Ladies: 5'5 135 lbs ?????????? or just advice



  • got on with the strength training now... i found i lost inches like crazy when i first added strength to my routine... so dont worry about building muscle on top of 'curves', you will get smaller with muscle, not bigger! and try not to worry too much about the number. were you 120 before you had children? your body changes, so you might find 120 isnt right for you any more.

    Thanks :) i will try that!

    i was 120 before i had her but also dropped down to 120-125 1.5 years after having her and i felt amazing! BUT i had surgery and after that i gained 5-8 lbs... and just in this month i went all the way back to what seems ranges from 136-139.

    but i feel bloated ALL the time. (i'm not pregnant haha) so i think it might also be water weight. bc what i'm doing now is what i did to get rid of 40+ lbs
  • I'm 5'5.5" and 134. and I am wanting to be 120 again. thats still within the healthy range so if you feel better at 120 then go for it! You know whats good for you. not what everyone else says.
    I get stuck around here, but the best way I lose... 1200-1300 calories a day, 70oz of water, make sure to balance your protein,carb and fats(dont go over 55. i find fat makes me gain faster than carbs)
    I walk at a good pace for 45 minutes 3-4x a week. and 3 times a week i do a pilates dvd I got from walmart with a resistance band.
    Its that simple. plus I work 50+ hours a week so tahts really all I have time for. but it works for me if I stick to it. Its not super fast weight loss. but you'll see it. and its more a lifestyle than being on some crazy strict diet. I find if i stick to that, i lose the weight and it stays off. if i do anything crazy drastic, it comes off faster, but i quit faster and gain it right back.

    i think i need to watch that a lot more.. even though i eat within my calorie range .. i need to watch my good and dirty cals more
    thanks! and good luck to you :)
  • kalynn06
    kalynn06 Posts: 368 Member
    I'm pretty much exactly the same size as you are (5'5 and 135.5 this am). For some people at 5'5, 135 is a great place to be. Some people actually look way better than I do at 140 or higher. I have a really small frame, so 135 for me means I have either a lot of body fat or a lot of muscle. Sadly, I don't have a ton of muscle. My body fat is fairly high. It's high enough that 120 is probably a reasonable weight for me, though I'm hoping to be able to be the size and body fat percent I want at 125 by hanging on to more of my lean body mass through lifting weights and keeping my protein and calorie intake reasonable.

    I am dropping weight slowly. I try to average somewhere in the neighborhood of 1450 to 1550 calories a day, plus some of my exercise calories, and try to hit a 40/30/30 ratio of carbs/ protein/fat. I'm not always successful, but that's where I try to sit. In the past, this ratio has been the most successful for me in terms of feeling satisfied on a reduced calorie diet and actually dropping weight. I'm also alternating fairly intense cardio with weight training. The loss has been slow, but I can see some definition in my arms and the scale is slowly moving in the right direction. I'm sure it will happen for you as well. It's just that it takes time to see appreciable changes while still eating healthily when the difference between maintenance for someone that is 120 or 125 and someone who is 135 is so small.
  • Maureenf418
    Maureenf418 Posts: 6 Member
    I am 5 4 and weigh highest was 140.I was down to 133 but I went on vacation.I would love to weigh around 125.that is my goal.doing 1200 calories and exercise 6 days a week.need motivation to start over again.
  • thanks for sharing =]
  • JulieMI88
    JulieMI88 Posts: 13
    I am 5'5" and 120. I look fatter than people my height and 15 lbs heavier on this board. Because all my weight is at my butt and thigh. So I feel I look the best at 115. I am working on losing the 5 lbs of vanity weight.

    I am eating the same amount as you right now to see if I can lose them. I do some cardio exercise daily. I have not gone back to lift weight yet. Still afraid of lifting weight after last year's injury almost disabled me for good. In the past I had to drop to 1000 to lose. I can keep my weight if I eat at my BMR with exercise. Anything above that, it seems I gain back.

    I know how you feel. It's hard to lose weight at our current weight. It took me 11 years to work up the nerve to lose the 5 lbs. But the damn injury threw me into a depression and thus the weight gain.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    I am 5"5 and currently 132. Getting ready to start another cut after my half marathon in 2 weeks, and I'll be aiming for 1530 NET (which means eating about 1700-2100 depending on my exercise schedule). Goal is probably about 125-128. I've been as low as 117 but I was still skinny fat then; doing heavy lifting 2-3 days a week this time around.

