Help - Last 3 weeks failing to lose any weight



  • frankie964
    frankie964 Posts: 41 Member
    Thank you:smile:
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Thanks. Appreciate your feedback. Just looked at the nutrition reports and there is not enough fibre in my diet. Cheers.

    Have a look also at the net calories report, that should be 1500 if that's your goal.
  • frankie964
    frankie964 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks for the constructive feedback. My body fat percentage has dropped from 44% to 33%. I do cardio and strength training, followed by swimming at the gym. Cheers.
  • frankie964
    frankie964 Posts: 41 Member
    I go to the gym 3 days per week and burn off the 600 calories. Thanks for your feedback. appreciated.
  • frankie964
    frankie964 Posts: 41 Member
    If I have'nt lost any more weight in 3 months I will pack this in. Realistically I will see this through
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    change it up....Calories and exercise. Do something new for exercise or zig zag your calories. Up 200 or down 200 if your at the minimum calories you can eat...up it 200 calories
  • frankie964
    frankie964 Posts: 41 Member
    Thats great. Thanks for the feedback and words of encouragement
  • 1DEH
    1DEH Posts: 23
    I think you need to eat more calories.

    Yeah I agree. I think you are a bit on the low side. You're eating 1500 calories a day and then you burn 600, so in a day you have 900 total. I'd aim for 1500 period so if you burn 600 a day, maybe you should try for 2100.

  • frankie964
    frankie964 Posts: 41 Member
    It looks that way does'nt it. In the gym I do cario + strength training , followed by swimming 3 days per week

    if your burning a whooping 600 cals each time then you'll need to up your cals to compensate your high level of activity......I am already upping my calories on the gym days

    Thanks for your fedback. Appreciated
  • frankie964
    frankie964 Posts: 41 Member
    Cheers, Thanks for the advice.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    I went almost 2 months with no loss. and got discouraged until I realized that I was lifting a lot more and took measurements and I was smaller. So I upped my cardio and changed up my diet and started to lose again.
  • jkleon86
    jkleon86 Posts: 245 Member
    Hi all

    I have been on my diet now for 8 weeks and lost 8 pounds in the first 5 weeks. I achieved this by calorie counting and going to the gym.

    For the last 3 weeks I have failed to lose any weight. In addition I have been going to the gym and burning off 600 calories per gym session. My average calorie intake is 1500 per week.

    I just dont understand why I am not losing any weight. At the very least I should be losing 2 pounds per week.

    Has anyone else experienced this and suggestions most welcome.

    Did you eat back your exercise calories? from what I have read on here from other post it is about the right time for the starvation mode to kick in if you are not eating them, just a thought:wink:
  • frankie964
    frankie964 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks for your feedback. That makes sense. Fingers crossed it works for me, eventually:smile:
  • frankie964
    frankie964 Posts: 41 Member
    Sometimes I eat them back, but not always.thank you
  • ecb1990
    ecb1990 Posts: 10
    My weight loss has decreased also. It is very easy to lose weight at the beginning but then your body gets used to the work out and it is more difficult. Perhaps try switching up your work out to trick your muscles and burn more fat. This can be done by including weight training into your work outs (which will also keep your body burning calories even after you finish your work out) or try to change the speed on the treadmill/elliptical if you use those machines. One thing I also started doing was switching chips for cucumbers when I have guacamole, hummus, etc - it is a great way to keep the calories down and is delicious. Hope this helps! Good luck!
  • trout78
    trout78 Posts: 102
    Sometimes when you begin new qym routines and switch things up youeibodies reaction is to be sore (and retain water to protect your muscles) so that could be one reason.
    Also, don't get discouraged..afterall it is not about the number on the scale as much as it is about getting healthier. If you feel the scale is becoming discouraging instead of encouraging, step away from it! Although it may be hard, only weigh yourself once every two weeks at the most. I myself am going to do this for the month of May. Instead of the scale I am going to measure myself at the begining and end of May and gage my successes on that. Good Luck! You will get through this because you are worth it!
  • frankie964
    frankie964 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks for the feedback
  • frankie964
    frankie964 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks for the constructive feedback and advice. I will keep going.
  • frankie964
    frankie964 Posts: 41 Member
    This is great feedback and working out your formula I should set my target to 2000 calories per day.

    Just one question though. Are you basing your formula on me working out 7 days per week?

    Thanks once again
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Here are a few sites you can go to for more information. I recommend the top 2 more as they are more reputable but Oprah does know a bit about dieting (sorry that was funnier in my head).