother/daughter team was behind me in line talking (very loudly) about how they had a party that night and needed to color their hair and paint their toenails, blah blah blah. The woman checking everyone out was being trained so she was a little slow. I was second in line. The manager came up to make sure everything was ok with the new girl when the woman behind me says "Can we open another line? We've been standing in line forever and we have places we need to go." The manager said sure (looked a little uncomfortable) and opened the next register. The woman behind me mumbled something like "about time" and started to walk over there. So, I stepped in front of her and said "Excuse me, I was next in line." Now, this is not something I would normally do. I'd just let them go and get behind. The manager looked at me then at the other two to make sure there was going to be a scene. I looked back at them and the daughter was literally standing with her mouth hanging open and the mother was wide eyed. I paid for my purchase (took all of 2 minutes) and went to leave. As I got to the front door the daughter (about 16 or 17) says "You are SOOO rude!". I stopped, turned around (in for a penny, in for a pound right?!) and said "No, Sweetheart. It's your mother and you who are rude. However, I won't blame you because you obviously had a poor role model." Then turned around and left. As the door was starting to close I heard someone clapping...not sure who.

    Nice. I remember once my mother and I were in line at a concession stand at a park, I already had cotton candy but I think we were getting some water. This girl walks right up in front of my mom in line. My mom goes hey we are in line here and the girl turns and around and says so what, b!tch and then turned around. My mom grabbed my cotton candy and rubbed it all up in her hair well it really freaked her out and she left the line to go wash her hair out haha. BTW my mom handed me the cotton candy back like I was gonna eat it haha I still tease her about it. *sigh* I love my mom, that's why if someone tried to get over on me they wouldn't do it for long. Thanks mom for giving me the self worth and confidence to stand up in the face all the inconsiderate buttheads in the world..
  • tobiwood1977
    Nothing like combatting ugliness with ugliness. :frown:

    Nothing against sticking up for yourself, but perhaps it would be better to cheer you up to tell happy stories of where people were compassionate rather than mean.

    If you don't like it then move on, We don't feel like learning a lesson today. But good luck being nice and compassionate to people that are ugly to you I am sure that will really teach them.

    I'm sorry guys I swear it never fails there is one self righteous person in every thread.

    THANK YOU!! :)
  • tobiwood1977
    I'm not proud of this ( or maybe I am since I'm telling the story ), I had a bully in high school. He always throw food at me in lunch, verbally abuse me, or just try to pick a fight with me all the time, knowing that I would not do anything back. I just let it pass, and never really cried about it. I think it actually made me a mentally tough person. Anyway, flash forward to my 10 year class reunion.
    This *kitten* has apparently never grown up or matured, because he starts getting drunk and mouthing off to me again. In high school, I was kind of a nerd, not athletic, 5'-9", 225#, chubby. 10 years later, I'm a 10 year Army combat veteran, Airborne Infantry.
    After, I drug him out of the Elks lodge where the party was, I proceeded to to beat the **** out of him. Knock him down, let him get back up, ask him if he wants more. Anyway my old H.S. friends just stood and held his friends back. Amazing how some things change, and some people never do.

    Good for you!! :) He deserved it im sure!
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Nothing like combatting ugliness with ugliness. :frown:

    Nothing against sticking up for yourself, but perhaps it would be better to cheer you up to tell happy stories of where people were compassionate rather than mean.

    Yes, because saying one thing to someone who has been making your life hell for the last few weeks/months/years is SOOOO HORRIBLE! HOW DARE WE?
    Better we just smile, take it, & get used to being a welcome mat for all sorts of harassment & abuse?

    Oh, & did you even READ any of the posts in this thread, or just see the title & decide to get all Holier-Than-Thou on our sinful *kitten*?

    "Nothing against sticking up for yourself" <--- Did you read that part? She didn't tell you what to do, that seemed like pretty mildly worded suggestion on a way to help cheer up the OP. Her opinion is as valid as yours, take a chill pill dude. It's Friday.

    I didn't ask for opinions in my post, I asked for experiences to which she did not give, not even a compassionate story. Besides If I wanted stories of candy, kisses and compassion I would have asked for them.

    Thanks everybody that is contributing to what I asked for, I am loving your stories. Standing up for yourself builds self confidence and it is very satisfying, although I don't condone the violent kind unless you absolutely have to, but hey when you are in that situation you are the one that gets to decide.
  • totallytasha
    totallytasha Posts: 134 Member
    Nothing like combatting ugliness with ugliness. :frown:

    Nothing against sticking up for yourself, but perhaps it would be better to cheer you up to tell happy stories of where people were compassionate rather than mean.

    Yes, because saying one thing to someone who has been making your life hell for the last few weeks/months/years is SOOOO HORRIBLE! HOW DARE WE?
    Better we just smile, take it, & get used to being a welcome mat for all sorts of harassment & abuse?

    Oh, & did you even READ any of the posts in this thread, or just see the title & decide to get all Holier-Than-Thou on our sinful *kitten*?

    "Nothing against sticking up for yourself" <--- Did you read that part? She didn't tell you what to do, that seemed like pretty mildly worded suggestion on a way to help cheer up the OP. Her opinion is as valid as yours, take a chill pill dude. It's Friday.

