44 and need to lose at least 180lbs



  • losermomof3
    losermomof3 Posts: 386 Member
    Hey everyone!!! I have been overweight since I was 8. I will be 40 this year. I have three kids, 15,14, and 11. I really need to do it this time. I am soooo tired of being a yo yo!!!! I am trying the Chris Powell plan and so far its going great!!! Although, I would love some more support from people that have been there and people that are going through the same thing I am. I have over 100 lbs to lose. I did it once about 4 or 5 years ago and gained it back and then some. Hoping to do it again and keep it off!!!! Thanks!!!
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    Welcome! stay at home mom here....43..need to lose about 80lbs....you are not alone. MFP has been so helpful for me. good luck!

  • TheRobBrennan
    Hey all! First, let me say that you all deserve an incredible welcome for embarking on this journey. Often, getting started really is the most difficult part of things.

    When I started with MFP, I initially thought it was kind of silly. I didn't really need to lose weight (thankfully), but wanted to get in better shape and (in general) be healthier all the way around.

    One of the most impressive things to me has been in developing an understanding of several key things. First, the ability to know that weight loss will be incremental (when done in a healthy manner) and may be imperceptible at first. Second, even when I have fallen off my plan and gained a few pounds back, I don't fret. I know what it takes to lose those pounds - and normally a return to regular eating habits, drinking water, etc usually cancel out those gains within a few days.

    In my case, I was around 195 or so and just wanted to lose a few pounds. I've had fun with MFP, and I didn't really pay attention to the weight loss. I was weighing in every three or four days, just to see how I was progressing. It was tempting to weigh in every day at first, but I quickly discovered how much weight can fluctuate. For me, every three days wound up being the key to my weight loss.

    I wish you all well! I continue to feel energized and am working towards my ideal weight. To see a community of people who support each other in this often challenging quest has been awesome, too. I have a few close friends who are using MFP, and it's been so cool for us to support each other.