Anyone have sugar issues?



  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    Wow! I'm surprised! I checked it and it was 101! :) I don't understand how my fasting is a little higher than that! You go all night without food! :/

    While you are up you are moving around and your body just uses more energy. 101 means your body is doing it's job right, its a good thing.
  • jsedivy
    jsedivy Posts: 14
    by diabetes im talking about type 2 which in Australia they have found that after surgery the diabetes goes away, so maybe not a cure but def worth looking into especially when my sugars are in the 20's. and i walk one hour per day and i never rest im always doing washing or dishes or chasing kids lol, and although you cant count that my walking should hopefully burn some sugars. i have cut out breads and potatoes which also seems to be working.
  • jsedivy
    jsedivy Posts: 14
    and yes the constant eating and lower intake is the reason but i agree it will not cure just control, ive always been so busy i forget to eat or make a sandwich i dont find it very easy to control at all, im starting to get sick of ryvetas and couscous lol, but im so sugar sensitive, id like to live longer anyway so what ever it takes also i quite like my toes and my sight.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    and yes the constant eating and lower intake is the reason but i agree it will not cure just control, ive always been so busy i forget to eat or make a sandwich i dont find it very easy to control at all, im starting to get sick of ryvetas and couscous lol, but im so sugar sensitive, id like to live longer anyway so what ever it takes also i quite like my toes and my sight.

    are you on any type of insulin?

    I have a hard time controling my food, I am not diabetic but I do think I am sugar sensitve, that or a sugar addict. I have a 3 year old niece that was diagnosed earlier this year and it is a huge learning curve.

    I found having a bag of mixed nuts in my purse helps because I can grab a couple and keep going.
  • jsedivy
    jsedivy Posts: 14
    not yet insulin is my next step, im gonna try to beat it by loosing the 25 kilos, i am very sugar sensitive and i think these days with food manufacturers doing the dodgy on us we are all going to have these problems, i carry glucodin which are sugar tablets and nuts are great but hard to find good ones that are ok for me, nobbys naked nuts are good but expensive, weird world hey fatty foods are cheap, makes eating healthy very hard
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    and people wonder why we are a society of obese people, its cheaper and more convenient to by fat.
  • jsedivy
    jsedivy Posts: 14
    it is and the same with salt, governments would save millions by making food companies accountable, the amount of people using health care would be reduced, we have a great health care system in Australia but terrible food companies, look at Chinese vegetables grown in human feces and preservatives and fat reduced foods with extra sugar, wow how hard can it be to make healthy food, what ever happened to real food, about a year ago we stopped buying processed foods and make every meal from scratch, costs a bit more and takes longer to prepare but much better for you
  • mahutch1
    mahutch1 Posts: 37 Member
    I was diagnosed with type 2 in July of 2011. There is no magic cure for diabetes. Exercise and a controlled diet are what works best. I started off on two doses of Metformin per day and am now down to one. I can say by experience that losing weight (30 pounds lost now) helps tremendously, but I have really begun to see the lower numbers since I have begun exercising regularly. I test three times a day, every morning when I wake up and usually two hours after lunch and dinner. I always test if I introduce a new food into my diet. You need to discuss with your doctor what numbers are acceptable for you. My doctor would like my fasting numbers between 100 and 105 where another person could be 90-100. It depends on the person what's considered a 'normal' range. Stick with MFP. You can learn a lot, really see what you're eating (be honest about your posts) and get support from some really great people and make new friends. Good luck to you!
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    I had a really bad breakfast this morning. I had Mcdonalds bacon egg and cheese biscuit with a hashbrown and small coffee (4 creams and 4 sugars). I took my glucose 2 hours later and it was 138. They say as long as it's under 140, that's good. I am thinking that with exercise and becoming more active (I mostly sit during the day), my sugar levels will be fine. I worry a lot. So when I saw that my morning fastings were a little above 100, I got scared. The only time that I have had issues with sugar was when I was pregnant. BUT out of curiousity, I started monitoring my sugar levels with my meter at home. And also out of fear cause my dad has diabetes. I know that my children and I are at an increased risk of developing diabetes if we don't watch it. That's why I want to lose weight, exercise, and try eating better for the most part. I let go of the soda and now I am just drinking water.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    by diabetes im talking about type 2 which in Australia they have found that after surgery the diabetes goes away, so maybe not a cure but def worth looking into especially when my sugars are in the 20's. and i walk one hour per day and i never rest im always doing washing or dishes or chasing kids lol, and although you cant count that my walking should hopefully burn some sugars. i have cut out breads and potatoes which also seems to be working.
    Are you taking metformin? That may help a great deal.
  • princessdracos
    princessdracos Posts: 125 Member
    I had a really bad breakfast this morning. I had Mcdonalds bacon egg and cheese biscuit with a hashbrown and small coffee (4 creams and 4 sugars). I took my glucose 2 hours later and it was 138. They say as long as it's under 140, that's good. I am thinking that with exercise and becoming more active (I mostly sit during the day), my sugar levels will be fine. I worry a lot. So when I saw that my morning fastings were a little above 100, I got scared. The only time that I have had issues with sugar was when I was pregnant. BUT out of curiousity, I started monitoring my sugar levels with my meter at home. And also out of fear cause my dad has diabetes. I know that my children and I are at an increased risk of developing diabetes if we don't watch it. That's why I want to lose weight, exercise, and try eating better for the most part. I let go of the soda and now I am just drinking water.

    You may find that as you make healthier choices most of the time, the times you indulge won't affect your bg as badly. That's been my experience, at least. I was very frustrated when I started eating better back in February because even with oral meds and insulin, my sugar stayed in the high 100s-mid 200s. It took a few weeks of consistency to get those numbers down, and now even a really bad splurge day doesn't shoot my sugar through the roof. Then again, it seems no two diabetics are the same! I can consume insane amounts of pineapple and my bg is great, but one serving of oatmeal and it's sky-high. So annoying :angry:

    Anyway, I just have to commend you for taking the steps you are. My mother had so many complications from diabetes and died at the age of 61. Part of me is very upset that she didn't take care of herself and died so young...she was the kindest, most selfless person I've ever known. I've tried to adjust my thinking so that I view taking care of myself as not selfish, but necessary to live the life I want to live. Now I'm rambling :blushing: Best of luck to you, my dear!
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    Thank you princessdraco! I am trying to take better care of myself cause I want to lose weight, be fit, and healthy. I also don't want to develop diabetes!
  • jsedivy
    jsedivy Posts: 14
    i take 2 metformin 3 times a day with diamicron but since ive been walking everyday and watching my foods i have been able to reduce to 1 metformin 3 times a day and my sugars are now in the normal range, so proves watching what you eat and exercise does help, i measure my bsl 6 times a day before and 2 hours after i eat, im really looking forward to my weight in this morning