Goals/what should he aim for

Hi there I have a friend
18 year old male
He does insanity 6 times a week.
He would like to use this site and to become fitter and healthier.
But we have no idea how to adjust his goals so he knows how many calories to eat. Can you help me? Thanks


  • chachadiva150
    chachadiva150 Posts: 482 Member
    Has he just plugged in his info to get the basics?
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 802 Member
    i agree .. he needs to 1st sign up and put in his information
    and either just moderate active or which ever that sounds about right ..

    a great thing he can do to figure out his calorie goal is find out his TDEE ..

    im sure insanity came with an eating plan .. does it say how much he should be eating (since that is a hard core workout)
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Hi there I have a friend
    18 year old male
    He does insanity 6 times a week.
    He would like to use this site and to become fitter and healthier.
    But we have no idea how to adjust his goals so he knows how many calories to eat. Can you help me? Thanks

    18 YO male with a BMI of 26.7.. This is only a few pounds "overweight"; personally, I'd focus (particularly at that age) on getting in the gym and pumping iron. I would really not be that worried about weight loss (or gain) at that level... He needs to build muscle and maybe decrease his fat percentage but 26.7 really is not that bad...
  • ngarrett75
    ngarrett75 Posts: 87 Member
    I'm doing INSANITY now too. In the INSANITY nutrition guide, it guides you through figuring out how many daily calories you should consume while on the program. I figured out my number and plugged it into MFP. Good luck!