Ladies, what's in your purse!?!?



  • HWeatherholt
    HWeatherholt Posts: 283 Member
    I don't normally carry a purse for that reasons.

    But, when I do, it will contain. . .my wallet, my checkbook, my glasses, my cell phone, my ipad, my journal, a pen, my portable hard drive, my digital camera, a small bottle of aspirn/aleve/whatever pain meds I bought last, a few pieces of paper with notes or something on them that I was saving, and maybe some face powder.

    I try to keep it all organized. My purse isn't that big, but I can arrange it in a way that it all fits and I don't usually have to go digging for anything.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    My wallet stuffed with a ton of cards and cash, my planner, ink pens, check book, lip gloss, lighters, pain pills and finger nail clippers.... rather boring. lol
  • usc2626
    usc2626 Posts: 186
    I call my wife's purse "the black hole", you might lose your hand looking for soemthing in it. :smile:
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I have a BIG hobo bag with lots of stuff in it, including a smaller purse for when I don't want to drag the hobo bag around with me. The small purse has just enough room for my wallet, keys and cell phone (There is a pen and a tampax in the zipper pocket, too). Besides the small purse, I have a makeup bag, an Ipod bag with chargers and ear buds, a kindle bag with light and charger, an arm brace for carpel tunnel, reading glasses in a case, a pack of kleenex, a tiny umbrella, a little notepad and a pen. In the zipper pocket, tampax, pens, and hair ties. My keys go in one end pocket and my cell phone goes in the other end pocket. This system works great! I do similar with my gym bag, which is a big Pink Victoria Secret hobo bag.
  • MzFreeSpirited
    Bills that I just paid through online banking, keys, hand sanitizer, 3 tubes of lip gloss, wallet – checkcard, id, receipts, mentos gum, tea tree chewing sticks, smoking withdrawal tabs, lotion, cell phone charger, probiotic pills, check book, mio energy green thunder..I guess some of this stuff I could probably take out.. hmm.. lol
  • Cat_from_Chicago
    Cat_from_Chicago Posts: 95 Member
    What isn't is a better question?

    • Wallet for credit, debit, cash etc.
    • Wallet for coupons
    • Hello Kitty Day planner
    • A handful of Halls (citrus)
    • Black Candy Apple Hand lotion (Bath & Body Works)
    • Eucerin Advanced therapy
    • Ambi Face lotion
    • Mac lip gloss
    • (Bath & Body Works) Hand sanitizer
    • Nail polish
    • Full size toothbrush
    • Sensitive Toothpaste
    • Dental Floss
    • Comb
    • Hair pins
    • Two packs of gum
    • Eyeglass case
    • Eye drops
    • Deodorant
    • Pain pills
    • Sanitary items (tampons, wipes, etc.)
    • My keys
    • Pepperspray
    • Small notebook
    • Pens (red & blk)

    And this is my small purse, can you imagine my big purse?
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I downsized a couple of years ago after nearly putting my back out lugging around matchbox cars, drinks and snacks for 3 kids and a big water bottle for me. Now I tell my kids they are old enough that if they might need it, they need to bring it themselves. My purse is very small but it's amazing how much fits inside if I pack it right!
    Right now I have a small water bottle, my wallet, two lip glosses & 3 chapsticks, bottle of ibuprofen, tissue pack, poison ivy
    cream (my son and daughter always have poison ivy!!), two partial packs of gum (ok, I guess I do carry half this stuff for my kids since I never chew their fruity flavors), bulletin from church yesterday, bottle of allergy meds, small hand sanitizer, cough drops, pens, a couple receipts, small pillbox with extra meds incase I go somewhere and forget to take mine before I go, tweezers, nail clippers, small multitool, bobby pin, friend's extra key incase they lock themself out, pantiliners, bandaids. Wow, it's amazing how much you can cram in a small purse!
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    I love this thread :-)

    What DOESN'T my purse have in it?

