feel disguisted with myself..huge binge

I was doing great with my weight loss,but today, i don't even know what happened but i just pigged out. I ate so much at night, like chocolate covered raisons,cookies,icecream,chocolate,pizza, all i could take in and i feel disguisted with myself and fat!! I probally gained two pounds and i don't know what to do, i just could not stop! I feel overly full and my stomach is makeing horrible sounds! What do i do tomorrow? I thought i should juice to avoid letting loseagain and having another binge day? Please help? :frown:


  • oh you must feel terrible doing that. my advice is just put a GIANT FULLSTOP after that pig out, and just move on to better eating from now on. no one is perfect or superhuman, we all fall off the wagon, and we ALL have our bad days. so just make tomorrow a better one and dont beat yourself up. onwards and upwards.xxxxxxx
  • fmtmt
    fmtmt Posts: 16
    In my humble opinion-look at today like your binge day that you needed to get out of your system...tomorrow pick up right where you left off. Maybe exersize a little longer and eat less carb rich foods but other than that -just move forward. Don't beat yourself up.
  • I understand how you feel. I did that last weekend, and I just started again today with eating a HUGE dinner. I feel so bad afterwards. My biggest thing is... get active. If you can target why you did it then you can help yourself when you are feeling that way next time. Mine was just a craving and I had a really horrible week, so it was a stress/relief eat. Good luck and remember tomorrow is a new day!
  • Barrett18
    Barrett18 Posts: 16
    I just did the same thing!! I just made peanut butter cookie dough and ate half the dough. I guess just count today as your cheat day and try again tomorrow. It's a learning process with a very steep learning curve.
  • Shmemily001
    Shmemily001 Posts: 15 Member
    I second this. Just get up tomorrow and continue on. Everyone stumbles. Don't let your head get to you.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    Water under the bridge. What's done is done. Don't let it derail you. Work extra hard if it will help you feel better, but just pick up and move on, more determined than ever. Do you know if you're eating enough regularly?
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    You gotta just not have that stuff around.

    When your options are popcorn, oatmeal or plain cereal, half the time you just don't snack.
  • illiquod
    illiquod Posts: 23
    Figure up the amount of calories you took in during your binge and exercise them off tomorrow. It might be a lot of work, but in the end it'll be worth it...
  • KLaurean
    KLaurean Posts: 112
    Everyone else is right.
    Aside from starting fresh tomorrow and maybe doing a little more exercise, drink a ton of water to help flush out all the extra sodium you took in :)
  • trinitylyons01
    trinitylyons01 Posts: 126 Member
    The best thing you can do now is - just like everyone said - get right back on track. Drink plenty of water, get a lot of exercise in and make good choices starting right now. Also, do NOT kick yourself for what you ate. What's done is done. Guilt will only make you feel worse and probably lead you to continue eating bad. Move forward with the goal to do better and stick to it. Everyone has bad days every once in a while. Don't beat yourself up for being human. Just get right back on track!

    You can do it!
  • LuzianaRed
    LuzianaRed Posts: 1 Member
    I know you feel bad, but try not to be too hard on yourself! Losing weight is such a difficult thing to do, and eating is such a complex action. It's hunger, frustration, emotion, boredom, stress relief, etc. all rolled into one! Sometimes the binge wins out. But the best thing to do - just start again. Just keep going. You can do it!!
  • buzzcogs
    buzzcogs Posts: 296 Member
    Take a deep breath..analyze what set you off on your binge and formulate some strategies to combat bingedom. Try taking a long walk tomorrow or doing some form of exercise that is non-strenous and relaxing (a leisurely bike ride, or mild workout at the gym) If you feel like binging tomorrow repeat the following mantra..just wait and I can always enjoy my binge food another day. So wait out at your binge, delay it, and do whatever it takes to not binge.
    Give yourself a non-food treat such as a good conversation with a friend, an afternoon window shopping at the mall, watch a good movie on netflix, work out in your garden..anything you find fun but don't always do because you are "busy".
    I find I binge when I am ignoring my need to relax and pushing myself way to hard (school, work, family responsibilities) and not taking time out for just relaxing.
    Just relax, don't beat yourself up and do everything possible to "trick" your binge into not taking over your life!
    You deserve to be fit and happy! Go for it!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Even if food weighed a real 2 lbs.

