What's some advice you would tell your 16 year old self ?



  • DanTheRunningMan
    Hang tight-- it's only two more years and then things get better fast. That said, you might try a little harder. Being the perennial underachiever is only funny in a tragic way, and only really to you. You actually ARE going to college, and everyone will be dumbstruck at how you take to it.

    Stop sweating the girls. By the time you're 40, a decent-looking, employed, stable guy with no substance problems is going to be in-demand to an extent that will blow your mind. Let go of Dionne, for both your sakes. Date. And don't get married in three years. Geez, I shouldn't even have to say that.

    Speaking of, you're getting more attention than you realize but you're too dense to see it. In ten years, a beautiful opera major will make a play for you. Pay attention. At least ask her out for a drink, dumba$$.

    Learn to play golf NOW. Learn to enjoy exercise NOW. Learn to save a little money NOW. Learn to eat fewer biscuits NOW. Spend less time with your uncle-- he's lazy mentally and physically. Spend more time with Mike. He's solid, headed in the right direction, and will be there for you for decades to come.

    Yes, Dad could treat you better, but he loves you. The thing is, he relates better to adults than kids, and when you grow up you'll see how awesome he can be. The world will look very different when you can see through his eyes, and there's a lot you'll understand then. Savor your time with him because he'll drop dead at 70. So will you, if you don't start taking better care of yourself.

    With all your flaws, you're still a good kid. Be patient with yourself, and learn to love yourself just a little bit. Once high school is done, the worst of it is over. You'll have ups and downs, but it's going to be a good life.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    Wear a condom next time dumbass!!!!