Dear 16 year old me

militarydreams Posts: 198 Member
I was inspired today by an MFP member writing to her younger self, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it for hours so thank you amymrls. In the end I sat down and wrote to myself, it left me shocked and welled up but I feel like a load has been lifted. I don't know if this will help anyone else but I'm going to share it:

Dear 16 year old me,

I know this doesn't make sense to you right now but the bullies aren't what they seem to be. If you could only muster the courage to stand your ground and believe in yourself then they'd leave you alone. You're going to grow into a strong and courageous man that hasn't seen a hurdle that he can't jump in a very long time. You'll see the bullies later in life and you'll wonder what on earth you were scared of, please don't let them push you around. On the subject of hurdles, you're not stupid, you're not weak and you're not a coward. You're going to realise that you're smart enough to compete at university and strong enough to fight for your country. You're so gifted that your only restriction in life will be your will to fight. I can't believe that you'd think such terrible thoughts, hold tight, it's all going to be ok. I know you don't love yourself but I love you so much, I remember the boy that broke down but never gave up. You're going to hate me for saying this but it's the hard times that made you great, you're the boy that made me a man. If it wasn't for your tears I'd never be what I am today, your tears are my life and I've never been more grateful. You're my hero and I'll never forget what you've done for me. I'd do anything to make you see what you mean to me, what you will mean to the world.

P.S. Everybody gets scared, some run, some fight.

Love and respect,

Your 28 year old self.


  • sma83
    sma83 Posts: 479 Member
    Thank you for sharing that! :flowerforyou:
  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    oh my god that made me have tears in my eyes...... my turn....

    dear 16 year old steph,

    your young and your courageous. your strong and you are brave. but that man, he is going to break you. your beautiful and clever. youve got every job youve ever interviewed for. you stroll into any situation, you make it your own... you push your shoulders back you pick up that chin and you show every one your worth.

    your life is your own. and you will prove that, after a long a difficult journey i can only apologise for. you should have listened instead of rebelled. i know you will learn alot but the journey will not run on the smoothest of paths.

    but one day youll have your day in court... youll tell your story and youll get your life back...... i want you to always remember that beautiful, smart, strong girl that you are. because no matter what he does to you..... he cannot take that away.

    life is not easy.... but it is for living. never forget to live !!! you grow to be an amazing mother. you leave your mark on the world of finance and start not 1 but 2 businesses of your very own!! but never forget to live !!!!!!!!!!!

    i want to apologise for leading you into danger.... im sorry. but it will build you.

    i just wish i knew all this back then. that image of you, confident and beautiful and strong..... thats what keeps me going. im looking for you. x

    steph x
  • That was awesome, thanks for sharing!
  • Alicia_Monique
    Alicia_Monique Posts: 338 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,
    You're not fat. Shut up.
    Do not date Jamie when you're a senior. Start looking at colleges now. Do NOT go to UNK.
    Kentucky is not an option for you, trust me, you don't want to be there.
    Enjoy yourself.
    Yourself at 22.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    Amazingly well-written, militarydream :heart: If only we could all write and send those letters!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I could write a big long if I wanted, but I will keep it simple....

    Dear 16 year old me,

    Its not your fault that your father died, and dispite what your crazy mother says, your better off going to school, than hanging out in a bar 6 nights a week...

    Thank me later.....20 years later, actually....