    I didn't ask for opinions in my post, I asked for experiences to which she did not give, not even a compassionate story. Besides If I wanted stories of candy, kisses and compassion I would have asked for them.

    Well, whatever. This is me sticking up for how I feel when I see people responded to with unnecessary harshness based on people's past experiences and not the post itself. Ta da!
  • ThePunkHippie
    Nothing like combatting ugliness with ugliness. :frown:

    Nothing against sticking up for yourself, but perhaps it would be better to cheer you up to tell happy stories of where people were compassionate rather than mean.

    Yes, because saying one thing to someone who has been making your life hell for the last few weeks/months/years is SOOOO HORRIBLE! HOW DARE WE?
    Better we just smile, take it, & get used to being a welcome mat for all sorts of harassment & abuse?

    Oh, & did you even READ any of the posts in this thread, or just see the title & decide to get all Holier-Than-Thou on our sinful *kitten*?

    "Nothing against sticking up for yourself" <--- Did you read that part? She didn't tell you what to do, that seemed like pretty mildly worded suggestion on a way to help cheer up the OP. Her opinion is as valid as yours, take a chill pill dude. It's Friday.

    She's coming into a thread about times we stood up for ourselves, & complaining that we're not talking about more positive things. if she doesn't have anything to contribute to the thread, then why bother coming in & shooting her mouth off about what negative people we are?

    Not to mention, the fact that we have enough self confidence to stand up for ourselves is pretty positive IMO.
  • tobiwood1977
    Nothing like combatting ugliness with ugliness. :frown:

    Nothing against sticking up for yourself, but perhaps it would be better to cheer you up to tell happy stories of where people were compassionate rather than mean.

    Yes, because saying one thing to someone who has been making your life hell for the last few weeks/months/years is SOOOO HORRIBLE! HOW DARE WE?
    Better we just smile, take it, & get used to being a welcome mat for all sorts of harassment & abuse?

    Oh, & did you even READ any of the posts in this thread, or just see the title & decide to get all Holier-Than-Thou on our sinful *kitten*?

    YES! Thank you!! I am not a door mat and I do not let people treat me as such!!
  • totallytasha
    totallytasha Posts: 134 Member
    Nothing like combatting ugliness with ugliness. :frown:

    Nothing against sticking up for yourself, but perhaps it would be better to cheer you up to tell happy stories of where people were compassionate rather than mean.

    Yes, because saying one thing to someone who has been making your life hell for the last few weeks/months/years is SOOOO HORRIBLE! HOW DARE WE?
    Better we just smile, take it, & get used to being a welcome mat for all sorts of harassment & abuse?

    Oh, & did you even READ any of the posts in this thread, or just see the title & decide to get all Holier-Than-Thou on our sinful *kitten*?

    "Nothing against sticking up for yourself" <--- Did you read that part? She didn't tell you what to do, that seemed like pretty mildly worded suggestion on a way to help cheer up the OP. Her opinion is as valid as yours, take a chill pill dude. It's Friday.

    She's coming into a thread about times we stood up for ourselves, & complaining that we're not talking about more positive things. if she doesn't have anything to contribute to the thread, then why bother coming in & shooting her mouth off about what negative people we are?

    Not to mention, the fact that we have enough self confidence to stand up for ourselves is pretty positive IMO.

    Maybe she was trying to contribute and really thought it would help - how should I know? I don't care if you guys don't agree, I'm just chiming in that I feel that the reaction was so much stronger than what I think it deserved. But maybe I don't read enough posts - I was just surprised.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Nothing like combatting ugliness with ugliness. :frown:

    Nothing against sticking up for yourself, but perhaps it would be better to cheer you up to tell happy stories of where people were compassionate rather than mean.

    Yes, because saying one thing to someone who has been making your life hell for the last few weeks/months/years is SOOOO HORRIBLE! HOW DARE WE?
    Better we just smile, take it, & get used to being a welcome mat for all sorts of harassment & abuse?

    Oh, & did you even READ any of the posts in this thread, or just see the title & decide to get all Holier-Than-Thou on our sinful *kitten*?

    "Nothing against sticking up for yourself" <--- Did you read that part? She didn't tell you what to do, that seemed like pretty mildly worded suggestion on a way to help cheer up the OP. Her opinion is as valid as yours, take a chill pill dude. It's Friday.

    She's coming into a thread about times we stood up for ourselves, & complaining that we're not talking about more positive things. if she doesn't have anything to contribute to the thread, then why bother coming in & shooting her mouth off about what negative people we are?

    Not to mention, the fact that we have enough self confidence to stand up for ourselves is pretty positive IMO.

    Maybe she was trying to contribute and really thought it would help - how should I know? I don't care if you guys don't agree, I'm just chiming in that I feel that the reaction was so much stronger than what I think it deserved. But maybe I don't read enough posts - I was just surprised.

    No worries, IMHO she didn't come to contribute more than to ride through on her high horse but posted the other statements to soften her criticism and come off like a good guy. Not what we were looking for though. But good on ya to try to see the best in people :) That is not a bad quality in my book.