kettle balls / kettleworx.....

lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
I have been doing 30ds and Ripped in 30, and i am almost done that one.. SO i am looking into doing something next and was thinking maybe this.. it sounds interesting... what experiences have you had doing it, cost, etc tell me more :)


  • manderz425
    manderz425 Posts: 2 Member
    I really like Kettleworx. I'm about to start week 5 of the program, and I'm still enjoying it! :) It seems like there are new moves introduced every week, and the fact that you're getting the work out done in under 30 minutes is awesome!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    excellent. thx! i was looking into saving for chalean extreme but then i seen this, so i might save up for this one instead.. plus i love 30 min workouts!
  • NWdreaming
    NWdreaming Posts: 95 Member
    Since you like Jillian, she has a kettle bell DVD that I really like, called "Shred with Weights", it's about $10 at Target/Walmart. I'm pairing that with the 30 DS right now and it kicks my butt! I can only do it 2x a week paired with the other. Love it!

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  • BexleyGirl
    BexleyGirl Posts: 102
  • llamalland
    llamalland Posts: 246 Member
    ...and Jillian has a kettle bell set (3 different weights), with a dvd workout, too. I think it was in the $40-$60 range. Not bad, and once you learn how to safely do the moves, you can incorporate the kettle Works moves (as seen (and recorded) on their infomercial). Cost a heck of a lot less than Kettle Works! Caution, they will kill you at first! :happy:
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    I've been doing the Kettleworx program since early February. I love it! My arms, legs, butt, and core are getting so strong and toned. I'd almost not do any other type of workout, but I know it's good to have variety. As far as price...personally, I think Kettleworx is a good deal. I bought the kit that has the 5-lb bell. You get the 6 DVDs, and you get to send for another of your choice (free!) out of 4 DVDs offered. With the kit, you also get a CD-ROM full of nutritional information. I like the trainer (he's a bit goofy at times), but the one drawback I have is that you can't program your workouts, like you can with Biggest Loser DVDs. I'd like to have one workout flow right into the next, rather than have to grab the remote and pick what you want to do next. It's very important to pay attention to proper form. I hope you enjoy it!

    Forgot to say that I've recently moved up to a 10-lb bell. I'm using an old one that I bought a couple of years ago. It's made by Reebok. I do NOT recommend it. It has sort of a squared-off handle that is very uncomfortable for some movements. The Kettleworx handles are nice and rounded.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    awesome thanks for all the great info. i totally forgot that jm had a dvd for that too, i will have to look into that!