    How much of that water weight?
    How much of that fiber you won't keep in you?
    How much of that you won't keep in you either?

    Now, after that for the maybe less than 1lb actually absorbed by the body.
    Takes calories to process food, some burned up that way.
    Conversion to fat for protein and carbs wastes energy, some burned up that way.
    Fat, well, ok, not much lost there.

    Frankly, you are likely to have more weight gained through glucose/water being stored than any real surplus being converted to fat.

    One day is never the problem. You getting discouraged and doing it again and again is the problem.

    Stop that!

    Good, now back on the wagon. See, it didn't even creak under your weight getting on.

    Get an extra 60 min workout in somewhere, 15 min added on to the next 4 workouts perhaps.
  • thanks guys, i'm just so ashamed with myself. I just thought i was better and stronger then that! I don't know what went through my head, but you guys are right, new fresh start tomorrow, like it didn't even happen! Should i juice all day tomorrow to clense my system?
  • jesska812
    jesska812 Posts: 102 Member
    You gotta just not have that stuff around.

    When your options are popcorn, oatmeal or plain cereal, half the time you just don't snack.

    ^^ this all the way. I'm a terrible binge eater but if I don't have the stuff in the house and all I have to binge on is air popped popcorn the calories really aren't as bad. As for that binge it's in the past - you just need to move on and forget about it. I realise how hard it is but remember you've only failed if you've given up - if you keep going it's nothing more than a bump in the road, just keep going.
  • tmpetrie01
    tmpetrie01 Posts: 8 Member
    I did it last weekend and still feel horribly guilty, i gained about 3 lbs it sucks so much progress down the drain. i dont know what happened
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    thanks guys, i'm just so ashamed with myself. I just thought i was better and stronger then that! I don't know what went through my head, but you guys are right, new fresh start tomorrow, like it didn't even happen! Should i juice all day tomorrow to clense my system?

    It isn't necessary. Your liver and kidneys do that, regardless of what you're eating or drinking.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    thanks guys, i'm just so ashamed with myself. I just thought i was better and stronger then that! I don't know what went through my head, but you guys are right, new fresh start tomorrow, like it didn't even happen! Should i juice all day tomorrow to clense my system?

    If you think it will stop what you body is doing with the food right now, forget it, no effect.
    If you think you ate a bunch of unhealthy stuff and want it cleared out (though I'd say overnight takes care of that automatically too), then fine.

    If that day of only juicing sets you up for another ravenous evening - don't do it. Eat good and healthy all day.
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    thanks guys, i'm just so ashamed with myself. I just thought i was better and stronger then that! I don't know what went through my head, but you guys are right, new fresh start tomorrow, like it didn't even happen! Should i juice all day tomorrow to clense my system?

    No don't juice all day! I think you will set yourself up for another binge that way. Your blood sugar needs to be maintained to avoid more cravings. Stick with your regular plan of action and get a little extra cardio tomorrow :)
  • aniwani
    aniwani Posts: 110
    Ok honestly... it might be not such a bad thing... That is if you have been really good about your diet before this binge. Sometimes your body needs to replenish and a spike can actually confuse your metabolism and get you loosing more efficiently. I was doing crazy well with my diet when I first started sticking well below 1200 cals for weeks around 800-900 range but after about 3 weeks I totally stalled. I had a few really bad binge days and then brought my cals up to 1200 for several weeks and I started loosing really regularly. I am currently cutting down to 800 for 1 week and then bumping for a day and then I will be back to my 1200 cals a day for a week or so. So far the results are fantastic. After my most recent spike day... I am down 3 pounds =)

    Don't get down on yourself... weight loss is a marathon not a race... you are going to be living in your bod the rest of your life and if you can't have a bad day or a sweet treat once and a while what's the point =) Just say ok I enjoyed my spike now it's back to business =) good luck!