2-week Sugar Cleanse



  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    Excess calories are the only cause of weight gain. Balancing the diet eating a reasonable deficit and exercising is the only way to 'cleanse'

    Its foolish to waste your time with a ridiculous sugar cleanse.

    You don't have to be rude. If you don't want to do the cleanse, don't do it and leave everyone else to do as they please. A lot of people see drastic improvements in their health and vitality by cutting down on refined sugar.

    I'll speak as I please.

    You must have a lot of friends and people who care about you IRL.
  • iamchristyl
    iamchristyl Posts: 26 Member
    Carbohydrate molecules are all EXACTLY THE SAME !!

    There's no difference at all between eating the carbohydrate molecules in fruit, bread, or anything else.

    If you must eat some fruit, eat only strawberries or raspberries. They are remarkable in that they contain the least possible carbohydrate molecules, but, taste the sweetest because of the biomechanics of your mouth and tongue.

    Again - the only fruit to eat is strawberries and raspberries because they are so low in carbohydrate molecules.

    If you're trying to lose body fat, don't eat any bread, potatoes, pasta.

    The great news is if you can just limit your intake of carbohydrate molecule to about 72 grams per day, for about a month, you will completely lose your taste for carbohydrates - you won't feel the need to eat potatoes, fruit, pasta, rice, bread. After that you will effortlessly lose body fat, eating whatever you want. (You will have no taste for carbohydrate-based foods.)

    Buy a copy of "Life without Bread" by Dr. Lutz - change your life!

    That's the idea! And thanks for the additional information and book reccommendation. You seem very successful in your weight loss endeavor!
  • iamchristyl
    iamchristyl Posts: 26 Member
    I doubt I can make it 2 weeks, but I will try for a 3-day version, just to get me started! I admire your discipline - I already know I won't make it that long! But I have noticed a significant spike in my junk food intake and I need to start eating real food. I just bundled all of my sugary food up and getting ready to get it out of the house. If it is here, I will eat it. Time to go grocery shopping for some real food this afternoon, without junk and sugar.

    That's exactly the problem I had - way too much artificial sugar in my yogurt, oatmeal, etc. All of the things that were low in calories and convenient for a life on the go. It look a lot more time to make my lunch today, but so far has been well worth it - yum! Good luck!
  • rsward
    rsward Posts: 45
  • prettylyzard
    prettylyzard Posts: 98 Member
    Excess calories are the only cause of weight gain. Balancing the diet eating a reasonable deficit and exercising is the only way to 'cleanse'

    Its foolish to waste your time with a ridiculous sugar cleanse.

    Way to be positive and supportive. Some of us have an addiction to sugar, so a cleanse is helpful. And if it cuts out processed foods and puts in more natural things, its better in the long run anyways.
  • srobertson47
    srobertson47 Posts: 5 Member
    That one of my biggest weight loss problem is sugar i been battling the sugar addiction for a long time too sugar is and addiction so i will take the challenge with you today 4-23-12 for two weeks,Lord help!!!!:sad: :sad:
  • ShannanShea
    Wow, this sounds like a great idea and actually sounds like my exact problem too! Good luck, I'll do my best to cut back on my sugar intake as well. I swear my sweet tooth holds me back from meeting my goal weight constantly. I hope you see the results you want!! :)
  • gillybumbler
    I am in! I have done this before for a month (on the Body Ecology Diet) and lost weight fast! I am gaining it back now that I have stopped.

    The only sweeteners I will use are stevia and Xyla Brand Xylitol. I really want to get back to the diet because I felt so great!
  • dancingdeer
    dancingdeer Posts: 373 Member
    Great job in trying to change.

    But - those sugars you list - agave, honey, etc. are all still sugar. They may be not as refined (well agave is refined) but they still spike your insulin. Try going without ANY sweetener - zero.

    And watch the bread - most have corn syrup in them, or something else.

    My nutritionist basically says to stay away from all sweetener. When you get to the point where you're having to sweeten things that don't need sweetening, you need to take a look at your diet.

    If you'd like to check out my "no sugar" diary - friend me!

    Best of luck. :flowerforyou:
  • emccand
    emccand Posts: 195 Member
    Interesting challenge! :)

    I need to do this again, snacking is getting a little nuts. I don't eat much bread, and I use Stevia...but I started drinking diet coke again, and I think it can officially be classified as one of my "triggers" because my snacking has been nuts the last couple of weeks.

    I do drink Crystal lite, but I water it down a LOT (like the packet is supposed to make 2 quarts, I make like 3 46 oz bottles with one packet), so it's not really sweet enough to "trigger".

    I am going to do this - & I think I'm going to talk my husband into joining in as well (he is also on MFP).

    We have nothing to lose but cravings & calories! =) Good luck everyone!!

    Diet coke makes me snack like crazy too! There was some study saying the aspartame in diet pop makes you crave carbs and sugars, I think its true. I quit pop a little over 2 weeks ago but have already noticed I am less hungry.
  • meowy12
    meowy12 Posts: 25 Member
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    If you cleanse all the sugar from your body, you're going to have problems.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Excess calories are the only cause of weight gain. Balancing the diet eating a reasonable deficit and exercising is the only way to 'cleanse'

    Its foolish to waste your time with a ridiculous sugar cleanse.

