Wheat Belly?

Has anyone read this book?

I am debating ordering it but am hoping for some honest thoughts on the book before I do. Is it all just reasons we shouldn't eat wheat products? Because I am already aware of those..

Hoping it has some sections on making the switch to no wheat a little easier.

Any input would be helpful thanks :)


  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 449 Member
    I've just started reading it. It is very interesting. I'll let you know what I think once I'm further into it. I've been grain free since January and I find when I cheat and have wheat now I feel awful.
  • HappilyLifts
    HappilyLifts Posts: 429 Member
    I haven't read it, but I'm sure one of the fat2fit radio guys either read it, or was about to, because I noticed a photo of the book cover on their webpage recently. Might be worth checking out their wesbite...