OMG!!! What have I let myself become??

Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought "OMG!!!! Have I ever gotten FAT!!!". I did today and I have no idea where to start or what to do. My mom bought me a skirt yesterday. When she was giving it to me, she said "It’s a 22, I don’t know if it will fit, but try it". I kind of feel defeated with comments like that. Now, I am sure she didn’t mean anything by it, but still…

I understand the basic, burn more calories than what you take in. I know that veggies are the way to go. I also know that I cannot afford to buy a lot of fresh stuff every week. I am on my own with my son. By the time I pay the mortgage, car payment, monthly bills, etc, there’s not a left over to buy the healthy stuff. I am also working 10 hour days so by the time I get home, get supper made, clean up and help my son with homework, I am tired! I know that I need to get active, I just don’t know how to get myself in gear. My parents have an elliptical in their basement (only about a block away), but even getting there to do that is a huge undertaking.

I cannot log in to MFP at work and we don’t get cell service, so I can’t use my phone. I bought a calorie counter book to try to help, but I feel confused and lost when it comes to starting. Every time you turn around, someone is telling you to do something different.

I guess what I really need is support and help. Please feel free to add me if you think you can help. I know I will do my best to help support you.


  • rachaellynn91
    You can do it and this is the first step good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • LPS1986
    LPS1986 Posts: 104
    Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought "OMG!!!! Have I ever gotten FAT!!!". I did today and I have no idea where to start or what to do. My mom bought me a skirt yesterday. When she was giving it to me, she said "It’s a 22, I don’t know if it will fit, but try it". I kind of feel defeated with comments like that. Now, I am sure she didn’t mean anything by it, but still…

    I understand the basic, burn more calories than what you take in. I know that veggies are the way to go. I also know that I cannot afford to buy a lot of fresh stuff every week. I am on my own with my son. By the time I pay the mortgage, car payment, monthly bills, etc, there’s not a left over to buy the healthy stuff. I am also working 10 hour days so by the time I get home, get supper made, clean up and help my son with homework, I am tired! I know that I need to get active, I just don’t know how to get myself in gear. My parents have an elliptical in their basement (only about a block away), but even getting there to do that is a huge undertaking.

    I cannot log in to MFP at work and we don’t get cell service, so I can’t use my phone. I bought a calorie counter book to try to help, but I feel confused and lost when it comes to starting. Every time you turn around, someone is telling you to do something different.

    I guess what I really need is support and help. Please feel free to add me if you think you can help. I know I will do my best to help support you.

    I try to plan my days out ahead of time. So, every morning (or the night before), I log in and plan my meals for the next day. I remember my plans when I am at work and stick to it!
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Plan your food for the day in advance, and start packing a lunch if you can.

    Frozen vegetables are just fine as well and don't go off like fresh ones.

    Best wishes.
  • dswood
    dswood Posts: 12
    A good trick to try is to leave something on your plate at each meal. It really adds up. A good book is "Eat this, not that" because it will also give you good tips.
    Also, drink a lot of water and give up soda and artificial sweetener. Both are bad for your body, and the sodas have so many calories.
    Good luck to you. I have been there many times. :)
  • Switty_Kitty
    Switty_Kitty Posts: 538 Member
    We are the same age, both single moms.....and we can do this!!! Once you get started, its gets easier :) Best of luck! Add me if you'd like!
  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    Welcome! I know it can seem overwhelming, but you took the first step, and that is important. It may seem like you have a lot stacked against you in terms of barriers to weight loss, but you have to change your mind set. It is going to be hard, especially in the beginning, but if you are serious about making a life change and getting in shape, you can't make excuses. When I was a single mom working a full time job, I had to get up at 4 am to exercise. And at first, it really really sucked! But then slowly I realized how much more energy I had when I worked out, and how I was starting to look forward to working out....and getting up, so I could have some "me" time. In terms of food to buy, I totally understand being on a tight budget. But a lot of times, if you really look at what you are buying, you can change things up so you can buy fresh stuff and not have it affect your budget. And really, if you can't buy fresh veggies, canned will do the trick. It's just about making smarter food choices, and not all "smart" food choices are expensive ones. That is great that you have access to a treadmill, and it's only a block just have to make the decision that you are going to use it, and then follow through. Or if you can't get over there to use the elliptical, go to your local library and check out some exercise dvds and use them at home. If you can walk on your lunch break from work, do it. It's small steps, really. If you feel overwhelmed, just commit to doing a few changes now. I promise once you start to see results, you will be hooked. But it is a LIFE change, and you have to be ready and open to making it. Good luck!!!
  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    first of all you need to go into it with a POSITIVE ATTITUDE.
  • Dwamma
    Dwamma Posts: 289 Member
    I can relate to your post! But this was a good frist step! Something that helps me is I pack my lunch bag and log my food the night before.....that helps me see where I am at and what I really want to eat or need to eat. I know you can do this! You are worth it!
    Remember! "All things are possible with Jesus by your side!"
    Add me if you would like.

