Weight Loss verses Muscle Weight

I want to know how long does it take to see some weight loss after starting a program of 1200 cal's a day and a cardo fitness routine of 20 + min's a day plus everything else that one does. I know that muscle burns fat and weighs more, but I need encouragement when the scale is going up especially when you eat less and exercise more. :huh:


  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    If the scale's going up it's not likely to be muscle mass at this point, as muscle is more dense, but it takes a long time to develop. What you're likely seeing is water gain (water is stored to help with the process of healing in the muscles when we work out).

    1200 seems a pretty low intake to be starting off with. Have you checked your BMR and TDEE? It's important to maintain a healthy deficit, to support weightloss. It doesn't look like you have a huge amount to lose, and you may need to be eating a little more to coax it off.
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    Meerkat is right. To find your TDEE and BMR go to fat2fitradio.com and click the BMR calculator. Ideally you shouldn't net below your BMR, or at least not for long. There's a lot to learn when we begin taking care of our bodies but the first step is finding your numbers. If you'll get those and post them you'll get a wealth of information from the MFP community.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Another vote for Meerkat.
  • goodasgoldilox165
    goodasgoldilox165 Posts: 333 Member
    Listen to Meerkat! :smile:
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    If the scale's going up it's not likely to be muscle mass at this point, as muscle is more dense, but it takes a long time to develop. What you're likely seeing is water gain (water is stored to help with the process of healing in the muscles when we work out).

    1200 seems a pretty low intake to be starting off with. Have you checked your BMR and TDEE? It's important to maintain a healthy deficit, to support weightloss. It doesn't look like you have a huge amount to lose, and you may need to be eating a little more to coax it off.

    That and aside from the scale take measurements and just look in the mirror. Losing weight on the scale is good and all but body composition it more important in the long run. You may not see a change in the scale but you'll start to notice changes in how you physically look and how your clothes feel. Honestly ask a friends or family member to hide the scale from you for a month and don't worry about it.
  • fififox
    fififox Posts: 394 Member
    Hello! Can I ask a question please. I am currently trying to up my calorie intake. I have come to a very definite stall in losing weight so I am trying to understand all of this. When you say about the TDEE, BMR, etc....do you mean that the net figure should be your tdee. E.g. If my daily calories are set at 1350 but my tdee is higher - say 1550...should I set my mfp daily calories to the TDEE. If I exercise then daily at maybe a 350 cal burn, should I eat 1550+350 = 1900 calories that day....or should I leave my setting at 1350, and then eat that plus my exercise 350 eating 1700 that day....Sorry, I am just trying to understand this. The important figure is the net isn't it - that shouldn't fall below the bmr.....or is it the tdee.

    Currently my weight is about 139 lb, I am 46 and have just starte exercising - up to that I would have had myself at sedentary. I am now trying to do at least 350 calories burn a day but I could do more if I understood how to balance all of this. Thanks if anyone can advise a little so I understand and can take control again. At the moment I feel like I am working a little blind : )
  • Lennox497
    Lennox497 Posts: 242 Member
    If the scale's going up it's not likely to be muscle mass at this point, as muscle is more dense, but it takes a long time to develop. What you're likely seeing is water gain (water is stored to help with the process of healing in the muscles when we work out).

    1200 seems a pretty low intake to be starting off with. Have you checked your BMR and TDEE? It's important to maintain a healthy deficit, to support weightloss. It doesn't look like you have a huge amount to lose, and you may need to be eating a little more to coax it off.

    That and aside from the scale take measurements and just look in the mirror. Losing weight on the scale is good and all but body composition it more important in the long run. You may not see a change in the scale but you'll start to notice changes in how you physically look and how your clothes feel. Honestly ask a friends or family member to hide the scale from you for a month and don't worry about it.

    JNick, this is very well put. I completely agree with you on this one. Best is to set the scale aside.
  • RebaTanner
    RebaTanner Posts: 5
    My update: I've lose 7 lbs in six weeks, a pound a week, not bad as an average. For me in the beginning I lost inches, staying off the scale has helped. I want to thank all of you for your help and suggestions back in April when I first started with "myfitnesspal" you have been a big help! I am so grateful.
  • RebaTanner
    RebaTanner Posts: 5
    My update: I've lose 7 lbs in six weeks, a pound a week, not bad as an average. For me in the beginning I lost inches, staying off the scale has helped. I want to thank all of you for your help and suggestions back in April when I first started with "myfitnesspal" you have been a big help! I am so grateful.
  • Jenjaz1910
    Jenjaz1910 Posts: 447 Member
    Hello! Can I ask a question please. I am currently trying to up my calorie intake. I have come to a very definite stall in losing weight so I am trying to understand all of this. When you say about the TDEE, BMR, etc....do you mean that the net figure should be your tdee. E.g. If my daily calories are set at 1350 but my tdee is higher - say 1550...should I set my mfp daily calories to the TDEE. If I exercise then daily at maybe a 350 cal burn, should I eat 1550+350 = 1900 calories that day....or should I leave my setting at 1350, and then eat that plus my exercise 350 eating 1700 that day....Sorry, I am just trying to understand this. The important figure is the net isn't it - that shouldn't fall below the bmr.....or is it the tdee.

    Currently my weight is about 139 lb, I am 46 and have just starte exercising - up to that I would have had myself at sedentary. I am now trying to do at least 350 calories burn a day but I could do more if I understood how to balance all of this. Thanks if anyone can advise a little so I understand and can take control again. At the moment I feel like I am working a little blind : )

    First of all got to fat2fitradio.com and enter your data to get your BMR & TDEE!! You should always NET at or above your BMR!! I deduct 20% from my TDEE and that is what I aim to eat every day, if I've burnt loads of cals they exercise and it brings my NET lower than my BMR I'll eat it drink something to up my NET (my BMR is 1365 and TDEE - 20% is 1777) hope this helps x