Ladies: Putting yourself together...



  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    I'm pretty much a "wake up and out the door in 45 minutes" kind of girl. It doesn't seem to matter if I dry my hair, leave it wet, put on make up or not, it's always the same amount of time. :laugh:
  • LaurasClimb
    LaurasClimb Posts: 211 Member
    I shower in the evenings so my mornings look like this:
    6:30 use the bathroom, wake the kids up
    6:35 brush my teeth, wake the kids up
    6:40 hop on the scale, wake the kids up
    6:45 choose my clothes, yell at the kids for not getting up, tell them I'm not coming back
    6:50 get dressed, no make up, finger-comb my hair (have been blessed with easy, curly hair)
    6:55 head downstairs, tell the kids to get moving, start breakfast
    7:00 eat breakfast, check in MFP
    7:10 call upstairs to the kids, tell them it's just about time to go.
    7:15 we all pile in the car, I take them to school and go to work.

    So I guess my morning routine is 45 min. If the kids don't have school it's about 20 min.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    45-60 minutes.

    not because i do a lot of stuff, but i like to take my time.
    for instance i love the feeling a steaming face cloth on my face so i have to do that.

    most of that time is spent picking out what to wear. make up takes 5-10 minutes since most days it's just tinted foundation, a little concelear on my dark spots. liquid eyeliner and mascara.

    on days where i have to be up early, i prefer taking my shower at night to save time.

    the quickest i've ever gotten up and out the door was 15 minutes, but that was because my clothes were picked out the night before, bags were packed, shower taken. so all i had to do was wake up, pee, brush my teeth and put on my clothes
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    I take 10-20 minutes in the shower.
    10 minutes to dry my hair, 10 to straighten it (my hair is already pretty straight).
    I can do my makeup in 15 minutes but prefer around 30 so I'm not rushing.

    So just over an hour on a regular day. If I'm going somewhere special, I could take several hours if they were available! Lol
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Your previous routine is still longer than mine. I don't shower at a regular time, if I get up early enough I'll do it, but otherwise I can wait.

    Shower included the routine is:
    15 minutes: shower, brush teeth, wash face
    5 minutes: put clothes on
    30 seconds: brush hair
  • AliciaBeth78
    AliciaBeth78 Posts: 437 Member
    I'm a lot more high maintenance now that I've lost a few pounds!

    I used to shower at night (I have to be at work at 6:30 in the morning)! So I would wash my face, brush my teeth, throw on some tinted moisterizer and put my hair up in a bun, get dressed and go.

    Now, I wake up at 4:30am so I can shower, wash my face, brush my teeth, spend about 15-20 minutes making sure my make-up is perfect, 15-20 minutes on my hair, at least 30 minutes finding the cutest outfit I can throw together in my closet and eventually leaving at least 5 minutes late!

    I can't wait to see how pathetic I am when I lose the rest of this weight!!!!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I'm a lot more high maintenance now that I've lost a few pounds!

    I can't wait to see how pathetic I am when I lose the rest of this weight!!!!

    That is awesome though that you are, obviously, so proud of yourself now. :smile:
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I am the fastest gun in the west.

    I have 4 kids, (and my 4 year old has waist length curly hair that must be brushed and braided by me; I also must pick out her clothes). Brushing my daughter's hair takes 10 minutes!

    I get up at 6 to make sure the middleschooler is up and has lunch money, then go back to bed (he always eats the previous night's dinner for breakfast). Then I can get up at 645, cook everyone's breakfast, make everyone's lunch, shout at them all to get up and get dressed (multiple times ha), get myself dressed and out the door at 7:40. I also usually unload and reload the dishwasher during that time, and sometimes flip a load of laundry.

    Disclaimer: if it's a bath day for my daughter, add 15 minutes.

    Edit: On the rare occasion that I have the luxury of just getting myself ready (usually that would be a later day shower getting ready to go somewhere without kids), I will take my time to blowdry and set my hair and do nicer makeup, it would take about 40 minutes.

    If I'm doing stage makeup, the eyes alone can take 15 minutes.
  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
    i have four children... so mine is more like your previous routine! i have long, wavy it air dries. don't wear much makeup... pretty low maintence luckily for all of us!
  • laurieblair2012
    I get up at 5 to go to the gym so that is just about 5 min to get some clothes in and pull my hair back. When I get back around 6,I spend 30 min just listening to silence...and the coffe maker. I also have breakfast then.. At 6:30 I wake up one son, then get myself in the shower. 6:45, I throw on a robe and wake up another son. I get dressed and spend about 10 min brushing teeth, flossing, moisturizing, contacts, etc. By 7 I make sure both the sons I have previously awakened are really dressed, with teeth brushed and moving. 7:00 to 7:20 I do my hair, makeup, etc. By 7:25 I pile the two youngest sons in the car and make sure the third son is awake (he doesn't have to be at school until after we do...and he drives himself). It used to be a circus but I think we have it down to a science now. :)
  • LaurasClimb
    LaurasClimb Posts: 211 Member
    I am the fastest gun in the west.

    I have 4 kids, (and my 4 year old has waist length curly hair that must be brushed and braided by me; I also must pick out her clothes). Brushing my daughter's hair takes 10 minutes!

    My daughter has always had waist length hair. I would braid it at night so it was much easier to comb out in the morning.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I'm a tomboy at heart, however, I'm having to travel to more professional events lately and am trying to make an effort every day to dress better, do my makeup well, an get my hair done. This is awkward to me, however, I do feel better doing it.

    I'm so used to grabbing a shirt and jeans and some sandals or sneakers, and it feels frustrating at the moment having to fuss up every morning.

    How long does it take you to get ready and what is your morning routine? Have you always done this or did you make a change to put more effort into how you look? If so, how long did it take you to get used to it?

    Mine's this:

    10-15 mins for shower
    10 mins for makeup, deodorant, brush teeth, mouthwash, facewash...
    30-40 min for blow drying, straightening then curling the tips of my hair. I'm so slow with doing my own hair.
    10 mins for dressing. I'm trying to be more careful about what I wear and accessorizing. It takes me a while to figure it out...

    My previous routine was:
    10-15 mins for shower
    10 mins for deodorant, brush teeth, mouthwash, face wash, and clothes
    2 mins (brush hair and pin it up in a bun or something)
    out the door...

    I used to put 0 effort into my appearance. Have a shower, wash my hair, get dressed, go to work - was probably about 10-15 mins worth tops.

    Now it takes me about half an hour. 5-10 mins for a shower inc. washing hair, brushing teeth. 10 minutes for applying makeup and deoderant. 3 minutes to get some clothes on. 10 minutes for blow drying my hair.
  • kristi_asco
    kristi_asco Posts: 183
    i take like an hour and a half normally to get ready (if i'm not rushing!)

    i brush my teeth and put my contacts in first or else i can't see!
    then i take like 20 mins to shower, then another 20 mins to figure out what i wanna wear and actually get dressed.
    10 mins to blow dry my hair (which turns into a lions mane because it's long) and then about 25 mins to straighten it or curl it or do something with it!
    another 15 mins for make up, perfume & jewelry and any other finishing touches and then i'm out the door!

  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    I enjoy being a girl! But I am also a very tough cowgirl when I have to be. I can spend the day in a work shirt, boots, hat and jeans, covered in sweat and crap. The next day I will look good enough to make Stacey London and Clinton Kelly orgasm simultaneously!

    When I have a day off, I try on outfits, big time, so that in any event I know what's available in a pinch. I do all my shaving, showering and shampooing the night before, and in the am I can be ready in about 30 to 40 minutes.
  • strawberrie_milk
    strawberrie_milk Posts: 381 Member
    30 minutes in the morning!
    Washing face & brushing teeth: 10 minutes
    Makeup: 10 minutes
    Hair: 5 minutes
    Getting dressed: 5 minutes

    I shower in the evening :p
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I have long curly hair that I usually straighten. Best discovery ever for me...a satin cap. I bought it at cvs pharmacy. I do my hair before bed. Put the cap on. When I wake up in the morning,,,whip off the cap. Boom. Done hair. Love it!
  • huracan_mery
    huracan_mery Posts: 47 Member
    On work days, I shower at night. I usually go to bed around 11 or 11:30 and have to be out my door at 5:35 if I want to be on time for work. That's purely theoretical though; I can't remember the last time I got to work on time.

    When I get up I go pee, brush my teeth, stand on my scale, glare at it, put on deodorant, toss the clothes in the dirty clothes basket. I pull a brush through my hair and tie it back with something. Then amble my way back to my side of the bed where I put on as quickly as possible the clothes I laid out the night before.

    After that I go to the living room and get my backpack and try to get out the door before my kids notice.

    I can usually do this in six minutes or less. I put on makeup when I get to work if I feel like wearing it. Same thing goes for brushing the rest of my hair out.

    I wish I could take more time to get ready in the morning but I am not trying to wake up at 4.
  • aniwani
    aniwani Posts: 110
    I shower at night cause there's absolutely no time in the AM unless I wanna get up at 5 ... at night post shower I straighten my hair for like 30 mins... (I have really curly hair) touch it up in the morning get dressed in clothes I already laid out and about 30-40 mins for make up... If I was to do it all before work we would prob be talking a 3 hr. routine... =/ sucks being a girl
  • LiviLou2011
    LiviLou2011 Posts: 437 Member
    I take like 20 min or longer shower, usually i take a bath so its even longer..
    Brush my teeth all that good stuff
    Ugh dont even get me started when it comes to hair, if im just gonna be at home ponytail, if im going out i will do my hair which takes like 45 takes forever to blow dry my hair and straighten or curl it..
    If im running to a doctors apt or something like that i usually just scrunch my hair with some curl stuff and bobbie pin a bump in the front or on the side or something like that which takes less then 5 mins.

    My clothes omg i have no clothes so tshirts and jeans when going nowhere
    and the couple of nice things that i have right now if im going somewhere important..

    gotta work with whatcha got.
  • hheater
    hheater Posts: 52 Member
    What really helps is to have "wash and wear" hair. Go to the salon and have your hair cut in a style that lays well on its own so that you don't have to spend all that time styling! Or at least a style that's less maintenance. :)