    ^These are facts. Facts are not rude. They are simply the truth.

    But good luck since you'll be doing it anyway.
  • OpenHeaven
    OpenHeaven Posts: 275 Member
    I am on day 37 of 40 days without ANY processed food...I decided to cut out sugars, anything white (potatoes, rice, etc), cereals, and ALL breads, and then realized that I should just eat whole foods for 40 days (nothing processed). It has been amazing!!! I have absolutely no cravings for sugar or bread (my two loves!!). It has been fun exploring new ways of eating! Challenging to find enough to eat at times (although I really am not hungry very often - the cravings are GONE!!) but it has been GREAT!!!!

    To all of you starting this - hang in there!!! It is a little challenging at first, but YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
  • larkiedeek
    larkiedeek Posts: 203 Member
    That's going to be hard. Sugar is in everything including some bacon!

    Good luck!
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    I've been off sugar for over a year now - well, as much as possible. As you said, there is sugar hidden in so many things. I read a lot of labels very closely and look for things that don't contain added sugar. The first two weeks is tough - it's like any addiction. You'll have cravings, headaches, be a little grouchy. But after two weeks, you should start to feel better and you'll find you enjoy the taste of other foods much more. Good luck!
  • appleholtz
    I believe everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial. I too struggle with refined sugar addiction. I was thinking of going without it to see what kind of change I see in my physical, mental and spiritual life.
  • bytemeeeeee
    bytemeeeeee Posts: 174
    Interesting challenge! :)

    I need to do this again, snacking is getting a little nuts. I don't eat much bread, and I use Stevia...but I started drinking diet coke again, and I think it can officially be classified as one of my "triggers" because my snacking has been nuts the last couple of weeks.

    I do drink Crystal lite, but I water it down a LOT (like the packet is supposed to make 2 quarts, I make like 3 46 oz bottles with one packet), so it's not really sweet enough to "trigger".

    I am going to do this - & I think I'm going to talk my husband into joining in as well (he is also on MFP).

    We have nothing to lose but cravings & calories! =) Good luck everyone!!

    If you are going to drink Crystal Light... Try crystal Light Pure..It's better than the traditional Crystal Light.. =)

    'ure Fitness

    Crystal Light has a new product called Pure Fitness. The company touts it as being made without artificial sweeteners or colors. The three flavors--lemon-lime, grape and strawberry-kiwi--have 15 calories per serving because they use evaporated cane juice and sugar as sweeteners, as well as a small percentage of Truvia brand sweetener. The Pure Fitness line has 35mg of sodium and 3g of sugars/carbohydrates, with no fat or protein.

    Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/205118-nutrition-for-crystal-light/#ixzz1ssNd4PEI
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Hello fellow MFP members!

    I've decided to challenge myself to a 2-week sugar cleanse and thought others might be interested in joining me! I keep reading that refined and artificial sugars are among the top reasons for weight gain, specifically in your abdominal area. Many dieticians recommend a two-week period of no refined or artificial sugar to see results in that area. My understanding is that sugar (even artificial sweeteners) makes your insulin spike, thus making you store fat more easily.

    So I am beginning this Sunday, 04/21/2012 and I am eliminating:
    - refined sugar (white sugar)
    - sweeteners (sucralose and aspartame)
    - "white" bread and pasta

    To replace those items, I will be using:
    - honey
    - agave
    - stevia
    - natural sugars (fruit)
    - whole wheat bread and pasta
    - rye bread

    I have a feeling that this will be very challenging as I'm sure there is sugar in a TON of the products I am currently purchasing. That's why I've given myself the 2 day lead time to get ready! Hopefully this will be successful and will help me make some long-term changes as well.

    Sugar is sugar. Your body doesn't recognize a difference between white refined sugar, and honey, agave, or sugars from fruits. And honestly, honey and agave are both 90% fructose, so if you believe in all the alarmist claims about sugar, then you should know that according to the anti-sugar fanatics, fructose is the worst form of sugar. Also, white bread, pasta, and ry bread do not have much sugar in them, they are starches., you'd get about 17 times more sugar in a tablespoon of honey than you would get in a slice of bread.

    As for sugar turning into fat, that only happens if you eat a calorie excess above and beyond your maintenance calories, otherwise, it doesn't happen.

    And artificial sweeteners are just fine in moderation, there is no real scientific evidence of any health issues caused by artificial sweeteners.

    All in all, if sugar causes you to have trouble controlling your eating, get rid of it. However, using honey and agave will not help a sugar addiction in the least, as they are just liquid forms of sugar.

    If you don't have a sugar addiction, then to be quite honest, sugar will have no negative effect on your health when you eat moderate amounts of it as part of a balanced, healthy diet.
    xASHYxSMASHYx Posts: 175 Member
    OMG I am so doing this with you! I have just been nagging at my husband about how we eat way too much sugar in this house... and I feel like crap because of it!