Help! Family Birthday Meal...

Okay, so this evening we're going to a really expensive fish and chip shop for dinner, and I know the meal will be pretty calorific...
Should I just eat very little now, have a nice meal, then work out for a while when I get home, or miss out on a treat?



  • PHS7
    PHS7 Posts: 213 Member
    Had the same problem yesterday but we were celebrating our anniversary. My plan was to go to the gym and burn some calories and then I went small with my other meals so that when dinner came, I could celebrate. The funny thing was that I couldn't finish everything at dinner (weird for me).

    Enjoy your dinner with your family and do some extra work today or tomorrow.
  • MarincicS
    MarincicS Posts: 265 Member
    For things like this, i tend to save a few calories over the week and make sure i work out that day and the day after. But then i just enjoy my food without going overboard.

    I would suggest to make sure you portion out the chips so you don't overindulge with them. The fish tends to be portioned already. Maybe use lemon or vinegar instead of the tartar sauce - that kind of thing.

    We don't really have good fish and chips where i live, not like when i lived in NZ and that was the standard Friday night in with the family dinner - picked up at the chip shop on the way home from work. Thank goodness too, because that is divine!!

    Good luck and enjoy your family birthday!
  • good2bthaking
    good2bthaking Posts: 325 Member
    I just dealt with same thing. I personally ate a little of everything, including the cake. I believe in living life and I am not gonna deny myself some indulginces because of my weight. I worked out a little harder the next day and oddly, I still lost 2.9 lbs this week anyhow. We gotta live and cheating every now and then is reality. Just my opinion!! Don't beat yourself up!!!
  • rolyh
    rolyh Posts: 51 Member
    Eat thoughtfully, enjoy, and regret nothing
  • kimmisatch
    kimmisatch Posts: 105
    I don't think you should miss out.
    This is about lifestyle, so if you have a nice meal and enjoy your time at this bday then good, and back onto watching what you eat the next day. Eat wisely as you normally would during the day, have a nice meal, and have a great time :)

    A one off isn't going to hurt you as long as you don't go nuts :glasses: and workout as normal. B'days don't happen all the time.
  • angelicasmommy
    angelicasmommy Posts: 303 Member
    For me, I like to burn enough calories during the day that I have extra for indulging. Like this last frieday night I was planning on going out for drinks with friends. I went to the gym befre hand, plus it was nice out that day so I was outside most of the day. I burned enough that I was able to have some drinks and still stayed within my calorie range.