    Blessings!! <><
  • LaurasClimb
    LaurasClimb Posts: 211 Member
    Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought "OMG!!!! Have I ever gotten FAT!!!". I did today and I have no idea where to start or what to do. My mom bought me a skirt yesterday. When she was giving it to me, she said "It’s a 22, I don’t know if it will fit, but try it". I kind of feel defeated with comments like that. Now, I am sure she didn’t mean anything by it, but still…

    I understand the basic, burn more calories than what you take in. I know that veggies are the way to go. I also know that I cannot afford to buy a lot of fresh stuff every week. I am on my own with my son. By the time I pay the mortgage, car payment, monthly bills, etc, there’s not a left over to buy the healthy stuff. I am also working 10 hour days so by the time I get home, get supper made, clean up and help my son with homework, I am tired! I know that I need to get active, I just don’t know how to get myself in gear. My parents have an elliptical in their basement (only about a block away), but even getting there to do that is a huge undertaking.

    I cannot log in to MFP at work and we don’t get cell service, so I can’t use my phone. I bought a calorie counter book to try to help, but I feel confused and lost when it comes to starting. Every time you turn around, someone is telling you to do something different.

    I guess what I really need is support and help. Please feel free to add me if you think you can help. I know I will do my best to help support you.

    I hear ya! It's tough being a single mom. I think the biggest thing you can do is commit to doing SOMETHING! Just paying attention and thinking about what you are eating helps. I assume you pack your lunch for work so logging your food before or after work should work for you. Small steps. Some people cut out/cut back soda or other vices to begin with.

    Get yourself a team of "cheerleaders." People who will encourage and support you and be sure to do the same for them. And don't be afraid to "unfriend" people if they are unsupportive or just don't hold the same values/beliefs as you. Your circle of friends on here can really contribute to your success. Go ahead and send me a request if you need someone.
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    We are here for you! Good luck and we are rooting for you to do this!!!
  • illiquod
    illiquod Posts: 23
    Basically the same thing happened to me... well, except it was men's clothing. My wife is a high school teacher and we go to prom every year. I went to put on some of my good dress pants and... well... they didn't even come close to fitting. They were bought 8 months ago. I had to buy new pants that were three sizes larger. I had gained that much in 8 months.

