
Hey! I'm not exactly new to MFP but have now decided to re-assign myself to being able to keep track of the calories etc... am currently following Slimming world which is a lifestyle change without calling it a diet and am also doing the wii fit 5/6 days a week for a hour - I'm 5" 6 and in need of losing about 60lbs as im classified as in the "obese" category although im in a size 14 (UK) clothing...
Have joined MFP with a few friends to try and keep track and get the motivation needed!
Anyone here in the same "category" and need a kick up the *kitten* like i do? Could do with a few friends to help me along!! :)


  • nanapapaof5
    nanapapaof5 Posts: 65 Member
    good luck. MFP is the best. The friends here are great. If you would like fill free to add me.And again good luck.
  • jenna0215
    jenna0215 Posts: 62
    You can do this!! Feel free to add me! The more support and motivation the better :-)
  • daves160
    daves160 Posts: 600
    I am sure you will do great. Add me if you like. Motivation and support are key to success.
  • alliearika
    Add me if you want!!