    - keys
    - iPhone
    - tampons
    - wallet
    - old driver's licenses
    - random loose scattered change
    - used iTunes card
    - Bingo dabber
    - mints
    - body spray
    - 3 different lip glosses (even though i hardly wear them)
    - chapstick
    - random receipts
    - advil
    - 2 pens
    - elastic bands
  • IdRatherBeReading
    IdRatherBeReading Posts: 96 Member
    A book

    Because that time of the month is the ONLY time I carry a purse, lol. Phone, back left pocket. Money, DL, debit card, back right pocket. Keys, front pocket. No need for a purse. ;)
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Two combs
    Face powder
    Three lipglosses
    A bag from Ardene's
    Two nose rings
    A microfiber cloth
    Blush brush
    Cheque book
    Grocery list
    Bus schedule
    Gift cards
    Lint roller
    Nail file
    Rice Krispies Squares wrapper
    My inhaler
    Hand sanitizer
    A pen
    A random estimate
    A hair clip

    A girl needs to be prepared.
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,677 Member
    A water bottle


    4 lip gloss / chaps sticks

    3 sour apple blow pops

    a package of peanuts

    a tiny baby bottle

    a bottle of ZOMGSmells "Sugar Dragon" perfume oil

    several plastic shopping bags shoved in a cardboard toilet paper tube

    a spare set of gauges

    a multi-tool

    a squirrel
  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    Ladies we are all very busy and on the go. It's seems my purse is the dumping ground for everything. Today it was feeling really heavy so I decided to clean it out. Here are just a few of the things it contained: a bottle of water, an empty baby bottle (yes my 2yr old is still on the bottle at times, smh), a sand shovel (guess the 2yr old put that in there too), hand sanitizer, a change purse full of change, and get this my husband's wallet!?!? Seriously am I the only one who has this problem????

    Yours sounds a lot like mine. I have my wallet, cell phone, 7 lipglosses, perfume, body spray, hand lotion, sunglasses, a top (my son's prize from school, though he prefers to call it a dreidel even though we aren't Jewish :ohwell: ), 2 packs of fruit snacks, mouthwash, hand sanitizer, gum, 3 stickers, a ringpop and a sippy cup.
  • Vermilla
    Vermilla Posts: 348
    You can tell a lot by a woman by what's in their purse.

    My mom always has IOU's and game cards, video games, gum, snacks, batteries and the like in her purse. She has two teenage boys living with her still.

    A friend of mine has a jewelled wallet, several compacts, around fourteen shades of lipstick, dozens of other makeup items, at least seven bottles of pills (I've had to sort through them for her many times) and several unpaid traffic tickets. I don't need to explain her.

    As for me, I've got my wallet, changepurse, foundation, pedometer, gum, handi wipes, tissues, bandaides, napkins, anti-bacterial soap, emergency gummies, cell phone, and ipod. Somerimes I find candy trash, small toys, or wilting flowers in there. I have a toddler.
  • Vermilla
    Vermilla Posts: 348

    a squirrel

  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Wallet, tampons, keys, sunglasses, hand sanitizer, lotion, chapstick, hair elastics, napkins, wet wipes, granola bar, fruit snacks, hot wheels, a bubble wand, a bajillion pens, sharpies and whiteboard pens, a rubber duckie, a green lantern magnet, and a bouncy ball. Deodorant and unused pedometer in the zipper pocket. And my purse isn't very big.
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    My family calls my purse The Black Hole of Calcutta, but whenever anyone needs something, I usually have charger, bandaids, pharmaceuticals, lotion, pocket knife, mini screwdriver set, headlamp, sunscreen, deck of cards, kleenex, sewing kit, gum, water bottle, camera...I'm tired.
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    My wallet, my card holder (that I can grab out and go), bag of lipgloss, body spray, planner, notebook, pens, 3 things of mints, Avon catalogs and order forms, my business cards, checkbook, perfume, and a cookbook with recipe cards from a Pampered Chef show I went to over the weekend and forgot I had.
  • pilotgirl2007
    pilotgirl2007 Posts: 368 Member

    a squirrel


    My dog would be happy to take care of the squirrel situation

    They only thing in mine, other than a variety of plastic, is a box of crayons. Which I find funny because I don't have any kids! But I have them there for when my niece comes over : )
  • NSQuintana
    NSQuintana Posts: 207
    MY LIFE.
  • Toxictwist
    Toxictwist Posts: 274
    wallet, gum, lip gloss, protein bar, keys & iPhone