    My BMR is about 1390 (at 102 lbs lean body mass) and I'm set to lightly active on MFP which gets me to 1780 net for maintaining.

    You need to work with small deficits (200-300 cals max) because you're already at a healthy weight, even though it's not your ideal weight. And don't wait to start strength training.
  • dolph300
    dolph300 Posts: 2 Member
    So I am really new to this group, as I just joined the past week. I'm 5'4" and 132 and also want to get back to that magic number of 115. I was in an accident a few years ago and gained 30 pounds and after a few rounds of physical therapy have decided to lose the weight the right way. I've tried all kinds of diets and ended up gaining back everything I lost. Now I will do it the right way, so I have a personal trainer (so I don't hurt myself) and started taking a yoga class. I feel like I am at a constant plateau though. I do watch what I eat and I do excersize - but I have not been losing weight or inches. It's so frustrating.
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    For your height, you weight is very normal. Your body isn't going to want to lose weight because you are most likely in a healthy range. If you are really unhappy with your body, I suggest you work on weight lifting to change your body composition and build lean muscle mass.

    Great advice !!
  • cejubitz
    cejubitz Posts: 21 Member
    I am 5' 4.5' and 134 now, with 23% body fat, but I would like to lower my body fat a little more, which is perfectly fine and still in the normal 'healthy' range.... I am doing cardio and weights... I am eating 1600 cals a day based on the Fat2Fit math, MFP had me at 1280 which is ridiculous and not healthy. When I increased my calories I gained 3 or 4 pounds but it came right back off. And now I get to eat more and feel stronger. So surf over to Fat2Fit and they have a snippet of a podcast about weight loss plateaus. And I am trying to get off my own plateau, I've heard that the closer you are to your goal the harder it becomes. Their philosophy is basically "eat like the thin person you want to become and you will become that thinner person". But they support a very slow, controlled loss on a healthy number of calories, as opposed to a fast weight loss on very low calories.

    Bottom line; they never recommend eating less than BMR + 20%. So, my 1600 is my BMR +20%. I love the podcasts, they are soooo helpful. Losing weight is great, but you don't want to destroy your metabolism in the process.
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    I want to go back down to 120

    it might be better and more productive to try instead to get down to a certain body fat percentage. What body fat percentage do you have now?
  • Thanks so much for the awesome advice everyone.
    I mentioned earlier it could be that I was retaining too much water bc I feel bloated ALL the time. I bought some water pills and already feel the difference. I'm also still working out daily and eating a lot more "clean" calories. I've noticed a difference in my measurements ..not so much in the scale but I think its def in the process.
    I don't feel discouraged anymore.
    I'm looking into finding a place that does body fat %
  • I'm 5'5" and 123 as of this am. I'm down from 157. As much as I'd like to see 117, I don't think I will. I am just starting a lifting program that a MFP friend sent me. If you'd like it, I can send it to you. Now, don't get me wrong, I worked really hard at losing the weight, but now I'm in the "skinny fat" category. :sad: Now it's time to throw out the scale and just work on my body fat %. Right now I'm at about 25%. :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: WHAT???? I lost 34 pounds!!! Sadly, it is true. All of the nifty little calculators say that if I get to 117...(that is the magic number) that my body fat will drop to 21%. :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: Say WHAT???? How can I lose 6 pounds and drop 4% in body fat? NOT realistic, even if all the nifty calculators say that it is so!
    Sooooo.... I'm throwing away the scale. I'm working on my lifting plan. I'll have my body fat checked again in 6 weeks. I'll keep you posted. And let me know if you'd like the plan! And feel free to add me as a friend or PM me anytime!! :flowerforyou:
  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    i was 135 and am down to 125. i do turbo fire and p90x. i lift heavy to keep my metabolism high and stay at my weight. i eat about 1900-2300 cal a day because i burn a lot and i am breast feeding. hiit training has also helped. they use it in turbo fire and i try to use it when i run. stress does play a factor for gaining weight. also if you do not rest your body wil shut down. hope that helped.
  • Looking for ladies that have similar stats and are trying to lose weight.
    I have been stuck, well recently gained 3 lbs.. and can't get rid of it. I know it might be that I'm not doing enough..
    but i want to see what you ladies are doing & if it's working for you.

    MFP pretty much tells me with what I'm eating and exercising i SHOULD have been at my goal weight months ago lol
    but no -_-

    I'm eating between 1200-1400 calories daily
    exercising 4-5 days a week usually burning 300-400 calories daily. I really wish i would exercise more BUT with having a 2 year old, working 50+ hours a week PLUS my own photography business.. i am exhausted most of the time -_- i know excuses excuses, ugh.

