What do you look for in a Personal Trainer?

Hi guys

I am looking to get into personal training and have done some to see if i have any talent. I have not had any negative comments so far, but have had constructive feedback.

May i ask what you would expect from a trainer?


I'll post this in the main forum too, i am just looking for feedback.


  • MrsRachyx
    MrsRachyx Posts: 16
    For me, I like my trainer to look good, be confident, honest and to the point.
    Being on time and having good people skills is definately a factor too! Hope that helps :)
  • nniimmcckk
    nniimmcckk Posts: 74 Member
    Not to get easily distracted by others in the gym, PT's focus should be solely on their client.
    To look healthy and strong
    Enthusiastic and innovative, fresh ideas.
    Outdoor training
    Knowledgable and up to date with anatomy, nutrition and exercise
    Talkative and friendly
    An Adonis?? ;)
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    Appearance - has to look the part!
    Experience - to have a science background, nutrition as well as how the body works, perhaps and/or personal experience
    Manners - down to earth, always polite, always motivating, always calm
    Organised - totally - this shows dedication and commitment (food plans/workout plans done, rather than saying I'll get them for you over the next couple of weeks - if you haven't got something - don't mention it!)
    Manners - ALWAYS, polite, positive, optimistic, reassuring - NEVER insult - they are paying you!
    I think the key is to remember things that the client has said, understand what their goals are and why - remember them, refer back to them, when it gets hard! ALWAYS be positive, optimistic - YOU CAN DO THIS! YOU'RE DOING GREAT!

    Mo - I'm sure with your determination and personality you will be great - just make sure your super organised.

    Good luck. x
  • BoxingCoachMo
    Thanks for the feedback so far.
  • BoxingCoachMo
    He has to be good looking i guess too. In my gym all the trainers are male.

    Do females prefer males?
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    Hot body and loose morals.

    Fitness knowledge is also appreciated.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    Gotta look good -- I wont get trained from someone not in shape

    Also - has to be motivational, push me even if I dont want to do the exercise
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    He has to be good looking i guess too. In my gym all the trainers are male.

    Do females prefer males?

    I believe it creates eye-candy. Who wouldn't want to try and impress a hot trainer -- just saying... and being honest
  • MotorCityFemmeFatale
    MotorCityFemmeFatale Posts: 222 Member
    I prefer a male trainer. I look for someone who has successfully competed or trains those who have or are competing.

    If I had not gone the comp route to begin with, I would still prefer a male and would look for someone who looks fit and is personable.
  • kimberly0416
    kimberly0416 Posts: 123 Member
    For me personally, changing up the routine I get bored very easily and like to do exercises that work multiples instead of one. Also not shy about correcting my form to the point of obsessive so when he isn't around I am doing it correctly.

    Obviously in shape
    I hope so
    Yes or how can the teach me?
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    male, person who just clicks with my personality, someone who kicks my *kitten* and is informative, someone who who is in shape themselves.
  • jenkinsjerry
    jenkinsjerry Posts: 99 Member
    Cost -- $80+ an hour in this economy? In any economy? Never

    Agenda -- Each time I've used a PT, I spend the next 3-4 days not being able to do anything. Why can't they "ramp us into" their new techniques and approaches. Not helpful to punish someone for that $80...
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    I would want someone who encourages me to go farther even when I dont want to but not in an aggressive or overbearing way

    someone who listens to what i want and my concerns, doesnt have their own agenda or a generic workout they use on most of their clients
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Someone that understands my goals and knows how to train me to achieve them.

    Not someone that will put me though some cookie cutter routine.
  • em435
    em435 Posts: 210 Member
    Hot body and loose morals.

    Fitness knowledge is also appreciated.

  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    I want a personal trainer to kick my *kitten* and make me work out harder than I think I can do. I've had just a couple of different trainers, but my last trainer would push me further than I think I could and she is an awesome trainer (I'm just too cheap to see her more - boo).

    Other perks that make an awesome trainer (IMO):
    -Focus on the client only and not chat with other people during "their" time. They're paying usually quite a bit of money to see you, don't waste their money.
    -My trainer offers discounted group boot camp classes that are awesome and affordable ($10 per session instead of the normal fee). It was fun to be in a group setting and have an affordable way of getting to see her.
    -Having a nutrition background or being very knowledgeable is important; some trainers spout out the standard "buy this protein shake and drink it before and after a workout" when they don't know how much protein the client really needs. Explain to the client why they need more protein and the benefits of it instead of just saying "drink this".
    -Being able to mix it up for different clients is very important; many clients have injuries or are too overweight to do normal exercises and want to know what they can do without hurting themselves.
    -Being helpful and not degrading, have a great helpful attitude and patience (which is a no-brainer). I don't know squat about certain exercises or machines and I don't want to feel like a moron if you have to show me the exercise twice (or three times).

    I'm an exercise newbie and my trainer was great with me when she would show me different exercises and have me try new things. Newbies definitely want someone to hold their hand to get them started, push them to get better, and educate them.
  • RunningMama1276
    RunningMama1276 Posts: 15 Member
    He has to be good looking i guess too. In my gym all the trainers are male.

    Do females prefer males?

    Being an ex-personal trainer, I would say it just depends. Even though I used to be a trainer, I am going to a trainer right now. As first I thought I wanted to be with a female but after observing the female trainers at my gym, I did not feel any of them would give me the kind of training I wanted. I did not want to be "stuck" on machines. I wanted to be working on a lot of core, functional training...doing new, fun, and innovative workouts.

    If it is a female that is brand new to exercise...they are the ones that my experience showed they were more inclined to want a female. Women trust women (typically)...and they are afraid that men will push them harder than they are capable at that time.
  • amyy902
    amyy902 Posts: 290 Member
    im a PT, come train with me! :)
  • BoxingCoachMo
    im a PT, come train with me! :)

    Nice plug. What course did you do to become one?
  • BeccaLevine
    BeccaLevine Posts: 315 Member
    Well, I have a personal trainer and I absolutely love him.

    I think #1 most important thing is that you yourself are in GREAT SHAPE! Before I started working with my trainer now I was paired with a guy who was not in shape at all..looking at him did not inspire me to get in shape!

    Also, have great people skills. I love how my trainer can talk my ear off and carry on convo's with me while I'm working so I get caught up in the convo and before I know it I'm done with my set! And it's good to pay attention to stories or things your clients tell you because it feels great to talk to him and he can remember everything about me that I've told him.

    Of course, be on time. They are paying you big money! Sometimes people are late, that's fine, if that's the case, agree to stay longer that day..or meet them 15 minutes earlier the next appointment! Keep them happy, they can easily drop you!

    Teach your clients things they can do on their own too!

    Finally, as a girl, it's refreshing to not have a creeper for a trainer. I know a lot of men can't help themselves, but don't look at your female clients like a piece of meat, make them comfortable. Trainer/client relationships require trust! They are trusting you to help get them in shape!

    Hope that helps! :)