Losing steam...

Feeling rather at a loss today. I feel like I have lost my motivation to work out and get myself in shape. Don't know why but I do know that I do not like the way it feels. i know this happens all the time to people. Any ideas on how to re-motivate? Thanks!


  • Years of yo yo dieting, where I started out and than ran out of steam tells me its easy to lose motivation. Now I wonder if I had just stuck to one of them, what would I look like now?
    Maybe look at how far you have gotten so far and focus on that? Not sure what else to say since sticking with a diet is where I have problems.
  • TxAlpha
    TxAlpha Posts: 173 Member
    <---if I'm having a bad day I go all the way wrong with it and get it out of my system.......not recommending that, but that's my approach.....
  • Sometimes you have to take a day for YOU - take some time to relax and do something you enjoy.

    I don't know if it helps but I find listening to some powerful, epic music helps wake my brain up a bit.