At home lifting routine....advice wanted!

I am nearly at my goal weight and now want to turn the focus more towards toning up and changing my body weight. I eat pretty well, I think, but of course am open to advice there as well. My schedule currently is that I run three times a week, do pilates once a week, and then have football/soccer practice twice a week. It usually looks like this, Monday and Wednesday have 2 hours of footy practice, I do a speedwork run on Tuesdays, an hour run on Thursday, and one of the weekend days I do my long run of 2 hours or so, depending on where I am in my training schedule: currently gearing up for a half at the end of May. I have bootkamp pilates on Friday, which is more strength than cardio. At home a have a Thera band, a set of two barbells, and a bar with various plates, and a yoga mat. I have no bench or anything like that. I have never really lifted before in my life, beyond whatever my highschool track coach told me to do occasionally in the weight room.
I would love some words of wisdom on a basic routine to get started at home that would give me a good mix of leg, abs, back and arm related things to do.....
I know there are a heap of other threads as such, but hoping someone out there can give me a list of things to do on different days and I will see how I get on!
Thanks guys!