What do YOU do for your IT band pain?



  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    No Problem.....

    Now I alternate running and using an elliptical regularly, and if I get any hint of pain in my hip or knee I use the elliptical exclusively. The constrained movements of the elliptical seems to correct the problem for me so I can still get a workout in.
  • tlhorsley
    tlhorsley Posts: 141 Member
    Yes a foam roller is a must. And like another person suggested -get one of the harder ones (normally black).

    I got a green one from Target that I use at home and it is a lot softer and not anywhere as good as the black hard one at the gym. It will be painful but that is good -that is what you want.

    Also as someone else mentioned -if it is truly your IT Band you probably shouldn't be running until you get it healed. I did a Half Marathon in December and FINALLY this week I was able to run 1 mile and not have any pain.

    It can be a long slow process.

    I had a trainer tell me when I injured mine that beyond the stretches and beyond the foam roller to do exercises to strengthen my hips and my hamstrings.

    Good Luck!
  • hpynh2o
    hpynh2o Posts: 194 Member
    OMG. I am just now, after 8 weeks, finally able to run again.

    The foam roller didn't do much for me. I finally broke down and did the PT thing. Five visits over two weeks. Was VERY helpful. The trigger point release and learning better stretches really made a difference for me.

    I already do plenty of squats and lunges. Strength prevents injury. You should prob try a course of ibuprofen. 600mg every 6 hours for about a week. Try and break the inflammatory cycle. And, of course, cut way back on the activities that cause pain as you do regular stretching and strengthening exercises.

    Good luck!
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