    How many calories would i need to burn to finally see results!!!!!????

    advise would be much welcomed too =]

    How much weight are you looking to lose? 135lbs is about right for your height.

    I agree. I am 5'5" and my goal is 135 and toned.
  • I'm 5'5" and 123 as of this am. I'm down from 157. As much as I'd like to see 117, I don't think I will. I am just starting a lifting program that a MFP friend sent me. If you'd like it, I can send it to you. Now, don't get me wrong, I worked really hard at losing the weight, but now I'm in the "skinny fat" category. :sad: Now it's time to throw out the scale and just work on my body fat %. Right now I'm at about 25%. :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: WHAT???? I lost 34 pounds!!! Sadly, it is true. All of the nifty little calculators say that if I get to 117...(that is the magic number) that my body fat will drop to 21%. :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: Say WHAT???? How can I lose 6 pounds and drop 4% in body fat? NOT realistic, even if all the nifty calculators say that it is so!
    Sooooo.... I'm throwing away the scale. I'm working on my lifting plan. I'll have my body fat checked again in 6 weeks. I'll keep you posted. And let me know if you'd like the plan! And feel free to add me as a friend or PM me anytime!! :flowerforyou:

    ugh i need to check my body fat..
    i plan to not weight myself once i drop to around your CW. :)
  • i was 135 and am down to 125. i do turbo fire and p90x. i lift heavy to keep my metabolism high and stay at my weight. i eat about 1900-2300 cal a day because i burn a lot and i am breast feeding. hiit training has also helped. they use it in turbo fire and i try to use it when i run. stress does play a factor for gaining weight. also if you do not rest your body wil shut down. hope that helped.

  • striveforhealthy
    striveforhealthy Posts: 137 Member
    I don't get why people are hounding her about wanting to get to 120lbs when it's in a healthy range for her stats... and how 135 is 'fine' when obviously she feels otherwise. People carry weight differently, different body shapes, ect.

    I'm 5'4" and 129 looking to get to 120.
    I decided to cut back on my carbs (45%) and increase proteins (25%) and kept fats at 30%, that has seemed to help for me. My calorie in-take has been at about 1300 and I eat back my calories from working out. Are you seeing results from the measuring tape versus the scale? I hit a plateau for two, two and a half months where I didn't shift much at all and increasing my calories helped.
  • I don't get why people are hounding her about wanting to get to 120lbs when it's in a healthy range for her stats... and how 135 is 'fine' when obviously she feels otherwise. People carry weight differently, different body shapes, ect.

    I'm 5'4" and 129 looking to get to 120.
    I decided to cut back on my carbs (45%) and increase proteins (25%) and kept fats at 30%, that has seemed to help for me. My calorie in-take has been at about 1300 and I eat back my calories from working out. Are you seeing results from the measuring tape versus the scale? I hit a plateau for two, two and a half months where I didn't shift much at all and increasing my calories helped.

    Thank you! i don't understand either.. 120 isn't even "underweight", it's still healthy.

    I did start seeing changes with my measurements now... which is keeping me motivated. I think i just needed to work harder now that i'm in my last pounds closer to my goal weight.
  • KourtneyLee
    KourtneyLee Posts: 45 Member
    Your weight is just a number. I really wouldn't focus on the 135 you keep seeing as something that should dishearten you. What you should focus on is how you feel, and how your body appears to you. As everyone knows, muscle weighs more than fat. Someone that is toned and perfectly healthy doesn't necessarily have a low read on the scales.

    You've probably hit a slump. Although you've said you change your workouts up, you may need to introduce more cardio to give you leaner muscle mass. And yes, stress does factor in when it comes to a person's weight; everyone reacts differently to stress, but it can have a major effect on some. If you think of your family history, particularly the immediate females in your family, you should take note of how they feel/felt when stressed.

    Another reason for the number on your scale could just be water weight. You need to be sure you are keeping yourself hydrated and eating foods (like fresh fruits and vegetables, soups, what have you) high in water content if you are not already. These foods will fill you faster and flush the body of toxins and excess bloat.

    However, all in all, I wouldn't be too concerned about weighing 135 at your height. I myself am 5'7" and usually weight around 132-135. I base how healthy I am by how I feel rather than what number I read on the scale. You should only use that number as a guideline, anyways.