being lonely is not helping my weight loss



  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Feel free to add me.

    I'm going through similar. I moved to a new city cross country for a job and i ended up being laid off. So unfortunately I dont know many people here which is pretty hard for me since i'm pretty social and extroverted by nature.

    you're right that your emotional state can have a big impact on your weight loss. i try not getting too down sabotage my efforts.

    i've basically been teaching myself how to cook (eating take out was a LARGE reason i got so overweight) and working out.
  • kindra3434
    kindra3434 Posts: 177 Member
    My intention wasn't to bash you and im sorry you took it that way....basically im just saying keep your chin up!

    sorry quoted the wrong person... i was directing that towards you :]

    Was or wasn't?
  • torygirl79
    torygirl79 Posts: 307 Member
    I used to do this more when I was a teenager: when I was unhappy I ate, when I was happy I could forget about meals entirely. Since I was bullied throughout school I spent rather more of my time unhappy.

    Now I tend to eat more when I am busy and stressed (high pressure job) so I can't claim I am free from mood affected eating. But I don't have unhealthy food in my house, leaving me nothing terrible to snack on when I come back from a 13/ 14 hour or more day exhausted. (which I always found the worst time as I didn't have the energy to cook properly).

    People here and right: the best motivation to lose weight is for yourself, rather than for another person. Excercise is a great way to burn off some of the negativity: feel depressed or angry at men, go to a boxing class, or a run, or even a swim (I find water incredibly calm and relaxing). Even if you're still unhappy afterwards you've burnt off some calories which you can spend on comfort food.
  • Carnivorekat
    Carnivorekat Posts: 370 Member
    I really understand how you are feeling - there is a huge emotional side to eating and people who don't have this problem don't understand it and want to tell you to man up - if it was that easy I wouldn't be 253lbs - it might be worth going and finding a group who you can join in with it doesn't have to be a fitness group sometimes you just need company.

    I am a single mum and it is very hard to get out and meet people and I quite often feel lonely - don't be put off by the people on here who are not understand and just want to bash your thoughts - as far as I was concerned these forums were supposed to be for support not putting someone down for having the bravery to admit their problems

    Give the girl a break people!!!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I used to feel that I would never find the right person and yes, at times, I have turned to food as a comfort. I did find the right person in the end and we have been married now nearly 19 years. Incidentally, we are on this weight loss journey together... she is not on MFP but we do work out together and our daughter loves to go to the gym and swim, so she is learning healthy habits along the way. You are 22 Years old and I am confident that you will find the right someone in due season. I remember the feelings of lonliness and at times it can be paralyzing... Many your age do... I did at your age... I do encourage you, however, to persevere and maintain your fitness... Honestly, it DOES affect how others perceive you (including perspective suitors).... Consider it a way to achieve that goal of lifetime companionship... I will concede that whomever your match is in life should love you for who you are without regard to personal appearance, but let's face it... first impressions go a long way in establishing relationships. You are an attractive young lady. Keep fit and I know that in due season, the companionship you seek will come your way.

    On the other topic of this thread. There are those who may seem to be harsh. I firmly believe that they are not hating on you but rather trying to practice "tough love"... I realize when you are depressed about something, that is the last thing you want to hear... However, their intentions are really the best. They want you to see yourself through this funk and move on with your goals in live... whether it is weight loss or education or whatever...

    Best wishes. Keep the faith. ::happy:
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    My intention wasn't to bash you and im sorry you took it that way....basically im just saying keep your chin up!

    sorry quoted the wrong person... i was directing that towards you :]

    Was or wasn't?

    wasnt sorry lol
  • kindra3434
    kindra3434 Posts: 177 Member
    Hang in there girly....your life is gonna be amazing.
  • TheBakerGirl
    girl, you are 22 years old?! you won't be alone forever, I promise!! Enjoy your time to yourself, you'll be missing it later on in life. Enjoy the freedom to leave makeup and hair products all over your bathroom. Enjoy the freedom to empty everything out of your closet while looking for the perfect outfit. Enjoy the freedom to go to sleep and wake up when you want, not on someone else's schedule. Enjoy time with your friends and getting to go out whenever you want. Being alone doesn't have to be a bad thing, and I promise you won't be alone forever…so make the most of it now!! :happy:

    Add me as a friend if you're looking for more MFP pals!
  • DebbieMc3
    DebbieMc3 Posts: 289 Member
    Never let yourself H.A.L.T
    Hungry, angry, lonely, tired
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    Never let yourself H.A.L.T
    Hungry, angry, lonely, tired

    this i the story of my life...
  • larffy
    larffy Posts: 11
    I know it feels that way sometimes but try your best to take good care of yourself and everything else will fall into place :)
  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 374 Member
    When I was at a very lonely point in my life, I used that time to focus on myself. I walked for an hour every day after work, then did sit ups, push ups, leg lifts, etc, while watching TV. I gave myself manicures and pedicures. I also joined a community choir, so that took up one night each week for rehearsal. Now, 20 years later, I'm married to a wonderful man and have two sons to take care of, and don't regret the time I spent by myself one bit. Enjoy it! Do things for yourself, read books that you like, watch your favorite shows. This time won't last forever!
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Keep your chin up, I know how bad it can be to be so lonely that you get that "why bother" feeling and then it's binge time (no purging) then the hating yourself for doing it starts and you get into a spiral that you can't get out of.

    I'd like to be like every one and give you a happy ending of finding my soulmate and have so many happy years, but I can't I'm almost 40 and still single (not for lack of trying ... okay everybody start the bashing on me now and what must be so wrong with me that I'm still single and can only get to a first date if it's a blind date.)

    I will give you this, that blue lonely feeling will pass, don't get me wrong, it can come back, but I found a great group of friends that will twist my arm to get me out, I found some activities that take my mind off of it for a while, and I have my music that can change my mood when I'm ready.

    Sometimes its like walking outside after a rain storm and seeing how bright the sky is, all of the sudden, you realize the reason your cheeks hurt is because you're smiling again.
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    I'm alone, but not lonely. There's nothing wrong with being alone - I get to work on myself, and make myself happy. I do what I want when I want and I don't answer to anyone else! Maybe changing your outlook a bit will help. You're very young and this is a great opportunity to work on YOU and not worry about anyone else! :laugh: