Starting 30 day shred Monday

Okay, long story short, I got very sick in October, which rendered me pretty much bedridden / house ridden with no activity till February. I used to be outside running / walking all the time. I have been doing some form of exercise for several weeks now. Usually just walking my dog and some light weight or bodyweight exercise. My husband doesn't want me to start incorporating running back into my regimen yet, but I need to do something to help build up my endurance and gain my muscle tone I have lost, in addition to losing another 15lbs I have been holding onto. I want to be able to push my self but in my home and safe environment in case I do need to stop and be a in safe place. I have clearance from the doctor to start exercising so that is good, and the better shape I am in, the better it will help my condition.

I decided on doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and also purchased her killer buns and thighs video to add into on some days.

What kind of suggestions or tips do you all have? I would love some new friends to follow online and on the app too for motivation and support. I am hoping to be able to start running again this summer, but will take it one step at a time for now. I need major core work since my stomach surgery in February.

I plan on taking measurements monday morning and even tempted to stay off the scale for the duration of the 30 day workout so that I focus on the inches and not the pounds.

Thanks! Katrina


  • SeeGloRun
    SeeGloRun Posts: 1 Member
    I will also be starting 30 Day Shred on Monday, so I don't have any tips, but lots of mutual encouragement!!! Good luck!
  • km202
    km202 Posts: 112
    I am in!!

    Good luck to all and stick with it!
  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    Congratulations on deciding to do this for yourself, it's the hardest step!

    I did day 15 today so I'm officially halfway. My advice would be to push yourself as hard as you can. You will be surprised by what you can do! But also don't expect to be able to do everything and keep up with the girls straight away. Go at your own pace.

    When I started I couldn't do a single push-up, but now I can do 25 girly ones which is a huge improvement in only 2 weeks.