    That was all the eye-opener I needed to get started. So far I've lost 7 pounds. It can be done. Just don't give up or give in to the things that you used to do. You have to change your ways. At least, I did. No excuses, no justifications... and for me, no "I lost x lbs., I can reward myself with fast food" mindsets.
  • absmom85
    absmom85 Posts: 5
    I know the feeling, I looked in the mirror one day and said to myself 'How could you let yourself get so heavy?' Then I stopped and realized I was setting a terrible example for my daughter about how to be healthy. So I did what everyone else said, I planned in advance, I'm just restarting my diet, but I made a list of good things with variety I could eat for meals and then went to the store to stock up. Give yourself options and don't be afraid to try something new. I have been at this a week now, and I might not have lost any real pounds yet, but I can tell you, I do feel the difference. I feel better, less bloated, less just yuk. Stick with it, you have support here, and trust me, after the first week or so, it becomes second nature. :)
  • kacbldmm07
    I said the same thing October 2010. Now I am 91 lbs lighter and 6 sizes smaller! Keep this tucked away so when you are feeling low you can look at this and remind yourself why you started.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    It sounds like you have a lot going on! Start small...add a quick walk at lunch, make healthier choices, etc. I too couldn't believe what I had become, but it feels so good to be taking back control and getting healthier! The small changes add up, and eventually become bigger changes, until it is a new routine. You can do this!
  • Toridactyl
    Toridactyl Posts: 19 Member
    You've listed a lot of things that you *can't* do.

    What are some things you think you *can*?

    No one can give you motivation, will-power, etc. You have to want it for you first and foremost.

    You have to know you CAN achieve your goals. Start small. Stop the self-loathing. Say yes to things.

    As a former "this 22 is a bit tight" girl myself, I have been there and am still working everyday to allow myself to become happy and healthy.
  • chicpeach
    chicpeach Posts: 302 Member
    You are not alone. My husband is in construction and I'm an interior designer. As you can imagine, this economy is still devastating to our finances. I've learned to shop smarter. I do my grocery shopping at Walmart and buy a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables each week. What I don't buy is non-nutritious junk. I don't spend money on bottled salad dressings, hamburger helper and other crap. I make my own salad dressing and help my hamburger with fresh veggies hidden in the meatloaf. My kids have adapted. I explained they were getting fresh fruit, not pop tarts. I'm getting healthy and like or not, they are along for the ride. Your son will be on your side. Trust me, he wants you to live long and be healthy and will deal with the fresh fruit and veggies. Give him a chance.
  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    You can do it :) You are not alone! We are all here for weight issues. lol Feel free to add me ;)
  • BeccaLevine
    BeccaLevine Posts: 315 Member
    I know you have a busy life, but most of us do. Being healthy is a lifestyle, not a chore. I am a 21 year old living on my own, paying all of my bills (including a car payment), and I MAKE a way to afford a gym membership and a personal trainer, as well as buy healthy groceries. You have to get creative, and buy things at the store that go together to make different meals. It can be done. Go to google and type in "undressed skeleton" and read her blog. She has a meal plan in there that give you a grocery list that can feed you for a week for about $30. Don't make excuses, you can do this! I am happy to help encourage and support you if you wish to add me! :happy:
  • candicemaechling
    candicemaechling Posts: 152 Member
    You've made a good first step! You can do this :) my go tos for food on a budget froozen veggies next best thing to fresh and I buy bulk chicken breast you can catch it on sale or the Walmart locations in my area and sometimes kroger have 1.99 or less a pound at the begging of the week ill cook my chicken in the crockpot and use it throughout the week ex. Wed was chicken fajitas Thursday was chickenwith bbq sauce and tonight I made buffalo pizza. I also do the froozen tilapia fillets you can get a big bag for a good rate and its a quick defrost under cold water. I recently started using grape seed oil for stir frys with those above mentioned froozen veggies and just experiment on what is cheaper to male from scratch and to buy. As far as exercise start small the more you get in the habbit of the easier it will be and less your feet will hurt you will feel more energized with better food and exercise. Good luck :)
  • kslager77
    kslager77 Posts: 51 Member
    Wow! I am so grateful for the feedback and support! =) I am taking everything that everyone said and making a list. I am going to start small and go from there. I am in a better mindset than I was about an hour ago. I know I am the ONLY one who can do this, but the support is a huge help! My son is getting a trampoline tomorrow, so maybe I will try to get on it and not kill myself. :p
    Thanks to all of you!!!