Spring Cleanse - Day 2

This is day 2 of my Spring cleanse. I have to write that I hate dieting and despite my inner voices telling me that this doesn't really count as dieting, it does. Other than cleaning out my system, which I really think needs a good cleaning, I'm looking to lose about 5 pounds gained from sitting on my butt in an office all winter. I hate trying to lose 5 pounds because I find those 5 just don't ever want to budge. Not to mention, I am already bored of salads and it's day 2. F. Only another 12 to go. I'm definitely going to need more lettuce.

I'm finding a major problem keeping my fat content down. Everyday it's over the goal limit, and I can see where it's happening (Renee's gourmet greek feta dressing) but it's the only thing that's exciting about my salad right now. Tricky. I can tell you right now, I am NOT cutting that out.

On the plus side, I seem to have more energy. yes I know it's only been two days, and there is a huge chance that it's only a placebo effect of some kind, but either way, I'm not feeling the need to nap at my desk.

My doctor recently told me that I need more iron in my diet, and I have been faithfully taking supplements for a couple weeks now. She also mentioned that I might have a very slight gluten (On a funny note, when proof reading this I had wrote glutton problem! Also an issue of mine, when food is so delicious I can't help but eat waaaay past the point of comfort) sensitivity which is preventing my body from absorbing nutrients properly, namely iron. So, I have been trying to go light on gluten products, which did not work last week between the burger, pizza and sloppy Joe's I ate (read over indulged here). Let's just say this spring cleanse started after that particular week. And I'm seriously considering having avocado pasta for dinner tonight. I do get some sort of mental bonus points for using whole wheat pasta and avocado at least right? FYI, avocados are also partly responsible for my overreaching fat content (I have a tendency to put everything in my food diary before I eat it and then modify if necessary, but I find it helps me stick to to a meal plan).

Another issue I'm having is with my sugars being a little on the high side. It's like a no win situation here! I go healthy and eat more fruits and suddenly my sugar ratings are through the roof. I'm going to put my foot down right now and declare that this is no fair! On an exercise note, putting my foot down must have burned at least 2 calories!!

Anyway, I find writing this stuff helps me keep it all in perspective, and on track. Hopefully I'm in the right forum, especially since I definitely need some salad motivation.